作者Lu31TW (Sunshine California)
标题[自介] Lu31tw Kellogg MBA class'12
时间Fri Feb 11 08:01:28 2011
1. ID: Lu31tw
2. Current Status: Current Student
3. Schools Applied: Kellogg, you can also find my introduction in FormosaMBA
4. Pre-MBA Work Experience: 1.5 years compulsory military service
0.5 year internationalshipping company
3.5 years Big four tax consulting
5. Post-MBA Work Experience: N/A
6. GMAT/ TOEFL/ GPA: (optional):
GMAT:720/TOEFL:108/Under GPA2.64
7. What information you are interested to know in this board?
2).Applicants who are interested in Kellogg, feel free to send your
questions to me. I will try my best to reply or find others who can
give you an appropriate answer.
8. Others: Even though Kellogg doesn't have a strong brand name in certain
professional area in Asia, I really received helpful advice and
concrete helps from the alum network. That's what I like Kellogg
the most; we are just like a close family.
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 编辑: Lu31TW 来自: (02/11 08:03)
1F:推 wayshawn:原PO超帅的,大推 02/11 08:29
2F:推 Raistlin:大推原po好青年 :) 02/11 10:41
3F:推 shoop:欢迎原PO. 以後有Kellogg的问题大家就有人可以问了!! 02/11 21:07
4F:推 manchin:阿汤哥不推不行阿~~ 学习的榜样!!! 02/11 21:54
5F:推 tootoobenee:呵呵~~MBA申请速成的典范~ 02/12 17:09