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原文: 原作者:LesserMouseDeer(elo 2286) Introduction Orianna is currently the strongest AP Champion in the game, having a ridiculous combination of AoE Damage and Utlity. She is banned just about every game unless the servers crash or the captains are afk fapping to and allow Orianna to be picked. Because of this, I haven't been able to play Orianna as much as I would like. 球娘现在是游戏中最强的AP英雄,她有着鬼扯般的AOE伤害以及效果。她几乎每场比赛都 被BAN,除非伺服器崩溃或者First Pick AFK跑去看文章尻枪。因为如此,我并不能在 我想玩球娘的时候总是如愿。 Orianna is very strong throughout the entire game, being strongest late game where she has the ability to do massive amounts of AoE Damage, take advantage of poor positioning, and support her entire team. Her early game laning is one of the strongest, rivaling champions such as Cassiopeia, Brand, and Zilean because of her long range harrass with the use of the Ball. 球娘在整个游戏时期都非常强,在游戏晚期时达到顶峰,她能制造很大的AOE伤害, 抢到好的团战位置,和辅助她整个团队。她在撑线时期时是最强的英雄之一,能跟 她的竞争者像是Cassiopeia,Brand和Zilean一争高下的优势在於她远距离的控球骚 扰。 天赋: 9-0-21:Standard AP Caster Masteries. Get the point in exhaust if you will use exhaust 9/0/21,如果你有带衰弱的话把爆率那点点到衰弱强化。 符文: 红魔穿*9 黄固定mp5*9 蓝成长ap*9 紫固定ap*3 招换者技能: Flash is OP, always get it. 点燃给你爆发力。 衰弱给你面对重AD团队的手段。 传送给你更好的地图控制力跟GANK力。 技能介绍复制自台服官网 热键:Q 指令:贯穿 奥莉安娜向指定区域发射球体,造成路径中敌人60/100/140/180/220 (+0.6魔攻)魔法伤 害。伤害随着击中敌人递减。使用招数後,球体会停留在目标地点。 消耗:45/50/55/60/65 魔力 冷却:6.5/6/5.5/5/4.5/4秒 射程:925 球娘最重要且赖以维生的技能。可以用来骚扰、检查草丛、切割对手,以及使用她其它 所有的技能。如果你这招用不上手,那你最好还是换只玩。 热键:W 指令:失衡 奥莉安娜指挥球体释放能量脉冲,对周遭敌人造成 70/115/160/205/250 (+0.5魔攻)魔法 伤害。能量脉冲随後残留能量,缓速敌方单位 25/30/35/40/45% 并且强化友军跑速 20/25/30/35/40%,此效果随着时间而消失。 消耗:70/80/90/100/110 魔力 冷却:9 秒 射程:925 球娘的加速技能。在早期跟中期这个技能可以用来自保以及扰敌,晚期时可以保护你家 Carry让他有能力放风筝。这个技能对有加速技能或减速的对手也很有效。 想用这招清兵或制造伤害:Q+W 想用这招救人:E+W 热键:E 指令:守护 被动:球体让被附着的英雄获得 10/15/20/25/30 物理防御与魔法防御。主动:奥莉安娜 指挥球体飞行并且附着於友军英雄身上,展开防护罩吸收 80/120/160/200/240(+0.4 魔 攻)伤害。球体飞行途中所碰到之敌方英雄,会受到60/90/120/150/180(+0.45魔攻)的魔 法伤害。 消耗:60 魔力 冷却:9 秒 射程:925 球娘的盾可以让她的球在自己和友军英雄之间移动,对线阶段时这招主要是让球回到你身 上。在晚期时用来E+W连技保护自己跟队友以及放风筝对手。 想要清兵的话Q过去E回来(如果你AP够高。)这个也是游戏中少数叠AP可以档非常多伤害的 盾。 热键:R 终极指令:脉冲 奥莉安娜指挥球体,在短暂延迟後发出冲击波,对球体周遭敌人造成 150/225/300(+0.7 魔攻)魔法伤害,并且根据球体位置位移敌人一段距离。 消耗:100/125/150 魔力 冷却:120/105/90 秒 射程:925 Game-Breaking Ultimate,制造大量的AOE伤害并且解决那些站位不好的英雄。 基本连段是Q+R+W。 要注意的是如果敌人在R的边边被抓到的话很有可能不会吃到W的伤害。 如果敌人在球的正前方,他们会被往後拉而且可能会救他们一命。 如果在球的正後方则反之。(简单来说就是会把人往球吸) 通常不会用这个技能来逃跑,基本上是很难有甚麽帮助。 这是一个消耗对手闪现很有效的手段。 被动 魔法发条 奥莉安娜使用球体作为技能与攻击的瞄准目标。如果距离太远,则奥莉安娜的球体会自动 回到主人身边。奥莉安娜的自动攻击造成额外 5/10/15/20/25/30 (+0.2 魔攻)的魔法伤 害。4 秒内,对於相同目标的累积攻击,可以增加额外 15% 的魔法伤害。加成效果最多 叠加 3 次。 这个被动让你早期捡兵简单很多,晚期给你150+的普攻额外伤害。 技能点法: R>Q>W>E,六等前QWQEQR。 装备: 起手: Start with Boots and 3x Pots. This is optimal for max harrassment, while avoiding the most damamge. I personally do not like starting with Sapphire Crystal + 2x Pots because I prefer higher movespeed. (And most champions you will lane against also start with Boots + 3x pots). If you want an early catalyst, go for it. 起手鞋+3水,给你最好的走位骚扰跟闪避伤害能力。我个人不喜欢起手蓝宝石,因为 我比较喜欢走速(而且大多数的英雄你也会鞋+3水起手)。如果你想要直冲催化神石再 买吧。 