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原文: 符文: 红:魔穿*9 黄:成长ap*9 蓝:成长ap*9 紫:固定ap*3 天赋:8/1/21,cdr满/重生 招换者技能:重生、传送 前六等:QEQWQR R>Q>E>W 起手:多蓝盾 或 鞋+3水 或 多蓝戒 或 布甲+5水 当对线对手为garen/ashe/panth/AD时建议带布甲+5水 核心装备:法穿鞋、吸血书(远古意志)、眼泪(女神之泪) 後期装备:帽子(死亡之帽)、魔穿杖(虚空之杖)、大天使之杖、中亚沙漏 好选择:ROA(岁月之杖)、冰杖、女妖面纱 Introduction My evidence for this strategy works is not only myself, but several other players such as Hanyuyu, or PhantomL0rd. 这篇攻略并不是完全基於我自己的经验,而是参考了几位玩家像是Hanyuyu跟PhantomL0rd PhantomL0rd is a 2300+ Karthus player who uses Teleport Revive. He has a 71% winrate and is still keeping his ELO strong through his strategy. PhantomL0rd是一个2300+的传送重生死歌,而他的这种玩法让他在这个elo有71%胜率 It isn't exactly a zombie karthus but a karthus who has those most efficiency to give out to his team. Once you die doing as much damage as possible, you come back with even more HP, and a full mana bar to use. Zombie karthus is super irritating and I believe it can be used in competetive play if players chose to do it. He is extremely hard to gank because he can sit back with his Q, and once he gets you with his wall, there's no turning back against a good karthus player, and if you do turn back then you can say hello to death because he is just gonna walk all over you laughing at your dead corpse. If you don't turn back, you're still fucked because once you kill him, he still has a chance to kill you, and your teammates. 这并不纯粹只是殭屍流,而是一种对於他团队来说最有效率的玩法。当你死了也尽你可能 的制造出最多的伤害之後,你马上又带着更多的血量跟满档的魔力条回到战场。殭屍流死 歌很烦人而且我相信非常可行。因为他可以用Q龟在後面农又极端的难以gank,而且当你走 进死歌的墙之後最好马上回头,若是你回头了则死亡向你招手,死歌正辗过你而嘲笑你的 屍体。就算你GANK成功,他还是有机会干爆你跟你队友。 I will not be making a guide for ScarletDoom's Flash Clarity Karthus. If you want to play like his 90% winrate karthus, then go ask him. 我并不会去写一篇ScarletDoom's流闪现清晰死歌,如果你想要学他90%胜率的死歌, 就自己去问他吧。 以下技能介绍复制官网内容。 热键:Q 荒芜 卡尔瑟斯在指定地点施放一个印记,0.5 秒後对敌人造成 40/60/80/100/120 (+0.3魔攻 ) 魔法伤害,若只有一个敌人受伤害则造成双倍伤害。 消耗:20/26/32/38/44 魔力 冷却:1 秒 射程:875 你的主要伤害,一开始很难中因此我建议你多练习,而他会在游戏中非常有效 热键:W 痛苦之墙 卡尔瑟斯在目标地区域制造一堵痛苦之墙,宽度 800/900/1000/1100/1200,持续 7 秒。 任何穿越的敌人都会缓速 40/50/60/70/80%,并减少物理防御和魔法防御 15/20/25/30/35,持续 5 秒。 消耗:100 魔力 冷却:18 秒 射程:1000 这道墙决定了会战的走向,如果你抓到了整队敌人就可以替他们送终,墙给予相当多的 缓速与扣魔防,这个技能用的好对於对手有相当大的威胁 热键:E 污染 被动:卡尔瑟斯盗取受害者的能量,每杀死一名敌人,可以回复 20/27/34/41/48 魔力值 。 主动:在卡尔瑟斯身边制造一片灵魂禁区,对周围敌人造成 30/50/70/90/110 (+0.25魔 攻) 魔法伤害。 消耗:30/42/54/66/78 魔力 / 每秒 冷却:0.5 秒 射程:550 在2点一点E让你有回魔能力。 这个技能让你能够补魔以及制造AOE伤害,它可以给在圈圈内的敌人迎头痛击,也意味着 你必须靠近敌人才能制造伤害。这个技能让死歌在团战中非常强大而逼迫敌人买些魔防装 热键:R 安魂曲 3 秒吟唱之後,卡尔瑟斯对所有敌方英雄造成 250/400/550 (+0.6魔攻)魔法伤害。 消耗:150/175/200 魔力 冷却:180/150/120 秒 射程:全地图 给你吸血、安全的尾刀、安全的助攻。 可以当起手式也可以当清道夫。 被动 死亡契约 死亡後卡尔瑟斯进入灵体状态,不能移动,但可以继续施法,持续 7 秒。 这个被动让你不管怎样都能在团战中输出,对手先扁你,你依然可以扁他们。 对手不扁你,你还是能扁他们。 Early Game Farm, try not to get caught by level 2 jungler gank. Get to level 6 and use ult when needed 农,尝试不要在LV2 gank中被抓到。尽快上6然後在需要时用大绝。 Mid Game Farm more, get blue buff. Gank when necessary use summoner spells effectively meaning if there is nobody at the tower you're attacking, and something else is going on across the map. Go suicide into that tower and revive teleport to that fight. You'll have movement control, and you'll have 400 more HP. 农更多,拿蓝。在一定会用掉对手招换者技能时gank,这代表着你正在攻击一个没人守 的塔时你发现地图另一端在会战,跑进塔里自杀然後重生传送加入那场战斗 你有跑速buff,而且你还多了400血。 Late Game Farm until you're maxed, then just follow your team around. Be a good team player and help everyone out, also get blue buff still. Triple pot+Oracles when you're maxed and have nothing else to buy. Switch to defensive items like banshee's veil or GA when you feel it'll be more effective. 