作者ClearAdmit (ClearAdmit)
标题Re: [问题] 怎麽定义自己所属的产业?
时间Tue Aug 30 13:33:33 2011
※ 引述《charterchar (charterchar)》之铭言:
: 如果我前份工作待很久(marketing), 才刚换目前工作(finance)
: 自我介绍时我要把自己分类成 marketing背景 or finance背景呢?
If you recently switched to a finance job, then you need to argue in your
applications that this switch is important for your future career goals - if not,
admissions officers will wonder why you bothered to make the switch after
working in marketing for so many years. In other words, your future career
goals need to involve finance, either as a function or as an industry (to
answer another question, both marketing and finance can be either a function
or an industry).
I would need to know more details about your career switch (e.g. what sort of
marketing career did you have/what kind of finance career do you have now) to
help you craft a more coherent story. But, one strategy may be to say that
in the future, you want to work in brand management/marketing within the
finance industry (if the experiences you have so far would support this goal).
Hope this helps! Good luck.
Kevin Chen
Clear Admit
[email protected]
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 charterchar:Thanks a lot!! 08/31 03:27
2F:→ ClearAdmit:You're welcome! Good luck! 08/31 10:18