早期: Next are the Doran's Rings. These benefit your early game dominance with extra HP, AP, and mana regeneration. Then start working on Deathcap. The other option is getting Rod of Ages, which I dislike getting on Orianna because I prefer to have more burst damage early rather than survivability. It comes down to User Preference. 接着补上一些多兰戒,他给你所有早期游戏的需要,然後就冲帽子。 另一个选项是冲ROA(时光之杖),一个我玩球娘时不太喜欢出的装,因为比起生存能力 来说,我比较喜欢早一点得到一些爆发力。这就端看使用者个人表现来选择。 核心装备: 法穿鞋 或 水银鞋 + 帽子 + 魔穿杖(虚空之杖) 晚期装备: Lich bane(巫妖之祸) 吸血书 (远古意志) banshee (女妖面纱) 鬼书 Get these items depending on how your game is going. If you are doing well, getting spell vamp or more burst from Lich Bane is always great. Lich Bane should be gotten as your last item, when you have 700+ AP. Scared of burst casters on the other team? (pussy), get a Banshee's Veil to avoid them. If you're losing your blue buff constantly, I recommend getting a Morello's Evil Tome for the CDR and AP it provides. I don't like DFG because the cast range on it is too close to the enemy. 依照你游戏走向决定买哪些装,如果你玩的很棒,买法吸书或者是买巫妖之祸以求更高 的爆发力。当你有700+AP时,巫妖之祸应该会是你的最後一件装。害怕对手的爆发型法师 ?那就买个女妖来闪他们。如果你丧失了蓝buff的控制权,我建议买鬼书,它给了你 CDR跟AP。我不喜欢冥火,因为它的施法范围太小了。 可供选择: 圣杯 或 贤者之石 These are alternative early game item choices, that work great on Orianna. They both provide early game mana regeneration and some survivability. I often get Doran's Rings, rather than these items, though. I see other players using these items and still doing well, so these are viable. 这些是游戏初期可供选择且对球娘很有帮助的装备。都给了回魔跟一些生存力。 我通常会买多兰戒,但是我看到其他玩家买了这些装备还是玩的很棒,因此可以考虑。 别买这些装: 大天使之杖:浪费太多时间在叠魔力,而且你有蓝BUFF。 枪刀:Hybrid Orianna sucks sh**,去买远古意志,也千万不要买羊刀、 Nashor's Tooth跟Malady。 冰杖:你已经有一个很棒的缓速技能。 Early Game As Orianna, you will always want to solo. Going either solo top or mid is fine, but preferably, you want to be solo'ing the middle lane. For every champion, always focus on farming and harass when the opportunity comes. Last hitting as Orianna is easy because of her quick attack animation and Clockwerk Windup, giving her attacks extra damage. To harass your lane opponent, Q then W as soon as the ball lands on the enemy champion. While they are slowed, throw your auto attacks onto them. While harassing, be aware of creep damage. Use your shield (Self-Cast E) before your sequence to reduce the damage. Avoid landing your spells onto minions, as that will push your lane and make you more prone to ganks. If your jungler is ganking, you can choose to slow the enemy, or E-W to speed your jungler. 当你在玩球娘时你总是希望能够solo,不管单上或单中都可以,但最好的位置还是 单中。对每一个英雄而言,永远专注在农跟骚扰等待机会来临。捡兵对球娘来说不 难,因为她有很快的攻击动画跟天生技支援。要骚扰你的敌人的话,Q+W然後普攻 他们。当在进行骚扰时,用E替自己上盾来减少小兵对你的伤害。当你在骚扰对手时 小心不要推线,这样会让你容易被GANK。如果你家将狗仔来肛人,你可以选择缓速 对手或E+W加速你家将狗仔。 Champions I do not recommend trading hits with are Brand and Cassopiea because they will punish you heavily for damaging them. Champions like Annie and Zilean have lower damage outputs early on, so you will come out on top if you choose to fight with them. 对线时我不建议跟Brand还有Cassopiea换血,因为他们打你更痛。 如果面对的是Annie跟Zilean,他们早期没那麽痛,跟他们打架通常会占上风。 If you solo top against melee champions such as udyr,warwick, and singed , take advantage of your harassment. Damage them whenever possible between last hitting, because they cannot fight back when they are slowed by W . Overall, Orianna is a very strong laning champion. 