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Knowing When To Go Back 原文 觉得观念蛮好的所以翻译了一下 有误请告知:) A few days ago I visited my friends house, to check up on him after I heard he got in a car accident. When I got there, I saw that he was in a League of Legends game. When I sat down he asked me to give him some pointers so he play the game better. He was playing Akali top versus Corki and Janna. Within 5 minutes of the game he had gotten a double kill. His Akali was at 150 hp and at the enemy’s tower. Then I told him that he should go back. It wasn’t worth it to fight 2 enemies at 150 hp when they came back, and he was also open for a gank. With in 3 seconds of him finishing his blue pill Annie from mid had peaked out of the brush for a gank. In this blog I will briefly go over when to go back to your base. Too often, even in high elo matches, people do not go back to base when they should. Sticking around with low hit points, low mana, or under-geared will deny yourself farm or promote the the enemy to gank you! 几天前我去朋友家探望一位出车祸的朋友,我到的时候这家伙正在打LOL。当我坐下时朋友 请我给他些建议让他这场能表现得更好。我朋友玩Akali上路,对线的是Corki和Janna。游 戏进行不到五分钟的时候他就双杀对手。此时他的Akali只有150hp并且在对方塔前。这时 候我告诉他该recall回家了,上路两人很快会回到线上,而以150hp和两个对手作战并不明 智而且就像是在叫人来gank。就在他回传後三秒不到,中路的安妮从草丛杀出来gank。在 这篇文章中我会说明一些玩家该回家而未回家的状况。在没血、没魔、装备落後的情况下 还死赖在线上只会妨碍自己农兵,而且还嘲讽对方gank你! Here are the scenarios in which you should start thinking of going back: 这是几个我认为你应该考虑recall的状况: 1. It is the first 5 minutes and you have just killed the enemy and pushed to their tower. Their death timer just ended. You want to go back now because your enemy will be back in lane very soon. He will have bought, out gear you, and be at full HP. Going back now will make sure you can get back in lane fast enough so you can catch the creep wave before the enemy pushes it to your tower, denying you gold and exp. 游戏的前五分钟,你就杀了对手并把兵线推到对面塔下,挂掉的家伙死亡读秒刚结束。此 时你应该回家,因为对手会很快地回到线上。死回家的他已经买了装(因此装备会领先你) 并且满血。现在回家能够确保你回到线上的速度够快,能够吃到对方在你回线上时间推过 来的这一波小兵钱和经验。 2. You just killed an enemy and you are at 200 HP. You want to go back immediately unless you know where their entire team is on the map. Anytime you kill a lane, the enemy jungler will already on their way to hold the lane. Stick around with low hit points is a sure way to get yourself ganked. 你刚杀了一个敌人,只剩两百滴血。除非你知道对面整个队伍的位置,不然就要回家。(译 注:感谢版友ENEP)每次你杀了一个线上英雄,他们家Jungler就已经在去帮忙顾线的路上 了,残血硬待在线上铁定会让你自己被gank死。 3. There are 3-4 enemies pushing your tower and you are holding it alone. Think to yourself, can I completely decimate an entire creepwave in 2 seconds? If not you should go back. The enemy will dive you and most likely successfully kill you and take the tower. If your death timer is long, they make even take the next. 有3-4个敌人在推你的塔,而你孤身一人悲剧的守着塔。仔细想想,我有办法在两秒内清掉 一波小兵吗?如果无法,就回家吧。敌人可以很轻松的dive你并且成功拆掉塔。如果你的 死亡倒数时间很长,他们可能再拆一座。 