排名参考看看就好(真的) 资讯出处: Index: Rank, College name, Tuition & Fees, Enrollment (full-time), Average undergraduate GPA, Average GMAT score, Acceptance rate, Average starting salary and bonus, Full-time graduates employed at graduation #1 Stanford University Stanford, CA Full-time: $53,118 per year 799 3.69 728 6.8% $131,949 75.8% #2 Harvard University Boston, MA Full-time: $48,600 per year 1,840 3.67 724 11.2% $131,759 78.6% #3 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan) Cambridge, MA Full-time: $50,353 per year 797 3.57 718 13.0% $125,905 75.6% #3 University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) Philadelphia, PA Full-time: $48,550 per year 1,687 3.50 718 16.8% $132,579 72.5% #5 Northwestern University (Kellogg) Evanston, IL Full-time: $51,495 per year 1,280 3.52 714 19.9% $123,996 75.2% #5 University of Chicago (Booth) Chicago, IL Full-time: $50,900 per year 1,177 3.52 715 22.3% $126,779 75.8% #7 Dartmouth College (Tuck) Hanover, NH Full-time: $50,700 per year 537 3.50 716 20.3% $128,013 80.0% #7 University of California--Berkeley (Haas) Berkeley, CA In-state, full-time: $41,680 per year; Out-of-state, full-time: $49,647 per year 497 3.63 718 11.6% $120,164 64.9% #9 Columbia University New York, NY Full-time: $53,208 per year 1,291 3.50 712 15.3% $123,486 67.2% #10 New York University (Stern) New York, NY Full-time: $44,400 per year 807 3.42 715 13.2% $121,867 73.7% #10 Yale University New Haven, CT Full-time: $49,900 per year 465 3.52 722 17.3% $113,226 64.1% #12 Duke University (Fuqua) Durham, NC Full-time: $47,960 per year 901 3.40 697 23.7% $118,923 63.6% #13 University of Virginia (Darden) Charlottesville, VA In-state, full-time: $42,173 per year; Out-of-state, full-time: $46,500 per year 649 3.41 699 26.3% $119,278 69.0% #14 University of California--Los Angeles (Anderson) Los Angeles, CA In-state, full-time: $40,983 per year; Out-of-state, full-time: $48,927 per year 729 3.53 710 29.0% $108,806 54.2% #14 University of Michigan--Ann Arbor (Ross) Ann Arbor, MI In-state, full-time: $45,000 per year; Out-of-state, full-time: $50,000 per year 961 3.40 704 25.4% $116,201 59.8% #16 Cornell University (Johnson) Ithaca, NY Full-time: $49,272 per year 549 3.25 687 23.4% $112,039 66.8% #17 University of Texas--Austin (McCombs) Austin, TX In-state, full-time: $30,128 per year; Out-of-state, full-time: $45,128 per year 537 3.43 684 24.0% $108,886 64.8% #18 Carnegie Mellon University (Tepper) Pittsburgh, PA Full-time: $52,500 per year 404 3.23 694 27.5% $106,066 69.7% #19 University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill (Kenan-Flagler) Chapel Hill, NC In-state, full-time: $21,475 per year; Out-of-state, full-time: $43,599 per year 585 3.30 686 36.1% $111,327 60.3% #20 Washington University in St. Louis (Olin) St. Louis, MO Full-time: $44,300 per year 303 3.48 695 28.6% $90,767 61.0% #21 University of Minnesota--Twin Cities (Carlson) Minneapolis, MN In-state, full-time: $28,896 per year; Out-of-state, full-time: $41,144 per year 170 3.50 694 30.3% $97,298 63.0% #21 University of Southern California (Marshall) Los Angeles, CA Full-time: $44,917 per year 460 3.30 690 22.0% $101,810 53.6% #23 Emory University (Goizueta) Atlanta, GA Full-time: $42,400 per year 337 3.34 680 33.3% $100,300 57.2% #23 Indiana University--Bloomington (Kelley) Bloomington, IN In-state, full-time: $24,478 per year; Out-of-state, full-time: $43,460 per year 455 3.31 664 41.7% $101,206 70.1% #25 Georgetown University (McDonough) Washington, DC Full-time: $45,984 per year 508 3.37 684 42.5% $103,676 58.0% --

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1F:→ danerd:ㄜ~请教一下要怎麽样让长的url link不要断掉? 03/15 11:12
2F:推 gooderr: 用这个缩网址!! 03/15 11:16
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3F:→ danerd:用http://bit.ly修好了 ^_^ 03/15 11:21
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