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Group B - Round 3.1: FnaticMSI vs. Counter Logic Gaming group-b-round-31-fnaticmsi-vs-counter-logic-gaming The next match up in Group B featured North American favorite Counter Logic Gaming vs. Fnatic MSI. While Fnatic has been showing every bit of the ferocity that earned them the title of Season One Champions, Counter Logic Gaming has been showing an equally glowing performance thus far in the tournament. With both teams undefeated, and the first seed position of Group B on the line, we were sure that neither team would be pulling any punches. 下一场比赛是大家最喜欢的CLG对上Fnatic MSI 虽然Fnatic在第一季中肆虐夺冠,但CLG至今已经展现了同等的表演 这两队目前都未尝一败,而胜队将出线为第一种子,相信两队都会拿出强大实力 pull no punches是毫不保留,not pull any punches是同义,但pulling any punches..? ============================================================================= The banning phase started off with CLG immediately banning Brand in the wake of Shushei's dominant performance against SK Gaming earlier in the day. Fnatic in turn banned Nidalee and Jax in an attempt to shut down CLG's ringer Hotshot GG. Ultimately, Fnatic’s lineup ended up as Lee Sin, Ashe, Gragas, Janna, and Kassadin. CLG on the other hand, picked Orianna, Gangplank, Alistair, Cho'gath, and Kog’maw 在Ban&pick,CLG秒ban brand,因为Shushei稍早对SK的表现太好了 Fnatic则是秒Ban nid和jax,企图阻止CLG最强大的HotshotGG CLG : Brand/Amumu/Tristana Ori GP Alistar Cho Kog Fnatic : Nid / Jax / Zilean Lee Ashe Gragas Janna Kassdin 主播对jiji选kog感到很意外,他说在美服Solo Q有看过kog,但在比赛中...Really? 他认为Kog没有逃命技,非常不可靠的cc技(very unreliable cc) XD 选完角又不能swap,Hotshot跳了,Fnatic Mellisan表示:reported ============================================================================= Counter Logic Gaming opened with their typical early game aggression, invading Fnatic’s jungle and setting a trap in the jungle near bottom inner turret. As Fnatic took what they believed to be the safe route back to their lanes, Gragas was caught in a five man combo, earning CLG an easy first blood. CLG老样子,侵攻了Fnatic的jungle而且在下路内塔附近设下了陷阱等着 Fnatic选择了他们相信是安全的路线准备回到线上 但是Gragas被抓到了,一个5人combo了结他,CLG First blood ============================================================================= 精彩的FB,我相信Gragas刚能看到CLG的瞬间Elementz就flash出去敲地板了 然後抢了蓝,hs在下路草丛想要recall,结果janna facecheck (真敢,才刚被吃完蓝,要是GP在那边就死一个janna了) hs回家补血就tele回上路了 ============================================================================= The action then returned to the lanes,with Kassadin sporting a full complement