作者ClearAdmit (ClearAdmit)
标题Re: [问题] 请问我托福还要再考吗?
时间Sun Aug 28 00:35:16 2011
※ 引述《askMBA (PTT_MBA)》之铭言:
: 我去年托福是105分, speaking是22分,
: 然後申请了一些Top15的MBA, waitlist了几间,
: 但是最後都没有备上, 所以今年还要再申请一次.
: 那因为有一些MBA program建议听说读写都要超过25分,
: 而且waitlist没上後也有adcom给feedback说托福speaking能超过25是最好,
: 所以我这个月又考了一次.
: 刚刚看成绩出来了, 108分, 但是speaking还是只有22!
: 所以想请问要不要为了考高speaking再考一次呢?
: speaking超不超过25对申请的差别在哪? 谢谢.
It definitely would be better if you can retake the TOEFL and try to get a higher score on the one section. But, this also depends on whether you can demonstrate alternative evidence of your English-speaking ability elsewhere in your application. For example, do you work in a multi-national environment in which you need to use English to communicate with colleagues and/or clients? The adcoms evaluate the TOEFL score within the context of everything else in your application.
Kevin Chen
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