LoL 板


看板 LoL  RSS Janna(珍娜) Soraka(索拉卡) Alistar(亚历斯塔) Taric(塔里克) Sona(索娜) ════════════════════════════════════════ Janna Because of her ult, Janna can be chosen as a counter pick to AoE and heavy initiation. Her laning phase is weak compared to other supports because she has no sustain, but she makes up for it with a stronger presence in team fights through mid-end game and her global passive. 因为珍娜的大绝,她常常作为 "反制对手AoE或大量控场" 的选择 他在线上的表现会比其他几个常见support角弱势 因为她无法帮助队友回复(回血.回魔等等) 相对的,她在中後期的团战中,存在感会相对强上许多 What really makes or breaks Janna is her ultimate. You can completely screw your team over a poor ult, but you can also completely screw over the enemy team with a good ult. In example, Morgana is a popular AP pick right now. When she uses her chain ult, Janna can blow her away to break the chain. An example of a poor ult would be, instead of blowing the enemy Morgana away, blowing her closer to your own carry after she ults and guaranteeing that her stun lands. Thus, Janna is considered the hardest support to play because she is high risk high reward. Janna被认为是最难使用的support角(高风险.高报酬) 简单说:"大绝的使用决定你的价值" (如果你总是用大绝把对方追击部队往自家残血队友身边吹...我想你还是换只玩比较好) As Janna is a defensive support, she is commonly seen in lane with passive early game carries such as Ashe who are not concerned about winning their lane. A more aggressive Janna lane would be pairing her with Urgot, who also has a shield. 一般来说会是个防御型的Support 当Janna搭配Urgot时,她可以打得侵略些(双护盾) 特色 1.三种CC(控场):吹起来.缓速.吹飞(其中更有两种有中断效果) 2.她的AD buff(E) 相当於一把暴风剑 3.全地图的跑速加成 4.可以四处闲晃(误) 5.一双美腿(  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ 弱点 1.没有回复技(回血回魔之类的) 2.线上Dororo(存在感薄弱) 3.薄皮嫩鸡0.0 技能(依优先顺序排) E(优先): 同时有护盾又有AD! W(2or3): 跑速协助你在插眼控图方面的表现 Q(2or3): 点高能降CD,增加团战时的表现 R(Last): 点高不降CD,却大量增加魔耗 天赋 3/6/21: 为了AP! (护甲等各方面都用得到) 0/9/21: 为了"灵魂之力"(回血,增加赖线能力0.0) 符文 红:物穿.魔防.物防 黄:物防.回魔 蓝:魔防.回魔.AP 紫:血量.回血.跳钱 出装 军团盾: 防御灵气! 死帽: AP! 水银饰带:解控场後用大绝反制 皇冠 :support很常见的装,因为几乎都会出贤者 -CD鞋 :就是-CD! 提示 把你的技能用在防御上,以反制对方为主要目的 在队友被打之前上护盾(废话= =?) 就算你的护盾一瞬间就被打破了~但AD加成还是会持续满5秒 进一步: 请参阅 ════════════════════════════════════════ --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:→ HankJiang :其他的看看有没有人要接手0.0~或是等有空再翻 10/24 14:49
2F:推 jojox123 :辛苦了~推一个 10/24 14:55
3F:推 choosin :推~ 10/24 15:10
4F:推 howerd11 :好文推一个 10/24 15:20
5F:推 esproject :装备是ward oracle 跟跳钱吧 10/24 15:54
6F:推 johnnyjaiu :Janna: I'm Janna, I'm helping (吹敌到友残血中) 10/24 16:04
7F:→ johnnyjaiu :友: Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 10/24 16:05
8F:推 angelicwing :最常见的是珍那把被集火的吹走 神援助对面 10/24 19:11
9F:→ a2364983 :支持~~ 10/24 19:50

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