如果你单上面对一些进战英雄是像是udyr、warwick跟singed,保持你的骚扰优势, 当他们想捡小兵时给他们一些伤害,因为他们也因为你的W缓速而拿你没办法。 总而言之球娘是只很强的撑线英雄。 Mid Game To me, mid game comes once you have componenents of your deathcap and begin to move around the map securing dragon and champion kills. Currently, you should always have the Blue Golem buff. To move around the map easier, use W whenever you aren't near a fight, similar to Zilean with blue. 对我来说游戏中期是我买到帽子之後,然後我开始跑线护龙跟杀人。现在起你应该总 是保有蓝buff。在你靠近战场前,一直用W可以让你跑线顺畅些,就跟有蓝的Zilean一 样。 When attempting to take dragon, your ball can serve as a ward and zoner. Place it in the brush to the left of the dragon lair, or to the right in the middle of the river. Enemies will either walk around the ball, allowing themselves to be caught by your Q-R-W ignite combo, or avoid your ball and allow dragon to be taken easily. If they appear from both sides however, you must prioritize which champions are more of a threat and take them out first. Examples of higher threat champions are: akali,annie,vayne, and vlad . 当在吃龙时,你的球可以提供视野跟控场,把它放在龙穴左边的草丛或者是右边的 河道中央。当敌人经过你的球时他们不是被你QRW点燃连技、就是避开你的球让你们 得到Free dragon。如果他们同时从两边过来,你必须评估哪个英雄威胁性最高、然 後第一个干掉他们。一些威胁性高的敌人像是:akali、annie、vayne、vlad。 Continue to farm if both teams are playing passively, or there is nothing else to do. Orianna can be both a very aggresive champion and a very effective farmer in the mid game stage. 当你没事干或者是两边都很龟时继续农,球娘可以同时是高侵略性者跟有效率的农夫。 Late Game Orianna becomes strongest late game, being able to do her damage and support from a distance. Her team fighting capabilites are very strong and is a great Baron controller. 球娘在後期游戏达到顶点,可以在很长的距离下造成伤害以及辅助团队。她的团战能力 极度强大而且能够很好的控制巴龙。 When pushing into the enemy base, send the ball into it to zone the enemy into a position more favorable for your team. This strategy is similar to using Caitlyn's traps to zone out one side of a turret. If an enemy is in range of your ultimate, activate it to easily take them out (Use better judgment if the out of position champion cannot be easily killed). If the enemy engages onto you, Orianna can easily throw her ball into the middle of the approaching enemy and counter-initiate on them, using her Q-R-W combo. If your team is initiating onto the enemy team (Which I highly don't recommend because that usually leads to tower diving), shield your initiator, speed them up, and when he is in the enemy team, activate your ultimate and use your W again (It should be off cooldown if you have blue buff). In summary, constantly harass with your ball and catch poor positioned enemies with your ultimate. 当推进去敌人基地时,把球丢进去以切割对手让你的团队占得上风。这个策略就跟cait 的陷阱限制敌方走位一样。如果对手走进你ult的范围之内,启动ult然後快速击倒他( 在这边要评估一下对手英雄是不是那麽容易被击倒)。如果对手想正面上你,球娘可以很 简单的把球丢到想上你的敌人之间,用QRW反开战,如果你的团队主动开战(一个我很不 建议的手段,因为通常会形成塔下战斗。),替你的开战者上盾、加速,然後当他到 敌队中央时开启ULT,然後再开一次W(如果你有蓝BUFF的话应该已经CD好了。) 简单来说,持续的用你的球骚扰对手然後用你的ULT抓走位失误的对手。 