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First Game CLG vs Frag eXecutors group-b-round-12-counter-logic-gaming-vs-frag-executors Match Summary 介绍和Ban and Pick跳过,没什麽重要的 CLG : ban orianna/gp/amumu Jax/Zilean/Alistar/Ashe/Lee Sin Frag : ban nid/vayne/fiddle Noc/Cait/Soraka/Karthus/Anivia Counter Logic Gaming began the match aggressively by invading Frag eXecutors’ jungle, stealing not only the Lizard Elder but also half of the golem camp to help stifle Nocturne’s experience gain. They then moved into lane, with Lee Sin roaming heavily and putting a great deal of pressure on FX’s laning game. CLG开场就打的很有侵略性,入侵了Frag的jungle偷走了红buff和双石头。 Lee Sin开场带红四处游走对Frag造成了很大的压力。 Surprisingly, however, it was Frag eXecutors that claimed first blood when an overconfident Zilean dove wildly to attempt to close out a kill at mid, running out of mana in the process. 然而令人惊讶的是,Frag拿下了First blood,因为Zilean dive in但是却oom而被反杀 The first major engagement of the match followed shortly thereafter at bottom , as a missed Enchanted Crystal Arrow from Ashe prompted a gank by Nocturne. Although CLG managed to escape unscathed, FX was able to open up a push on bottom tower. 之後在下路的会战中,jiji miss了他的arrow,导致noc关灯gank 虽然成功的保住一命,但是Frag得到了一座Free turret With the first turret kill under their belt, Frag eXecutor’s confidence seemed to build considerably as it became clear that they were more than capable of going toe-to-toe with their veteran opponents. 随着第一座塔的倒下,frag似乎很有信心能在针锋相对的情况下取胜 Counter Logic Gaming now made an attempt to redouble their initial aggression by launching an attack on dragon while Hotshot GG, as Jax, continued to apply pressure to top. FX, however, was able to stop their attempt thanks to another missed Ashe arrow. They were then able to group for a push at mid, claiming their second kill of the match at the enemy turret. CLG现在开始对龙区发动更多的侵略攻击(15分左右的龙区4v4吧) ,而此时HSGG持续的在上路制造压力(根本就是INCREDIBLE FRAMING XD) Frag成功的阻止了CLG(在龙区)的企图,感谢jiji又一发的miss arrow 囧rz 之後Frag在中路合推,elementz开大flash还是死於两墙+点燃之下 Jax’s stubborn attack at top lane, however, had begun to pay dividends, however, as he was able to catch Anivia as she scrambled to defend the rapidly deteriorating turret, giving CLG their first kill of the match. Meanwhile Lee Sin was able to solo the dragon while FX was occupied at mid, bringing Counter Logic Gaming back into contention for the match. Jax持续的在上路farm farm farm,冰鸟想来阻止他推塔反而被杀掉 这是CLG的first kill XD 同时,趁Frag在中路想要推进时,此时赵云在...不是,Lee Sin在solo dragon 哪有solo dragon,明明是lee+ashe两人硬吃dragon,然後2v3脱离 = = 而且应该是稍早才对,先吃龙,後jax单杀anivia CLG then launched a bold, early attack on Baron Nashor with the duo of Lee Sin and Jax. Seeing their opponents out of position, Frag eXecutors seized the opportunity to take down mid turret before moving in to oust the slow attempt on Baron. Grouping up, CLG managed to steal their oppontent’s Ancient Golem before retreating back to lane. CLG在此时做了一个大胆的尝试:Jax和Lee sin duo Baron!(at 20mins) 但是发现有红眼Lee sin又差点被打死,而Frag趁这个机会推进中路拿下了一座塔 然而CLG成功的偷走了Frag的蓝Buff(21:30) Undaunted by their failed first attempt, Counter Logic Gaming quickly returned to pressure mid while Jax and Lee Sin moved in for a second attempt at Baron Nashor. This time, with their opponents' wards expired, they were able to successfully snatch the Baron buff right out from under Frag eXecutors' nose. Redoubling their push, Counter Logic Gaming proceeded to crush FX at mid, killing four champions and taking both the outer and inner turret. While they failed to renew their push at top lane, they were able to withdraw fairly easily with a comfortable 10,000 gold advantage. 在第一次尝试失败後,CLG很快的在中路push施加压力,Jax和Lee再一次的rush Baron. 这一次baron区附近没有任何Frag的眼,他们成功的在对手的眼皮底下抢下了Baron。 这一次的会战中CLG成功的杀了Frag四个人,而且推下了中路两塔, 此时CLG已经有超过10000G的金钱优势了。 Cait ult jax,jiji"好像"故意走开不帮档的片段在25:40左右 XD 还有後面的飞蛋也被略过了 XD A scrappy fight at mid proved to be Frag eXecutors final moment of brilliance. While they managed to trade one kill for three in the initial engagement, they failed to claim the second Baron kill of the match for themselves. CLG, on the other hand, was able to take another dragon upon respawn, and move into position to contest FX during their renewed attack in the upper river. The resulting battle proved to be an ace for CLG, ultimately costing the young underdogs both their mid inhibitor and the Baron. 在之後的中路会战中,证明了这是Frag最後的闪光 XD 30min中路会战 成功的三换一(Jax/Zil/Ali、Karthus阵亡)之後,Frag没有办法为他们拿下这场游戏的 第二只Baron(jiji volly成功的扰乱,还在蓝buff射中了第二箭arrow XDDD) 此时赵云,不,Lee Sin真的在solo Dragon了... 之後CLG就位於Baron区河道(jiji又miss一箭 囧) 在这场会战中CLG成功的拿下ace(jax根本怪物 = = jax和lee残血存活) 最终CLG拿下了中路inhibitor和Baron。 Over 13,000 gold in the lead Counter Logic Gaming followed up with a bold attack at top lane, trading 3:3 with Frag eXecutors’ before breaking their valiant defense and forcing them to give up their second inhibitor. With the FX’s bottom turret falling to minions, it was a relatively simple matter for CLG to simply wait for the remainder of team to respawn before kicking in the door at mid lane to close out the game. 在超过13k Gold的领先下,CLG在上路inhib前作出了大胆的攻击 大胆个屁,根本是HS硬坦塔硬dive LOL 结果是3for3但是frag的上路inhibitor还是爆了 而下路的塔也被一狗票小兵海过去了 到此为止CLG只要简单的等全队重生然後push push push就可以结束这场比赛 总结起来这场前期被Frag拿下Fb和ali中路被双墙击杀,下路塔也被先推下 但Jax稍晚也推了上路,然後拿下CLG FB 而CLG整场对龙区掌握非常的完美,连Baron都没有放过 创造了超过10K Gold的优势,然後就开始综艺秀 XDDDDDDDD --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 colmash :这场的Jax真的是神演出,那个14级吃龙超扯.. 08/20 23:57
2F:推 VoyagerKid :请问所有比赛官网最後都会上RP吗? 08/20 23:58
3F:推 kent8207 :想知道RP+1 主播有时候视角真的很差ZZ... 08/21 00:29
4F:推 bluecsky :这场卖点是双人20min吃巴龙 实在完全没想到 08/21 00:48
5F:→ focusardi :RP非官方程式,应该是放播报时的影片出来 08/21 01:24
6F:推 nunu0209 :这种比赛应该不会有RP流出, 只会有播报的版本 08/21 01:52
※ 编辑: smallcoll 来自: (08/23 00:07)

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