作者wicl (莉莉安)
标题[自介] MBA版自介 (wicl)
时间Wed Feb 2 03:10:49 2011
1. ID: wicl (Lillian)
2. Current Status: Applicant
3. Schools Applied: Wharton/Kellogg/Duke/Stanford/UCLA
NYU/Columbia/USC/U Michigan/UC Berkeley
(除了Berkeley是R3以外 其余皆为R2)
4. Pre-MBA Work Experience: 33.5 months in IT industry
5. Post-MBA Work Experience: None
6. GMAT/ TOEFL/ GPA: 690 (2010/09/07 V33 Q50 6.0)->730 (2010/11/08 V38 Q50 5.5)
112 (R30 L28 S26 W28)
89.52 from NTU DFLL
7. What information you are interested to know in this board?
Keep in touch with MBAs & applicants. MBA/post-MBA experience sharing.
8. Others:
I am still waiting for any upcoming updates.
Let's keep each other posted if any news!
All this waiting is realy killing me >"<
Good luck to all!!!! :D
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 walleyekneee:推~ 02/02 17:23
2F:推 smallwo:哇 你是辞职准备吗 好杀喔 丢这麽多 02/02 19:28
3F:→ wicl:完全进入不成功就成仁的赌鬼模式 XDDD 02/02 20:22
4F:推 shoop:什麽是DFLL? 02/02 20:26
5F:推 shoop:现在大家的GMAT都好高 -_- 02/02 20:27
6F:推 MonkMaxwell:6.0和5.5太可怕了 02/02 22:45
7F:推 smallwo:外文系的捏 02/03 00:02
8F:推 greatjessica:太厉害了!6与5.5! 02/03 14:36