Orianna is also a great turtle champion. Orianna can easily use her ball to harass the incoming champions if they are in range. If you need to clear the line of incoming minions, Q then E. Attempting to initiate on a team with Orianna is very difficult because the risk of being counter-initiated is very high. Her ultimate immediately un-positions the enemy team and does massive AoE damage. Similar to pushing, harass with your ball and take advantage of the un-positioned. 球娘也是一个很好的防守英雄,球娘可以轻松的用她的球去骚扰跳恰恰的敌人。 如果你需要清兵,Q+E自己。想要主动对有球娘在的队伍开战很困难,因为被反开战 的风险非常高,她的ULT能立刻破坏阵型而且造成巨大的AOE伤害。推线时亦同,靠 你的球取得优势。 When contesting Baron, harass the enemy with your ball if they are in range. If they are attempting to kill Baron, throw your ball into the lair and use your Q-R-W combo. If your team is attempting to Baron, use your ball to zone the enemy team, similar to Dragon'ing. Engage on the enemy team when the opportunity arises. 争夺巴龙时,用你的球去骚扰有段距离的敌人。如果对手正在吃巴龙,把你的球丢进 巴龙巢然後使用QRW连技。如果你的队伍正在吃巴龙,就作在跟吃小龙时一样的事。 当时机成熟时正面上你的敌人。 Orianna's long range spells begin to shine in the late game, where they are used as harassing tools and un-positioning the enemy team 球娘的长手是晚期游戏的一道曙光,被用在骚扰敌人以及破坏阵型。 Team Fights Team fighting with Orianna can be very difficult. You must keep track of where your ball is. A trick to know if you cannot find your ball is to Self-Cast E to bring it back to you. 用球娘打团战是一件困难的事情,你必须随时注意你的球跑到哪去。如果你找不到 你的球就用E把球叫回你身上。 Commonly, Orianna is the initiator of the team fight, using your Q-R-W combo to catch the enemy team and deal your high AoE damage. After using your combination, begin to use your ball (And Lich Bane Procs) to take out low health enemy champions or protect your carry. 通常来说,球娘会是团战的开启者,用你的QRW连技抓到敌队并重创他们。用完你的 连技之後,开始用球去清扫没血的敌人或者是保护你家CARRY To protect your carry, either use E-W to speed them up and allow them to run away from the bruisers or use Q-W to slow the bruisers attempting to dive the carry. If the carry is safe, shield low health allies and speed them up to allow them to run away. If your entire team is safe, start assisting the damage output of your team by Q-W'ing the lower health enemies. Do not bring yourself into a range where enemies can kill you. 保护你家carry方有两种,用EW让他们加速并远离大男或者是QW缓速正想塔杀的大男。 如果carry安全无虞,替没血的同伴上盾并加速让他们逃离。如果你整队都没事, 就开始Q+W扫地。千万不要让你自己跑进敌人能干掉你的范围。 Orianna is played more as a support in the beginning of a team fight, and when enemies have died, Orianna speed boosts her allies to catch the rest. Orianna can use all of her spells effectively from a long range, making her a great team fighting champion. (If you haven't noticed, Orianna does everything very well.) 球娘在团战开始後通常会比较像是support,当敌人阵亡时,球娘加速整个团队以扫荡 残党,球娘可以很有效率的在远距离使用她的所有技能,让她在团战中很棒。 (如果你还没有注意到的话,球娘可以做好每一件事情。) Final Comments Overall, Orianna is a fantastic all-around champion, causing her to be an auto-ban in just about every game. I hope this guide helps in learning how to play her. I don't think I will be posting a gameplay video because I don't know how to record videos. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments. Thanks for reading my guide! 总结来说,球娘是一个梦幻般的全能英雄,而让她在banlist上永远存在。我希望这个 教学可以帮助一些正在学习她的玩家。我不觉得我会贴游戏影片因为我并不知道怎麽录。 如果你有任何问题,可以在评论处自由发问。感谢阅读! ____________________________________ 有一些地方可能没翻的很顺,版友阅读後有意见请在推文提出,我会去修改。 --
1F:推 bluecsky :你有加成吧 XP加成
2F:→ fth862 :XP加成?? 系统吗?? 我用Win7耶?