4. It is 30+ minutes in, you just aced their team and with 3-4 members alive. However, they are all below 40% hitpoints. You are pushing their base tower and their resurrection timer is 5 seconds. It will take 10 seconds to finish it off and baron is still on the map. It is best to go back immediately and NOT finish that tower. You want to go back before they chase you back. If you are still there when they are all alive with full HP they can chase you down mid lane, potentially take a kill, and take baron. It is very easy to lose a game you are ahead by sticking around too long. 游戏已经进行了30分钟以上,你们刚ace对手并且有3-4名成员存活。然而这3-4个人血量都 低於40%,你们正在推内塔而对手的复活时间是五秒。要拆掉塔需要10秒,而baron还在地 图上。此时最好马上回家,不要强拆内塔。在重生的敌人追着你跑之前就回家吧。如果当 敌人重生时你们还待在对方家里,他们会在中路一路追杀你们,很有可能杀到人头,然後 把baron吃了。在领先场待在对手家太久是很容易被逆转的。 5. Your team has dragon on timer and you are top lane. Dragon is going to spawn in 1 minutes and your team is preparing to do it. You should push top late as hard as you can, blue pill back to base, buy, then head to dragon as a group. Pushing the lane top will pull a member of their team to top lane to push it back. Going back to base makes sure that your team is as well equipped as possible. You should also do this with baron. 你的队伍有人计算dragon重生时间,你是solo top的英雄。dragon在一分钟内会重生而你 的队伍正准备要去拿dragon。此时你应该狂推一波上路兵线,recall回家,买装,然後和 队友在龙区集合。推上路兵线会逼迫对方必须要派一位成员去上路将兵线推回来,回主堡 则能确保你们队伍的装备都准备好了。吃baron时你也应该这样做。 I know I only listed 5 scenarios and there are probably hundreds more I can list. But the important concept I want to convey here, is to not stick around too long. Make sure you upgrade your gear and inventory as much as your enemy does, so you never lose the advantage in lane, or when doing global objectives. Sticking around in lane below 60% promotes the enemy jungler to come gank you. If there is no way you can defend a tower along and assistance is too far away, it is better to go back to base, top off, and defend 1 tower in. 在这里我只举了五个例子,事实上我几乎可以举出上百个例子。在这里我想探讨的最重要 观念是──不要硬赖线上。该做的是确保自己的出装跟你的对手一样多,如此一来你就永 远不会失去对线的优势,或是取得全地图怪的优势。血量低於60%还硬赖在线上只会吸引 对方jungler来gank你。如果你完全无力守塔,而友军又太远,最好的选择就是recall回家 然後守里面一点的那个塔了。 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From: ※ 编辑: spiral1226 来自: (08/24 12:18)
1F:推 RobertAlexy :好文 08/24 12:18
2F:→ ENEP :2是说"除非你知道对面整个队伍的位置,不然就要回家" 08/24 12:20
感谢 已修正
3F:→ madokayui :#1EJzfLQG (LoL)#1EJzfLQG (LoL)#1EJzfLQG (LoL) 08/24 12:21
4F:→ madokayui :OP OP OP OP OP 08/24 12:22
不好意思 没注意到(/ Dan) 有问题的话我晚点出门回来自删
5F:推 zf941087 :译者皆辛苦...而且我觉得这篇翻得也不错XD 08/24 12:27
ORZ 我虽然没有每天看板但是没想到会OP三天前的=_= 翻译真的要花一些时间 Z大也辛苦了:) 原翻译者Z大不介意的话我就先不删了 慢慢打的删掉有一点不忍心qq
6F:推 EricTao :难怪我觉得超眼熟 还以为我有预知能力(误 08/24 12:33
7F:推 ef9527 :还以为是英文程度变好了。 掩面 08/24 12:42
XD ※ 编辑: spiral1226 来自: (08/24 13:54)
8F:推 a7420852 :推默默付出的翻译者们 08/24 14:00
9F:推 RainyCity : 08/24 15:04
10F:→ a2364983 :这篇超棒的 很需要~! 08/24 15:07
11F:推 ALU4 :推 译者皆辛苦 08/24 15:10
12F:→ a2364983 :不用删+1 好文没什麽好OP不OP的又不是被PO了10几次XD 08/24 15:13
13F:推 ixidor :push 08/24 15:32

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