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原文: Introduction Since release, Nocturne has been with the top tiers of champions and remains a extremely strong pick months after his release. The reason for this guide is that out of all of my guides, my Nocturne one became more dated as I learned better routes and builds for the current meta. Not to mention that Nocturne has received quite a few nerfs since the guide was released which meant that it was far more difficult to pull off my route (you had to wait 5 seconds after a certain camp to have your potion heal before you can move on) in order to do it. Therefore this guide will show how I currently play Nocturne. 自从释出以来,夜曲一直是个名列前矛的英雄而且是个极端强大的选择。写这篇教学的理 由是,相较於我其它的教学文,夜曲的已经有点旧,而且我学到在现今的环境下更好的打 野路线跟出装。不难注意到在我发那篇教学文之後,夜曲已经被nerf了几次,这代表过去 的路线不是那麽的好用。因此这篇文章将会告诉你我现在怎麽玩夜曲。 Masteries Because of the damage nerfs on Nocturne, I've had to change up some masteries in order to compensate for the decreased damage and slowing of Nocturne's jungle route. I've found 16-0-14 to be one of the more optimal mastery settings as you don't lose much from not going all the way in utility or offense trees. The points in offensive tree are to give Nocturne additional damage, especially early on where he needs to be quick to kill camps and do a full route with either rune page. The extra points to get to 21 tend to not help in this regard as you'd have to either spend them on crit damage or cooldown which both aren't very useful in early game jungling. In utility we end at upgraded flash as we don't need the movespeed bonus due to duskbringer giving a significant amount and while the cooldown reduction and summoner spell cooldown reduction are good, we can't afford to remove points from the offense 因为夜曲能造成的伤害被nerf,我必须改变一些天赋点数以补强被减弱的输出及被拖慢的 打野速度。我发现16/0/14配置会是最可行的,你可以在共通跟攻击天赋下取得最好的平 衡。 攻击天赋的点数给予夜曲额外的伤害,特别是早期不管使用哪一页符文,夜曲都需要快速 的清野怪。如果选择一项点到21的话,暴伤跟冷却在早期对打野没有甚麽用,并不太有效 益。 在共通天赋下我最後点到闪现强化,我们不需要额外的3%跑速,因为黄昏途径已经给你显 着的增益,而且虽然冷却时间减免跟招换者技能时间减免很棒,把攻击天赋的点数拿掉还 是很伤。 Runes 两种选择: Early Gank: 红物穿*6 红攻速*3 黄物防*9 蓝攻速*9 紫物穿*3 20物穿,13护甲,11%攻速 快速上六(7分): 红物穿*9 黄闪避/物防*9 蓝固定魔抗*9 紫物穿*3 25物穿,6.8%闪避/13护甲,13魔防 前者让你早期能够打得很侵略,後者让你中晚期也很强。 Summoner Spells 招换者技能:重击+闪现 Smite for the standard reasons in that it's a ranged powerhouse true damage skill that makes stealing/counterstealing your expensive minions/neutrals much harder. Off the top of my head the only spells that can effectively outdamage it to take your buff/dragon/baron not done in perfect combination are: 1.Enemy Smite 2.High Level Alpha Strike Proc 3. Feast and Consume 4. Extremely fed carry with a raw damage ultimate (think Ezreal or Lux etc) 基本上带重击是因为他是一个远距离的对野怪真实伤害技能,它让敌人偷走/反偷你重要 野怪的难度增加。在我的认知里,如果你的团队没有搭配好,最有可能会偷走你buff/龙/ 巴龙的技能有: 1. 敌人的重击 2. 高等级的阿尔法突击 3. cho的ult跟nunu的Q 4. 