3F:推 GOD5566GOD :经验值(xp)加成...

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
4F:推 Leavesb :签名档 XDDDD 09/01 13:16
5F:推 ZOROCOOL :球女刚nerf-.-不过辛苦翻译推! 09/01 13:18
6F:推 palading :骨头是Bone 不是Bane 09/01 13:18
7F:推 gsy2i7y14 :1 09/01 13:19
8F:推 wedk :先推~ 签名档让我想到「我的电脑没有我的电脑」 09/01 13:20
※ 编辑: robo3456 来自: (09/01 13:21)
9F:推 ilris :我爱球娘!不过他的W爆开速度跟ping有关..Orz 09/01 13:25
10F:推 HornyDragon :干,Introduction的那个连结快把我笑到炸肛。 09/01 13:27
11F:→ gcobc12632 :当球女刚出的时候大家还在嫌他弱 过没多久就变T1顶角 09/01 13:29
12F:推 atrabiliar31:op角! 09/01 13:31
13F:推 ms0540017 :推翻译! 09/01 13:31
14F:推 pyopyopyo :我觉得台湾人那PING 玩球女 认为他弱很正常.. 09/01 13:33
15F:→ JokerJuice :Ori是我在台服的main说 到目前只看过一次有人用 :S 09/01 13:33
16F:推 venroxas :ping好就神 ping不好就只能哭哭 09/01 13:34
17F:→ pyopyopyo :在台版玩球女 我胜率有9成 昨天又回美版玩一下球女 09/01 13:34
18F:→ JokerJuice :感觉这类英雄在台服很冷门 XD (不单指Ori) 09/01 13:34
19F:→ pyopyopyo :招式 有够卡的 09/01 13:34
20F:推 ilris :那种引爆式的跟ping真的非常有关系… 09/01 13:35
21F:推 HornyDragon :内文连结的那篇文有人翻译过吗? 09/01 13:36
22F:→ HornyDragon :我还挺想翻翻看的XDDD 09/01 13:36
23F:→ ilris :Lux的E跟球娘的W,PING高真的很哭哭 09/01 13:36
24F:推 GeePai :球女太高调了 09/01 13:36
25F:→ sunofmind :有人觉得球娘後期如果队友装备不好 打起来有无力吗 09/01 13:36
26F:推 pyopyopyo :完全没有 球女伤害有够高.. 09/01 13:37
27F:→ sunofmind :不像某些角色 球女自己的装备再好 也没办法拯救世界 09/01 13:37
28F:→ goblin09597 :内文连结那篇文WWWWW是carry和support合体练习的方法 09/01 13:37
29F:推 HornyDragon :我等等吃完饭就来翻好了XDDD 09/01 13:38
30F:→ pyopyopyo :4招都是伤害技 盾也有伤害 而且都是范围 09/01 13:38
31F:→ sunofmind :我之前有场 球娘魔攻接近400 QRW三招全开 然後QW连发 09/01 13:38
32F:→ sunofmind :也打不太死人说 09/01 13:39
33F:推 venroxas :先感谢翻译 09/01 13:39
34F:推 abccbaandy :求翻译+1 看release note还可以,这种故事的就懒XD 09/01 13:40
35F:推 pyopyopyo :会战对持中 削血也超猛 09/01 13:41
36F:→ aerg :三招全开还打不太死人 应该是你顺序有问题吧.. 09/01 13:41
37F:→ aerg :qr後e再上自己盾 再丢球出去 再e一次 这连续技 09/01 13:42
38F:→ aerg :ap400算一下能撑住的也没几个了.. 09/01 13:42
39F:推 venroxas :你会不会打到魔防200以上的...? 09/01 13:42
40F:推 W22625231 :鬼书是黑魔禁书? 09/01 13:44
41F:推 pyopyopyo :通常时光杖+穿魔鞋出了 我刚q+w对方 carry 就喷2/5吧 09/01 13:45
