作者danerd (danerd)
标题Re: [问题] NYU Summer Start program interview
时间Thu Feb 9 11:40:09 2012
The summer start interview invite is an official internview. Congratulations!
However, despite how the official statement is being vaguely phrased, a
summer start offer is not really "optional".
If you do get a summer start offer but expressed a strong desire to start
in fall, the admissions will tell you that they will have to evaluate you
together with the fall start candidates, which pretty much implies that
you will NOT get in if you decline your summer start offer.
I strongly advise that you take the summer start offer as a lot of my
classmates who went through summer start had great experiences.
Good luck!
※ 引述《page1009 (无)》之铭言:
: 请问一下,我刚刚收到interview for Stern Summer Start program,
: 有点搞不太懂,
: 1. 这是正式的interview吗?然後顺便询问summer start program的意愿?
: 2. website说这是由admission单方面决定是否邀请申请人进入这个program,通常受邀对
: 象是国际学生吗?虽然website上写"students whose communication skills and leadership potential are key
: strengths",但是觉得好像是针对这方面比较不足的学生进行补强?
: 3. email也提到如果对此program没兴趣,仍可remain in Fall admission,请问版上有人可以经验分
: 享的吗?
: 谢谢大家的回覆
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