农到你满装为止,然後好好的跟着你的队伍。当个好队友而且帮入所有人,保持你身上 有蓝,当你满装又没啥好买时喝三精练+Oracles(先知药剂),在防御道具像是女妖跟 复活甲中选个你觉得比较有用的。 Team Fights Use Q to do damage. 用Q扁人 Use W to catch or run away from people. Use it in teamfights in different directions to get the most out of it, a well placed wall can be very deadly. 用W抓人或逃跑,在团战中用各种不同角度的墙来制造最大效果,一道好墙会非常致命。 Use E when people are near you. 在人群围上你时用E Use R when people are almost dead or close to dead. Use your own judgement. 用R捡尾刀,给予他们制裁。 When you die, activate E, spam Q, use W, and make sure you ult before your passive 当你挂了,开E,连点Q,盖墙,然後算好你被动的秒数确保你能开大绝 There's no much to say for early,mid,late because it can mostly only be explained through your own experience as a player. There is no main godlike guide item build or anything, standard to use. Use your head and play smart. 我没办法太详尽的描述早中晚期游戏你该干嘛,因为这必须靠你自己玩累积经验。 没有一篇教学能让你成为神,学基础,用你的脑袋聪明的玩。 Final Comments / Video Karthus is a very effective caster that can change games. His precense throughout the game is not to be ignored. He doesn't have a lot of burst, but his Q does ridiculous sustained damage. With a little practice karthus may just be one of the best casters in the game. 死歌是一个能有效逆转战局的法师。他的表现在游戏中不容忽视,他没有那麽强大的爆 发力,但是他的Q可以非常荒谬的持续制造伤害。练习过後的死歌可以成为游戏中其中 一个最强的法师。 Soraka does counter your ult, but when she's on your team it really shows how effective global ults that damage or heal can be. Soraka反制你的大绝,但是如果她在你的队上,可以证明全球流大绝的补血或伤害能做到 什麽。 影片: This a short but should give you an idea demonstration on how to play him. It's really basic, and not hard to understand. Just sit middle all day farm, press ult, use summoner spells, and play karthus where he is needed. 这是一个短片,给你一些使用它的想法。很基础而且不难了解。就是龟在中路农翻天, 按大绝,按重生,然後去任何一个需要它的地方。 RP: ________________________________ 英文很差翻的不好,有错请纠正我感恩 -- ___ "There is only one truth, and you will find it‧◆ at the point of my lance." __▁▂》︽<___︹▁__ 》︾<│__ Jarvan IV, The Examplar of DemaciaΞ|| ψzealotjacky LEAGUE of LEGENDS --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 enjoy1718 :感谢你的分享 我也玩死哥的 但是我不玩殭屍流 08/24 17:58
2F:推 turtleian :"但是他的Q可以非常可笑的持续制造伤害" 这啥 08/24 18:03
3F:→ arnold6ll05 :制造很大很可观的伤害的意思 原PO那句翻的不通顺 08/24 18:04
4F:推 abccbaandy :他的声音真的很催眠... 08/24 18:05
5F:推 spiral1226 :does ridiculous sustained damage 08/24 18:10
6F:→ spiral1226 :持续性的制造伤害到很荒谬的地步 (? 08/24 18:10
7F:推 playperfloor:死歌什麽时候有公会了0.0? 08/24 18:25
8F:推 kenyon0619 :楼上不错 08/24 18:31
9F:→ kenyon0619 :跑去塔里自杀感觉很好笑XD 08/24 18:31
10F:推 hsj8266 :我也觉得荒谬应该比较适合XD 08/24 18:37
11F:推 lom123456 :ridiculous在英文就是很夸张的感觉 08/24 18:46
12F:推 Dix123 :PUSH 08/24 18:53
13F:推 Dix123 :清析闪现死神是什麽@@? 08/24 18:55
14F:推 Leavesb :flash / clarity 08/24 19:00
15F:推 DevilCool :进塔自杀的部分有点问题~应该是说当地图另一端会战时 08/24 19:28
16F:→ DevilCool :要在不会被敌方捡人头的情况下自杀~复活传送加入会战 08/24 19:29
17F:推 kenyon0619 :看完原文 楼上说的是对的 08/24 20:15
※ 编辑: robo3456 来自: (08/24 20:32)
18F:→ robo3456 :感谢指正 08/24 20:33
19F:推 violette0809:直接传送不是更快? 为何要自杀@@ 08/24 20:36
20F:推 GILLS :石内朴老师!!! 08/24 20:37
21F:推 carzy :使用重生技能後 传送进战场可以跑超快..... 08/24 21:52
22F:推 ZakuSIN :同上 开着E冲 放墙 QQQQQQQQQQQQQ 08/24 22:38
※ 编辑: robo3456 来自: (08/25 10:46)
23F:推 RaiGend0519 :Revive 跟 Flash 各有好处,Revive 可以让队伍 6 v 5 08/25 16:53
24F:→ RaiGend0519 :Flash 可以抢团战先机、逃跑、杀人,比较明显的缺点 08/25 16:53
25F:→ RaiGend0519 :就是Revive 时间太长、需要用符文补足天赋15%、没有 08/25 16:55
26F:→ RaiGend0519 :逃跑技能 08/25 16:55

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