有高伤害ult又超肥的Carry(像ez跟lux) Out of all of these, 1 relies on chance, 1 relies on the champion being melee range, 1 relies on being fed on a select champion and the 4th is a smite. Having smite effectively stops random enemies from harassing you all day in the jungle as their champion could have a spell that is higher damage than your highest damaging spell which means they could easily take every single minion of yours as their lasthits will occur earlier. 让我们来看看这些技能,一个靠运气,一个要近身,一个要超肥而且英雄要对,剩下的那 个就是重击。当你有重击时能够有效率的阻止拥有比你还高的技能伤害的对手整天跑来将 狗区乱你而轻松的干走你的野怪。 Smite also makes other camps easier as you have the ability to kill camps that you normally couldn't do without dying because you have a extra 600 damage nuke to finish it quicker. 重击也让打野更简单,因为你有一个600+伤害的技能来秒野怪而让你减少fail的机会。 Flash op,搭配你的每一招都很有用。 技能介绍复制自台服官网: 热键:Q 黄昏渠道 夜曲掷出影之刃,造成 60/105/150/195/240 (+0.75 额外物攻) 物理伤害,并且留下闇 影轨迹 5 秒钟。被击中的敌方英雄同时也会留下闇影轨迹。 当位於轨迹上面时,夜曲可忽略任何单位的撞击并获得 15/20/25/30/35% 的跑速加成和 15/25/35/45/55 的物理攻击加成。 消耗:60/65/70/75/80 魔力 冷却:10 秒 射程:1200 这个技能不管从哪方面来说对夜曲都非常重要,它让你制造大量物理伤害、清兵、追击跟 逃跑。走在上面GANK人非常致命,跑速增益以及在早期几乎接近50%的AD增幅,搭上鬼刀 让夜曲没啥物理装备扁人都很痛。 热键:W 夜幕庇护 被动:夜曲获得 20/25/30/35/40% 的攻击速度加成。 主动:夜曲建立一层魔法护盾 2 秒钟,能够阻挡单次敌方魔法攻击。如果成功阻挡一次 魔法攻击,则夜曲的被动攻击速度加成加倍,持续 5 秒钟。 消耗:50 魔力 冷却:20/18/16/14/12 秒 射程:1 一个能让夜曲活更久以及开启GANK的技能,就算只点1都很好用。在GANK期间善用这招能 让你避免因被CC而让人头跑掉。它的被动攻速增加就算没有档到人也非常好用。在吃巴龙 时可以用这招档他的普攻加速清掉巴龙。 热键:E 深宵断魂 夜曲植入噩梦到目标的心中,造成 50/100/150/200/250 (+1魔攻) 魔法伤害,持续时间 2 秒钟。如果夜曲在技能持续时间内,都待在目标周围距离 550 内的位置,目标会被恐 惧 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 秒钟。 消耗:60/65/70/75/80 魔力 冷却:15/14/13/12/11 秒 射程:475 另一个夜曲吃饭用的GANK技能,也是他唯一的控场技。这招在单挑时非常受用,在GANK时 也通常能逼掉对方闪现。我会在点满Q後先点满这招。 热键:R 无尽梦魇 夜曲减少所有敌方英雄的视野,并且切断敌军之间的视野连结,持续时间 4 秒钟。 当无尽梦魇启动後,夜曲可以冲向一名敌方英雄,造成 150/250/350 (+1.2 额外物攻)物 理伤害。 消耗:100 魔力 冷却:160/130/100 秒 射程:2000/2750/3500 游戏中最强的ULT之一,它让夜曲上六後成为游戏中最强的GANKER,跟TF和潘森不同之处 在於,它不需要引导时间,而唯一需要注意的就是不能在冲出去之前失去视野。这个技能 一开常常能得到一杀、档视线,或至少逼掉一些招换者技能。 被动 闇影幽刃 夜曲的攻击每 10 秒就会袭击周遭的敌人,造成 120% 的物理伤害,并且回复 15/20/ 25 x 攻击目标数的生命值。 夜曲的基本攻击可以减少其冷却时间 1 秒钟。 看起来很弱,但实际上很好用。固定20%的增伤很多而且这是AOE伤害,搭配Q你可以很快 的清掉一波兵。也给你在打野怪时治疗自己的能力。在刷怪前记得桥好位子才能补到最多 血。 技能点法: Q->E->Q->W (Level 2 gank ) Q->W->E->Q (Level 3 gank ) Q->W->Q->E (Level 4 gank ) Item Builds Starting off with cloth/5 potions is how I open now due to the damage nerfs, I either attempt a full clear or a double golem start with this (potions carry on over to the 2nd runthrough) as a vamp scepter would leave me dead or forced to waste time for natural regen to kick in. 起手布甲5水是我现在面对伤害NERF後的调整,我尝试过带吸血杖清一次双石头人起手路 线,我血量会很低而且要浪费时间在等回血。 