of Magic Restistance runes taking mid against Orianna, and Gragas facing off against Cho’gath at top. After a failed attempt to to gank at top, Gragas was able to chase both Cho'gath and Gangplank back to their top turret and set up a gank for Kassadin. While he was out of position, however, Orianna was able to push out Kassadin's tower at mid while CLG also claimed the first dragon. 回到线上,Kassdin使用大量MR符文对抗Orianna,Gragas上路对cho 随着一个尝试失败的top gank,Gragas能够一路追击cho和gp逼退回塔下,而且使Kass gank成功 当kass离开中路,orianna可以推下中路塔而且CLG也吃下了第一只龙 ============================================================================= 11分多的top gank,gp从後面来,可是被酒桶ult丢到塔下,又被body slam缓到 吃了两发塔的伤害,要不是点燃CD GP已经死了 =..=||| Gragas一路追杀,GP在塔前丢了ult阻止Gragas追击,但是今晚Kassadin也从後面来 GP就被Kass捡走人头。其实CLG一路都有ping kass跑开,但是Kass ult穿地形太方便了 ============================================================================= With his tower gone, Kassadin moved to bottom for a three-man push with Ashe and Janna. After evening the tower count, the trio moved back in for a gank on Orianna at mid. While a well-placed Gangplank ultimate was able to save the Clockwork Lady from what seemed like certain death, Gragas was able to claim top tower while the fighting was going on. 随着中路的塔掉了,Kass开始乱跑跑到下路三推。下路塔倒後,三个人跑到中路 gank Orianna。GP一个很棒的ult救下了看起来必死无疑的发条女士 但Gragas趁着中路开战推倒了上路塔 痾...18:20时salce被gank死了啊,GP ult救的是塔不是Orianna啊 = = 然後Cho也tele下来救塔,Kass差点被Q打到flash走,Gragas就趁机推塔了 ============================================================================= Regrouping, CLG launched another bold attack on Fnatic’s jungle, stealing the Ancient Golem before attempting to withdraw.A premature initiation by Kassadin , however, turned a golden opportunity for an attack into an easy meal for Cho’gath. A man down, Fnatic was forced to concede the dragon for the second time, bringing the gold advantage for Counter Logic Gaming up to 2,000. 此时CLG重组团队,再度突进Fnatic的jungle,偷走了蓝Buff 而Kass一个太早开场,给了Cho一个黄金机会进攻,享受他的大餐(num num)。 Fn倒下一员,而被迫退出龙区,给了CLG第二只龙并且拉大到2K Gold的金钱优势 ============================================================================= 这Match Summary真的该抓来打,明明是Lee sin太早开场然後被Cho吃掉, 写成Kassadin是怎样 紧接着上一段,CLG四人众又去偷蓝了,然後往龙区走 Lee sin开场被Kog缓,Alistar WQ combo鎚飞三人,Cho沉默三个 Kass ult往右边树林跑...