作者danerd (danerd)
标题Re: [困扰] part-time MBA
时间Sat Feb 5 08:15:28 2011
※ 引述《chadsel (death penalty...)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《eileen0719 (No pain, no pay.)》之铭言:
: : 谢谢你提供相关的资讯,这样看来夜间上课的品质应该是不太好的
: : 本来是考虑要不要等其他间的结果,不过3月底就要注册,必须尽快做出决定
: : 而且我的托福成绩并不高(84),恐怕其他间也是凶多吉少XD
: : 这间是我的保底学校,不过也是我最了解的学校......
: : 现在很挣扎要不要等其他间公布结果.....
: 恕删
: 我倒是不这麽认为
: part-time通常学生工作经验比较多
: 念MBA同侪之间的经验交流是非常重要的一部分
: 一些regular MBA大部分都是两年四年工作经验
: 谈到case study你能想说他们能有什麽经验可以分享
: 而且找工作也要靠人际关系网路 同学位阶比较高 又都在工作
: 你要找到工作的机会 会比一般regular多了一个管道
: 至於学习环境跟资源方面 这真的跟学校的政策有很大的关系
: 我记得以前Stern part-time比full-time强多了阿,我不是Stern的
: 我只是看到那时候的排名
: 佳所
I think chadsel raised a lot of good valid points on how experienced peers
can add more depth to the peer learning experience.
However, I think he is talking about an executive MBA program, which is
different from a part-time MBA program. Here's a comparison:
1. You get an EMBA degree instead of MBA
2. Your peers are mostly accomplished individuals with 10+ years of experience,
some of which are C-level executives.
3. Think of it as an exclusive club where people there network not for the sake
of finding jobs, but for the sake of forging partnerships and making deals
1. You get an MBA degree just like FT MBA
2. The average age of the class is only 2-3 years older than full time. Why?
Because ibankers, consultants, traditional feeders of FT MBAs, typically
apply to full time MBA programs after 2-3 years working. This contributes
to why the average age for FT MBAs are just slightly younger than PT MBAs,
in which the class makeup consists of people from industry where promotion
to leadership roles can take longer. In any case, just because PT MBA
students are "slightly" older, it doesn't mean that you have a leg up in
terms of classroom experience and recruiting resources.
Stern's part time MBA ranking is consistently top 1-2 compared to OTHER PART
TIME PROGRAMS, while Stern's full time MBA ranking is just around the cut
of top 10 FULL TIME PROGRAMS. Keep in mind that top schools such as Harvard,
Standford, Wharton, Columbia, etc do not have part time programs
(yes, they have EMBAs). Regardless though, comparing part time and full time
rankings is like comparing apples to oranges. I have never seen any publication
ranking full time and part time together. It just doesn't make sense.
Reasons people go for part time MBAs:
1. Your company will sponsor you and you plan on coming back to the same
2. You plan on staying in the same function, if not, same industry post-MBA
3. You do not want to quit your job for career/financial reasons.
Since eileen mentioned that she plans to quit her job, come to the US (assuming
no work visa), and potentially get into finance with a non-finance background.
I really don't think a part time MBA, especially one that does not have a
strong brand name will help her at all. As a matter of fact, I think given
her financial situation I think pursuing that path can only hurt her more and
make her regret the experience.
Yes, I totally agree that the professors, courses, classrooms are all shared
among FT, PT and EMBA students. In that dimension, the quality is the same,
if not, insignificanlly different. BUT, the networking, peer learning
experience, and post MBA career prospects are far more important
in evaluating the returns of an MBA investment(A HUGE ONE).
My suggestion to eileen is to boost your TOEFL to 100+. Really, you'd be
surprised on how much of a difference a 100+ TOEFL can do for someone who
is initially only targetting top 50 PT MBA programs. Suddenly, even top 30 FT
programs might be within your reach.
Utimately, I think people here can provide more detailed suggestions if you
can elaborate more about your background, why MBA and what your goals are.
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※ 编辑: danerd 来自: (02/05 08:17)
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