At the first buyback, boots are what I usually get due to the fact you want to be moving between camps fast to not lose time and ganking is easier with the additional movespeed. Since you'll be roaming between camps or lanes, it is more effective than straight up buying a madred's razor as you likely won't be high enough level to kill dragon quickly until you farmed enough money for both madred's and boots of speed. Ward occasionally to help out the team while finishing Wriggles which is very helpful for Nocturne as likely you'll be done buying potions from this point on and relying on lifestealing/healing from physical attacks. 第一次回买,我通常会买鞋子,因为你需要跑速在尽快的在野区间移动避免浪费时间,而 这也会让你GANK容易些。当你在两线间游走时,出鞋子会比你直冲红爪有效益,因为你并 没有足够的等级能快速吃龙。眼直到游戏结束前对团队都相当有用,因此合出灯笼对夜曲 来说非常有帮助,而你也可以因此不用再买水。 After I get enough gold, I still do my old build of HoG, Avarice Blade and level 2 boots due to the fact with Wriggle's alone I can deal nice damage and those 2 gold per 10 items will be built into items I find extremely valuable on Nocturne anyway so it'll be a good subsidy towards the final product. Level 2 boots are gotten after so I can have as much time as possible with these two gold per 10 items and from there I get ghostblade in order to have heavy damage mid game before the enemy is able to deal sufficient damage to harm Nocturne past his spell block shield. 当我赚到足够的钱,我还是会照老样子买龟壳跟跳钱刀,再把鞋子升级。有了灯笼之後我 就可以制造不错的伤害,而且这两样跳钱装在晚期都可以合出对夜曲很有帮助的装备。出 完二速鞋後我会合出鬼刀以在对手能痛扁夜曲前制造大量伤害。 Later I usually build Warmog's now due to the fact it's durable against everything and I tend to farm a ton if there is no action on the map due to opponents playing cautious and stalling out games. In terms of stats, a full warmog's is among the best and because it is raw health rather than armor or magic resist, it's a great defensive item for all damage types including true damage. Usually I follow up with atma's impaler or a magic resist item as a Nocturne that can do huge dmg for 3 hits is worse than a tanky Nocturne that can live to hit 10 times for weaker damage. Often at the end game I'll get a final defensive item and sell Wriggle's if I farm enough gold and I'm out of room but often the game should end long before this happens and you can always buy elixirs to supplement your damage and durability. 之後我通常会组好战者以面对大部分的状况,而且我会在地图上没有任何动作时避免危险 且尽可能的去农。就数据上来说,一件叠满的好战者几乎是最棒的,因为血量会比物防跟 魔防还好。它是一个面对各种伤害来说都很棒的防具,即使是真实伤害也一样。然後我通 常会补上终末战戟或魔防装,三秒夜曲比坦夜曲烂多了。通常到了游戏尾盘我会出完坦装 。还打不赢就喝精练吧。 Jungling 影片: 里面有全部的精华,非常推荐各位看。 Final Comments Hope this guide helps you on jungling Nocturne as it is the current way I play him in high elo ranked as well as tournaments. Despite a few nerfs and months of different changes in the game, Nocturne still remains one of the strongest champions in the game. Happy hunting with Nocturne! 希望这篇教学能让你在玩夜曲时有帮助,这是我现在在高端以及比赛中的玩法。虽然被 NERF了几次以及大环境改变,夜曲还是游戏里最强的英雄之一,祝各位和夜曲狩猎顺利。 ____________________________________________________________________ 在我打这篇的时候我的网路超慢,所以後来是先打在word再贴过来... --
1F:推 bluecsky :你有加成吧 XP加成
2F:→ fth862 :XP加成?? 系统吗?? 我用Win7耶?