干Kass头上带禁言还能ult跑掉耶 WTF? Lee丢Janna盾想逃被GP flash砍一刀缓速,Cho追上numnum吃掉 CLG五人轻松吃龙 19:42,然後後面的事又被省略 =_= Alistar flash头鎚抓到Ashe,但是其他人太远跟不上,Kass缓到Cho跟GP ult逃跑 Ashe volly成功风筝脱离,但是Kass居然ult进场Q沉默Alistar,这才是Kass太早进场 被Ori ult抓回来五人虐杀,同时Ashe arrow打中Kog,Gragas在旁边草丛不敢动 CLG开始撤退,但是Gragas从龙区一个漂亮的酒桶->Flash->ult杀了Alistar Cho断後,用Flash躲过Janna龙卷风,大家回家补血 20:50 ============================================================================= After a brief skirmish at mid, Fnatic managed to rally and take down the first mid tower before launching an attack of their own on dragon. CLG managed to contest them, however, slaying three champions and redoubling to take down Fnatic’s second tower at mid before getting back. 在经过了短暂的前哨战後,Fnatic推下中路第一塔并且准备吃龙 CLG设法开战,杀了Fn三人并且推下了中路第二塔 ============================================================================= 跳Tone也跳太大,第一段是24分的事情,第二段是29分的事...WTF 22:30 中路Ori差点被Kass+Lee Gank,不过只少半条命,Cho来赶人 Gragas、GP、Alistar赶到中路,Kass ult进场Q Orianna,Cho沉默赶人,Gragas ult GP一个漂亮的ult断Kass和Gragas退路,Alistar开大突进,Orianna跟上ult卷走Gragas Cho补Q Gragas连飞到死。Kass再度ult突进Ori但是被盾吸收伤害 结果一个fail flash逃不掉被反杀 LOL 死两个的4v3=>5v2叫前哨战喔 = = 回到第一段,Fnatic 4v2推中,然後大家各自农了两分钟後准备吃龙...好像不是啥大事 26分龙区开战,Cho从下路硬上,CLG其他人都在中路 结果Lee和Ashe还有Kass都Focus Cho,GP漂亮ult断开Gragas和Janna的支援 Gragas ult但没有造成太大破坏,Ashe arrow击中Ori但是被Cho和Alistar肉身保护 Kass从下面来ult进场Q Kog但是被exhuast然後Ori补上QW combo,Kass被Kog直接拆掉 Lee QQ Kog但是被Alistar撞飞又被Cho Q击飞,Ashe上前volly,Lee flash脱逃 但是Gragas跑到一个很糟糕的位置被Cho追击,Kog flash躲过酒桶但是被body slam+点燃 Cho跟上ult咬咬Gragas,虽然Kog先杀了Gragas但还是被点燃弄死 Ashe想撤退但是被GP开枪缓速,Janna漂亮的ult推开CLG所有人但是推不开Ori的球球 XD Ori手速超快,这里看出低ping有多重要,因为Ori被吹开後ult还是在Ashe身边发动了 而且球已经因为被Janna吹飞而回到Orianna身上...OMG Ashe被卷到後GP flash砍人缓速,Janna再也没招救人只能看着Ashe被硬吃 之後GP+Alistar吃龙,Cho跑去下路推塔又玩两塔间农兵,Ori跑去中路推兵 CLG只用了一个半血的GP和半血的Alistar吃龙,完全不浪费人力呢 之後大家回家吃补血Buff,Ori拿蓝Ashe拿红,29分中路开战 Ashe arrow击中Cho,Cho表示:有点痒痒的,有蚊子? 一阵混战中Gragas差点死掉,喝酒减伤兼发动天生技最後剩下90滴血存活 这场5v5没有人死亡,但是Fnatic三人被打残,CLG只有GP剩1/3比较少血 Kog嘴嘴轻松推塔大家撤退 29:40 30左右主播一直在讲大家的装备,直到他看到Cho身上... What does he building it's rescurve bow?I mean he's trolling us LOL. Why does he has a rescurve bow on Cho'gath? Why not?hes hotshot, can do any he wants... XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ============================================================================= After killing two enemy champions at mid lane, Fnatic turned their attention toward Baron Nashor. Unfortunately for them, Hotshot GG was ready for them, and managed to steal the buff with a well-timed feast. Meanwhile, Gangplank closed out another dragon for CLG, widening the gold advantage even further. 在杀死两名敌队英雄後,Fnatic将注意力集中在Baron。 但是很不幸的,HotshotGG已经准备好了,设法偷走了Buff在一个完美的时间点(嚼嚼) 此时,GP偷吃了另一只龙,将金钱优势更扩大了。 ============================================================================= 在经过了刚刚的中路大战後,Kass吃到了他人生中的第四个Blue buff 两边农了一下後,31:30 Lee差点在红Buff附近被抓走,还好龙卷风救了他 之後CLG试图推进中路,但是不太成功只好撤退,Fnatic追击 Ashe arrow却打中Alistar,Alistar开ult解除,解开束缚,重生吧...但是被Kass沉默 只好默默的撤退,Cho继续留下来断後。Kass再度ult突进结果差点致自己於死地 此时CLG已经退到河道中线附近,但Ashe一个Flash volly缓到Kog+GP Cho再次断後但是Gragas已经用Body slam推进到附近了,GP回头开枪後吃橘子烙跑 Cho沉默赶走Gragas,Lee追击GP,Cho回头大口一咬Lee,Ori QW设法解救 Kog不知道为什麽冲进去而且居然没有被Janna ult吹开结果被Ashe秒掉 同时GP也被点燃跳死。Cho、Alistar 1/3血,Ori半血1/3魔,Fnatic开始吃Baron 但是Janna居然没有拆掉那根CLG的眼,她明明有靠近Baron过! Ori被草丛的眼看到,Kass埋伏准备干掉Ori,但Ori不知道是看到龙卷风还是心有灵犀 Kass ult往Ori所在位置时,Ori刚刚好跑出草丛没有被ult打到! Cho和Alistar加入Baron战圈,两人血都快回到半条了...Ali有那麽补吗? Cho Q到Lee,Alistar Flash进去头鎚击飞Janna和Lee,但是Cho被Lee ult大脚踢开 Ashe转打Alistar,此时只有Gragas在坦Baron而且快被打死了开始撤退 XD Cho再次Q到Janna,Alistar被Ashe杀掉,但是Ori漂亮的单挑解决了Kass! 就在这个摩门特就是这个时候,HotshotGG Flash进场大口一咬! HOTSHOT STEAL Baron!!!(我听比较像STOLENING...好奇怪 = =) 我不禁双腿一软,汗涔涔而泪姗姗,这时候的Hotshot真的很像神 尽管被围殴致死,Orianna一旁补上Q ult W Combo带走了Shushei Gragas 但Ori残血Flash想解决ashe,身上的E盾却时间到消失,被反杀可惜 Janna没拆掉那根眼给了Hotshot完美的机会进场大口一咬,超悲剧。 33:30 ============================================================================= Cho’gath then began a split push at top, with the rest of his team joining him at the inner turret. An uncharacteristically bad Explosive Cask by Shushei’s Gragas, however, set CLG up for a crushing team fight. After claiming four of Fnatic’s lineup and the inhibitor at top lane, CLG once again presented Fnatic with a sadistic choice. While Cho’gath split push at bottom lane, the remaining four members of the team began to threaten Baron Nashor. Cho开始分推上路,之後其他队友在中塔前加入战局。但Shushei一个一反常态的ult 使得CLG有了非常好的反攻。 在杀了Fnatic四人和上路inhibitor之後,CLG再次给了Fnatic一个残酷的选择。 当Cho在下路分推时,CLG其他四人开始集中在Baron区域给与压力 ============================================================================= 这是42分的事。先让我们回头一点,在CLG偷到Baron後,两边开始推线吃Buff 就在35:30左右CLG试图五人推下,Elementz再度路过ward而不拆被jiji ping ping XD 但是Fnatic此时推中,CLG被迫回防,GP ult还是救不下塔,Fnatic撤退。 接着38分左右CLG试着反推中,但是下路兵线被推到中塔前,只好撤退,Fnatic追击。 Cho从下路冲回flash进场沉默但是只沉默到Janna和Gragas,GP ult跟上 CLG其他人GP开枪加速追击,Ori差点ult卷到Janna,Cho在前面吃了不少伤害 Kass从旁边来但是他锁定Alistar,Ali ult存活,Kass被exhuast又再一次被Kog拆掉 GP跑去找Gragas单挑,Ori跑太出去被Ashe连爆两箭800多,flash逃走被Lee qq追击 Janna开Shurelya加速带Ashe逃跑,同时GP挑不赢flash逃跑但是正好撞上Lee Sin 逃到中路但是被Lee QQ解决。但Lee也被Ali撞飞,Cho大口一咬,Lee flash逃跑 Kog吐了几口发现Gragas冲过来,再次flash闪酒桶拆掉Gragas 拆完Gragas刚好碰到flash逃跑中的Lee,转头再拆掉Lee Sin 但是Ashe追上,Janna龙卷风一卷,exhuast Kog,这次换Kog被拆了 Kog屍变报仇,但是Cho底力先一步杀掉Ashe,在Ashe最後一箭之前。 