作者szuisung (babyfat)
标题Re: [问题] 家族企业 vs 小外商 的工作选择
时间Thu Mar 10 00:10:24 2011
所有top MBA对於有family business一定是加分的, 绝不会hurt.....
因为MBA都要比毕业生就业率的, 有family business 就是保证这个毕业生一定有头路
然後闲暇时帮家里做一两个project ( 有没有真的做...恩自由心证罗)
正职之外, 履历上写...ex...managed family fund of XXXX million
※ 引述《danerd (danerd)》之铭言:
: 相似了话题我在chasedream有发表过个人意见:
: http://forum.chasedream.com/North_American_MBA/thread-518677-2-1.html
: It depends. If your family business is just one of those unknown small, medium sized ones in China/HK/Taiwan or India, then unfortunately, it will actually hurt your application. Why? Because it's really hard to benchmark you against all the other strong candidates who have impressive blue chip backgrounds (finance, consulting, CPG, etc.) Yes, you can present as much management and entrepreneurial skills as you can in your essays and resume. However, at the end of the day, schools will have to take your
: word and make a bet on you. That's a challenging risk that they have to take when there's another proven Fortune 500, Big 4 candidate's application lying beside yours.
: If your family business is very well known, like Taiwan's 辜家, 蔡家, HK's 李家 or Donald Trump in the U.S., then you'll have a huge leg up even against the Goldman bankers and McKinsey consultants. Think about it, do business schools want alums who are guaranteed to be the future CEO of a well known family business or someone who probably would only go as far as becoming partner of a bulge bracket finance firm or M/B/B consulting firm. It's all about getting as much potential future leaders as possible
: for bragging rights, whether it's a Saudi prince or silver spoon fed legacy kid. If you're self-made, then better off if you're a blue chip applicant or one of those at least moderately successful entrepreneurs or a non-traditional (dancers, athletes, U.S. miltary, etc).
: ※ 引述《z284184 (期货高手)》之铭言:
: : (代PO)
: : 请问各位前辈,就你们所见到、听到的种种经验而言,
: : 假设有 家族企业 和 外商管顾 这两种工作可以选的话,
: : 请问哪一种对申请top 20比较好呢?
: : 我知道这样问有点笼统,
: : 讲细致一点,
: : 假设家族企业只是一家没上市的小公司,内部没明确的制度,
: : 虽是台商,但工作地点是在国外(东南亚),工作几年後也算有国际经验(虽非英语环境)。
: : 而外商管顾的话并 不是 顶级一流的公司(麦肯锡之类的太难进了)
: : 是比较小一点的,工作地点应也是以台湾为主。
: : ------
: : 对於进小外商,我想到的分析:
: : 1)会不会因为进的不是大外商,所以在未来申请的时候,
: : 就被同年度大外商的申请者压过去了?
: : 2)是和国际人士互动,英语工作环境,发展前景很好。
: : 家族企业的分析:
: : 1)并不有名於国际(甚至国内也不一定有人听过),且非英语工作环境
: : 未来申请时会不会因为这样而吃亏?
: : 2)优点是人可在东南亚各国工作,背景而言算满特殊的,
: : 也可以比较看到管理高层的层面,有差异性优势。
: : 请问可以选择的话,不知道前辈会怎麽选呢?
: : 哪个对於几年後抢 top 20 机率比较大?
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 z284184:谢谢您的宝贵建议!真的非常感谢^^ 03/10 00:25
2F:推 mk2:这个够实际.赞一个 03/10 00:52
3F:推 courant:纯推~~ 03/10 01:18
4F:推 chernhuang:操作 familiy fund 可以写? 需多少金额? 03/10 09:03
5F:推 shoop:XXXX million 03/10 11:58
6F:推 airturtle23:很有策略的作法.要记得正业要顾好,心有余力再处理家业 03/10 17:52
7F:→ airturtle23:若是反过来也一样,因为还是有风险在,不要让审委觉得左 03/10 17:53
8F:→ airturtle23:右摇摆.顶多心有余力点缀一下即可,不然可能两头空.四 03/10 17:54
9F:→ airturtle23:楼问了个好问题,尤其美金看起来都很小,那是因为我们习 03/10 17:57
10F:→ airturtle23:惯台币大数字.其实重点不是在金额,而是这金额产生什麽 03/10 17:58
11F:→ airturtle23:impact.重点是在申请人的资金运用效能与开创性. 03/10 18:00
12F:→ szuisung:实际是一定的阿, 毕业小久了....哈哈哈 03/10 19:44
13F:→ szuisung:提醒一下要搞这招家里生意的大小跟员工数跟赚钱方式 03/10 19:46
14F:→ szuisung:要倒背如流, 如果连ANNUAL REVENUE多少都迟疑那会反效果 03/10 19:47