42F:推 zero1017 :这支真的是op 打到後期一定都先抓球女 太痛了 09/01 13:46
43F:推 passTWth :这只真的夸张 伤害高+1 09/01 13:49
44F:→ aerg :就算球女不知道自己技能怎麽做伤害..乱丢乱放 09/01 13:49
45F:推 pyopyopyo :尤其是他的球 +30防跟魔防耶 换血也不会输 09/01 13:49
46F:→ aerg :也是很可观.. 09/01 13:49
47F:推 thinkDie :重点是要抓 也不好抓 有加速有缓的= = 09/01 13:50
48F:推 HornyDragon :好,我要开始翻了XDy 09/01 13:50
49F:→ pyopyopyo :加速 缓 还有盾挡伤害 09/01 13:51
50F:推 dreamwing11 :我美版ping高还是能压暴对面 真的超op 09/01 13:54
51F:→ dreamwing11 :然後跟其他ap carry比 有加速跟盾存活力超高 09/01 13:55
52F:→ neverbbs :手超长跟盾救人还有爆发力附带加速缓速,所以非常全面 09/01 14:00
53F:推 dilucci :正好在练球女 感谢翻译 非常受用 09/01 14:00
54F:推 cardemily :这篇深得我心Q_Q,虽然1400之後就不常玩到了... 09/01 14:02
55F:→ dreamwing11 :话说回来 大肥鸡鸡是先出ROA後补帽子 起手蓝宝+2水 09/01 14:04
56F:推 followwar :QE吃兵~被动又超强.. 09/01 14:04
57F:→ a2364983 :TSM好久没更新红十字推荐攻略了 09/01 14:04
58F:→ cardemily :ROA是保守出法,一般来说有自信还是直冲帽子实在 09/01 14:05
59F:→ cardemily :不过我觉得出冰杖不错阿...缓速不是有叠加? 09/01 14:08
60F:推 a2364983 :太拖吧 我看JIJI也都先ROA 09/01 14:11
61F:推 chinhan1216 :请问ROA的意思是? 09/01 14:14
62F:→ neverbbs :冰杖以价钱来说攻击面太少,而且AE技能只缓15% 09/01 14:15
63F:推 xupmc :这只非常OP 重点是还只卖4800ip 09/01 14:15
64F:推 dreamwing11 :ROA = 时光之杖 09/01 14:16
65F:推 iamqk4ever :大肥也是 Q先点嘛? 09/01 14:29
66F:推 pyopyopyo :大肥jiji 先点q 然後w先满 e点1 在补Q 有R点R 09/01 14:31
67F:→ Dimitre :jiji符文不太一样 红法穿 紫固定ap 黄蓝ap成长 09/01 14:34
68F:→ neverbbs :可是AT会有人固定帮他打蓝BUFF 09/01 14:36
69F:→ smallcoll :jiji: me blue. GG: my blue 09/01 14:42
70F:→ a2364983 :JIJI是W先满~ 09/01 14:44
71F:推 ALU4 :Jiji的球娘一定要推这场 09/01 14:46
72F:推 Aeolus75 :上面 replay 开了跳这个 何解@@ 09/01 16:09
73F:→ boypower :买法吸书或者是买巫妖之骨以求更高 ...骨->祸 09/01 16:17
※ 编辑: robo3456 来自: (09/01 16:59)
74F:推 lightmaple :推球女一个 技能全都范围伤害 真痛@@ 09/01 18:13
75F:推 ashenvale :问一下QWR是不是会抓不到 =.= ( 有QW到的话 ) 09/01 20:23
76F:→ ashenvale :然後QRW是必中 ? 可是QRW很难耶 XDXD 09/01 20:23
77F:推 crazysinger :这篇怎麽没有被M!!!! 09/10 15:25
78F:推 deankobe :球女超赞 09/21 11:03

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