3 for 4 之後40分时,Cho用ult偷了Fnatic的red buff 主播:这对fnatic是个好消息,至少他们不用担心下一次...20秒之内的Baron LOL 接回原段,Cho分推上路CLG四人在Baron和red buff间施加压力,之後所有人都到上路了 从Ashe arrow打中GP开始,Kass隔墙QE ult combo,但是GP吃橘子解开 同时Gragas ult但是没有半个人被打进塔下,就连GP也没有事 Orianna一个超漂亮的ult卷走三人,Alistar马上进场WQ,GP ult跟上,Cho也补上QW 虽然GP先一步被Ashe解决,但是Kass也死在多重combo之下,Cho大口一咬Janna好吃 Gragas和Ashe都想突袭Kog但是分别被Ori/Cho/Ali逼退 Cho flash追击Ashe,Ashe也flash逃跑但是多丢一个老鹰被Cho Q击飞 Lee来救但是被Kog直接拆掉,Ashe一路风筝逃亡但是被Kog ult漂亮解决 1 for 4 上路inhibitor down 43:57 ============================================================================= With Gragas sent to deal with Cho’gath at bottom, the remaining members of Fnatic attempted to stop CLG from securing a second Baron. As they approached, however, they found that Cho’gath had abandoned his push , and had come in for an attack from behind. Caught in a four vs. five situation, Fnatic was once again reduced down to only their support champion. Ignoring the remaining structures, CLG launched an immediate, all-out attack on the nexus turrets to close out the match. CLG claims the first seed of Group B going into the Semi-Finals. 随着Gragas被到下路处理Cho,剩下的Fnatic成员开始阻止CLG吃Baron 但当他们靠近时,他们发现Cho放弃推进下路,而且从背後出现攻击他们。 被抓到一个4v5的情况,Fnatic再一次被击倒,只剩下Support英雄存活。 CLG忽略其他一切,直接推向nexus并且结束了比赛 CLG得到B组第一种子,进军准决赛 ============================================================================= Cho从44:50开始往下路走,推掉下路外塔,一路推到46分才回家 出门拿了red buff继续往下路走,一路推到48分推到inhibitor前,CLG同步开始Baron 三分钟内从下路塔全在,变成下路塔快要全掉光... 中间Fnatic一直被逼着和CLG在中路跳舞,龙区蓝buff跳舞 CLG就一直推中推下,中间推过中线就去Baron区跳跳舞清清眼 因为上路已经有super minions,还要分兵去清上路 Hotshot根本在下路开心农场完全没人敢分时间去理他... 直到48分Gragas被迫回守下路快要被Cho一人推爆了,而Kog也快把Baron给拆了 fnatic被迫强攻阻止CLG,GP ult妨碍fnatic推进但fnatic不敢退让太多,Baron还没满 但是,就在这个摩门特就是这个时候,HotshotGG Teleport从fnatic後面跑出来 沉默了Lee和Ashe之後flash近身开omen缓速,身上又有red buff,Ashe flash逃离 CLG众人开Shurelya加速追击,Gragas ult但是只炸开GP,Kog和Ori绕河道上来 Alistar flash头鎚击飞三人,Ori上Cho盾然後ult漂亮炸飞三人 Janna ult吹开Cho和Alistar,但是GP跟上枪杀Gragas。Kog flash进来追杀Ashe Kass在後面没有办法对Kog或Ori造成致命的伤害,ult追杀Ori但是被Kog和Cho联手拆掉 Cho咬那一口至少50%去了... Lee最後挣扎回身QQ拿下Ori,但是也逃不掉了,又一个 1 for 4 CLG直接突进上路inhibitor,快拆nexus结束了这局,GG。 CLG Group B 3-0全胜出线 战後主播讨论Group B CLG表现 第一场Hs玩Jax,he was absolutely awsome,而第二场ban jax,他玩nid,it was awsome 而第三场ban nid&jax,hs玩cho,it was awsome 所以明天我们应该ban...all 3?...hotshot, 对,ban hotshot LOL -- 接下来是 semi-Final CLG vs Millenium 我要先抱怨一下riot根本是智障...原因下一篇再讲 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From: ※ 编辑: smallcoll 来自: (08/26 23:48)
1F:推 Blitzcrank :先推再看 08/26 23:46
2F:→ Blitzcrank :糟糕看到最後想嘘,你居然富奸 08/26 23:48