3F:推 GOD5566GOD :经验值(xp)加成...

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
4F:推 krara :紫物穿*9? 10/26 01:20
5F:推 Warrix :好强 紫物穿可以插9个! 10/26 01:22
6F:推 krara :打错了啦XDDDDD 谢谢翻译! 10/26 01:23
7F:推 forever05520:我要插9个! 10/26 01:23
8F:→ a2364983 :这个翻错我也搞过XD 感谢翻译 辛苦了 10/26 01:23
9F:推 Narancia :意图使人被noc肛 10/26 01:25
10F:推 a2364983 :如果你点到攻击21的话 没有特指攻击喔 後面有冷却 10/26 01:25
11F:→ a2364983 :他说点到21 有可能是左边的爆伤 也可能是右边的冷却 10/26 01:25
12F:→ a2364983 :所以通用页也有算 不单指攻击页 10/26 01:25
13F:推 Spurious :想请问为何物穿要到20? 10/26 01:26
14F:→ Spurious :打野怪不是要配12吗? 诚心发问 10/26 01:26
※ 编辑: robo3456 来自: (10/26 01:29)
15F:推 zseineo :推 10/26 01:27
16F:→ zseineo :你要打人 10/26 01:28
17F:→ zseineo :所以可以配到更高 10/26 01:28
18F:→ Spurious :NOC真的很强 对面有他的话压力很大 10/26 01:28
19F:→ Spurious :谢楼上解答 10/26 01:29
20F:推 CrazyLord :阿尔法突击是啥... 10/26 01:32
21F:推 a2364983 :易大师的Q啊 10/26 01:33
22F:→ a2364983 :机率触发大伤 10/26 01:33
23F:推 CrazyLord :喔喔 了解 10/26 01:34
24F:→ a2364983 :M了M了~~~ 10/26 01:37
25F:推 j094097 :九个是插在自己头上吗XD 10/26 01:39
26F:推 kevin770616 :推这篇,我想买这只了@Q@ 10/26 01:43
27F:→ abcdefuvwxyz:易大师表示:我的眼睛可以放七个 10/26 01:53
28F:推 dwyanes :推 他的夜曲很猛 10/26 01:57
29F:推 CKnightalker:我觉得NOC的天生技看起来很好用,实际上也很好用啊XD 10/26 02:28
30F:推 zseineo :NOC天生技根本是免费送他鳄鱼的Q XD 10/26 02:30
31F:→ JokerJuice :NOC在会战要怎麽输出啊Q_Q? 10/26 02:46
32F:→ JokerJuice :抓後排??? 10/26 02:46
33F:→ zseineo :冲到对方後排身上打暴他 10/26 02:49
34F:→ a2364983 :通常会被送虚弱 所以你会需要硬一点而不是痛一点 10/26 02:52
35F:→ zseineo :也没有规定开战就是要大绝,可以进场>出来or flash 10/26 02:53
36F:→ zseineo :out再开大进场 10/26 02:53
37F:推 eFsS :耶! 正在练夜曲~ 推! 10/26 09:25
38F:推 Fairychess :我试了这个新配置,感觉输出比之前还有力而且也很硬! 10/26 11:23
39F:推 emiyashiro :推推 10/26 11:26
40F:推 cat0405 :推翻译!!! 10/26 11:29
41F:→ odanaga :玩NOC就TORLL到爆的我必须推Y 10/26 12:05
42F:推 patrickchen :推! 帅气又强力的英雄 10/26 12:41
43F:推 bfacsls :看了心痒痒 = = 10/26 13:55
44F:推 kon0419 :感觉是来推SKIN的... 10/26 18:46
45F:推 howar31 :呃 我发现翻译漏了一些东西还有一些怪异的地方orz 10/30 23:16
46F:→ robo3456 :没翻的部分是我觉得不太重要的 怪异是指? 11/02 17:29

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