3F:推 lighttodie :有点懒得看完 ... 08/26 23:53
4F:推 yokoyamaai :看完推!!~ 还是好喜欢CLG那几场的比赛 08/26 23:54
5F:推 Blitzcrank :记录一些主播(被troll到)的反应很棒啊 XDDDDDDDDD 08/26 23:55
6F:推 howzking :ban hotshot 无误 08/27 00:04
7F:推 Nikkor :Push 08/27 00:05
8F:推 zseineo :推 08/27 00:06
9F:推 Shalone :#1 08/27 00:13
10F:推 HornyDragon :ban hotshot XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 08/27 00:13
11F:推 a6021314 :ban HSGG的main至少要两个名额 ban HSGG只要一个 赚! 08/27 00:18
12F:推 hipponi :以後大家可以ban jax跟cho就好 08/27 00:22
13F:推 TiauEX :下一篇勒 (  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ 08/27 00:27
14F:→ a12582002 :新patch:可以ban人(误 08/27 00:29
15F:推 Leavesb :ban HSGG 他还有泡菜王 :P 08/27 00:34
16F:推 ZOROCOOL :我觉得SK对FN的超级精彩!!如过元PO不介意翻这场的话~ 08/27 00:37
17F:→ smallcoll :sk vs fn我有抓,但是24:23一看就好累...55分的比赛 08/27 00:40
18F:推 sleepychang :下一支新英雄 The king of troll:HotShotGG (误 08/27 00:41
19F:推 JohnnyWalker:推 08/27 00:49
20F:推 bananasp :辛苦推 08/27 00:57
21F:推 gully :ban了HSGG出泡菜王会被troll致死XDDD 08/27 00:59
22F:推 Dont2000 :好棒!! 大推 08/27 01:00
23F:推 attacksoil :对方: 以後不用band nid了 08/27 01:06
24F:推 firegsh :要ban GG还不如开车先把他撞残:( 08/27 01:14
25F:推 Dix123 :报的不错 推一个 08/27 01:28
26F:推 hpig :认真有推 08/27 03:18
27F:推 bluewinter8 :PUSH 08/27 03:35
28F:推 ALU4 :推 来补看 08/27 04:42
29F:推 smisfun :文字讲解的跟看rp一样精采 科科 08/27 07:31
30F:推 walkie68 :nerf HOTSOHTGG !!!! too op!!!! 08/27 09:44
31F:推 IDs :超棒的!!好像在听广播 08/27 09:59
32F:→ neverbbs :HSGG是的CHO出啥装troll到主播@@? 08/27 10:01
33F:→ neverbbs :攻速弓吗 08/27 10:03
34F:推 soaringfish :攻速弓後来变wit's end就没那麽奇怪了 08/27 10:23

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icon.png[售车] 新竹 1997 march 1297cc 白色 四门
icon.png[讨论] 能从照片感受到摄影者心情吗
icon.png[狂贺] 贺贺贺贺 贺!岛村卯月!总选举NO.1
icon.png[难过] 羡慕白皮肤的女生
icon.png[问题] SBK S1安装於安全帽位置
icon.png[分享] 旧woo100绝版开箱!!
icon.pngRe: [无言] 关於小包卫生纸
icon.png[开箱] E5-2683V3 RX480Strix 快睿C1 简单测试
icon.png[心得] 苍の海贼龙 地狱 执行者16PT
icon.png[售车] 1999年Virage iO 1.8EXi
icon.png[心得] 挑战33 LV10 狮子座pt solo
icon.png[闲聊] 手把手教你不被桶之新手主购教学
icon.png[分享] Civic Type R 量产版官方照无预警流出
icon.png[售车] Golf 4 2.0 银色 自排
icon.png[出售] Graco提篮汽座(有底座)2000元诚可议
icon.png[问题] 请问补牙材质掉了还能再补吗?(台中半年内
icon.png[问题] 44th 单曲 生写竟然都给重复的啊啊!
icon.png[心得] 华南红卡/icash 核卡
icon.png[问题] 拔牙矫正这样正常吗
icon.png[赠送] 老莫高业 初业 102年版
icon.png[情报] 三大行动支付 本季掀战火
icon.png[宝宝] 博客来Amos水蜡笔5/1特价五折
icon.pngRe: [心得] 新鲜人一些面试分享
icon.png[心得] 苍の海贼龙 地狱 麒麟25PT
icon.pngRe: [闲聊] (君の名は。雷慎入) 君名二创漫画翻译
icon.pngRe: [闲聊] OGN中场影片:失踪人口局 (英文字幕)
icon.png[问题] 台湾大哥大4G讯号差
icon.png[出售] [全国]全新千寻侘草LED灯, 水草
