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来源网址: 本文为本人翻译,如需引用请经作者本人同意 Overview of Dominion 英雄联盟:统治者的概观 League of Legends: Dominion is a new game mode that introduces the Crystal Scar, a new map featuring capture-and-hold style gameplay to the League of Legends experience. Dominion games are fast-paced battles around 20 minutes in length that emphasize immediate action and frantic, non-stop combat. 英雄联盟:统治者,是由水晶之痕所推出的一个新游戏模式,以英雄联盟为主体的一张新 地图,并且以占领与保护为特色的游戏体验。统治者将以一场战役20分钟的快速节奏进行 ,强调当机立断的行动、疯狂、持续不停的会战。 On the Crystal Scar, two teams of five players battle it out over control of five capture points in an effort to destroy the opposing team’s Nexus. Gameplay is designed to be fluid, with both teams constantly seizing the advantage from one another. Special care has been taken to ensure that all of your favorite champions are viable and fun to play in this new game mode. 在水晶之痕中,由五人组成的两队中进行战斗,透过努力的控制五个占领点,以摧毁对手 的核心基地(Nexus)。游戏设计为多变的,随着两队持续争夺一个又一个的优势,设计者 必须特别关注於确保所有招唤者喜欢的英雄都能够出现於游戏中(viable),并且能够在新 的游戏模式中得到乐趣。 ----- How to Play 如何进行游戏 Capture Points占领点 Capture points represent important strategic locations across the map. Controlling these points and defending them against the opposition is the central focus of Dominion. 占领点代表了全地图中的重要战略区位,控制并防卫这些点以对抗敌人,是统治者最重要 的事。 Each team in Dominion starts with their nexus at full health. The opposing team’s nexus health will slowly drain whenever your team holds more capture points than the enemy. The rate at which their nexus health declines is tied to the number of points your team owns in excess of your opponents. If both teams hold the same number of capture points, neither team’s nexus receives any damage. 统治者中,每一个队伍在其核心基地中以满血状态开始游戏,当你所处的队伍保有较敌人 队伍更多的占领点时,敌人的核心基地将会缓慢的失去血量。失血速度将与你的队伍所占 领的据点数量,超出敌人所占领的据点数量。如果双方都占有相同数量的占领点,两方的 核心基地都不会失血。 Players can claim capture points by right clicking the capture point tower when their champion is within range. After a short channel time, ownership of the capture point will transfer to the capturing player’s team. Points controlled by the opposing team will take longer to capture since they must first be neutralized before you can assume control. 当玩家的英雄在可占领距离内时,可以藉由右键点选占领点以占领据点。经过一段短暂的 传输时间(channel time)後,该占领点的所有权将会转换为该英雄玩家的队伍所拥有。如 果是占领一个由敌人所控制的据点将会花费更久的时间,由於该占领点必须先成为一个中 立的据点,然後你才能进行(assume)控制。 If a capturing champion moves or takes damage during the channel time, he will be unable to attempt another capture for a short cooldown period. An allied capture point will attack enemy champions as well as spawn minions to attack and capture nearby enemy-controlled capture points. 如果一个进行占领行动中的英雄在传输时间中移动了或受到伤害,该英雄在一段短暂的冷 却时间内将不能够再次试图进行占领。一个自身队伍的占领点将会攻击敌人英雄,像是生 产小兵攻及并占领敌人的控制点。 ----- Dynamic Quests 动态任务 Dominion brings a new, dynamic quest system to League of Legends multiplayer. Quests are given to teams over the course of a match based on the current state of the map, and revolve around the ownership of specific capture points. 统治者为英雄联盟的全体玩家带来了一个全新、动态的任务系统。根据当前的地图状况, 在游戏过程中将会给予队伍任务,且沿着(revolve around)特定的所有权占领点。 These quests offer new map objectives that encourage players to adapt and alter their strategies on the fly. Completion of these quests offers substantial rewards to the successful team in addition to dealing immediate damage to the opposing team’s nexus. 这些任务提供了新的地图目标,鼓励玩家采用并且不加思索的(on the fly)改变其原本战 略。这些任务将提供大量的奖励给予完成队伍,并且可以直接让对手的核心基地扣血。 ----- Personal Score 个人积分 Dominion introduces a new way for players to track their individual contribution through their personal score. A player’s personal score increases based on heroic actions that they take throughout the game, such as defending a capture point against an overwhelming force or securing a secondary objective on the map. A player’s score and other Dominion specific stats are accessible in-game through the new scoreboard and end of game screen. 统治者提出一个全新方式,让玩家透过个人积分以查询其个人贡献。玩家的个人积分将会 增加,基於其游戏中的「英勇行为」,像是对抗一个压倒性的势力以防卫一个占领点;完 成地图的次要目标。一个玩家的分数与其他特定纪录,透过一个新的分数板及结束的游戏 画面中,可以进行查询。 ----- Buffs in Dominion 游戏中之英雄增强效果(Buff) Dominion buffs are broken down into three types: Speed Shrines, Health Relics, and Greater Relics. 游戏的英雄增强效果分为三种类型:速度殿堂、生命遗迹及伟大遗迹 Speed Shrines are areas on the map that grant a significant, yet short duration, movement speed bonus to champions that pass through them. These shrines persist throughout the entire game and can be used repeatedly by players on either team. 在地图中的速度殿堂,通过该殿堂的玩家英雄,将可以得到一个效果显着,但是持续时间 短暂的速度加成。这些殿堂将持续存在於整个游戏过程中,且双方队伍皆可以重覆使用。 Health Relics spawn on specific locations at short, regular intervals, and can be picked up to restore health and mana. Champions from either team can acquire a health relic simply by moving over it. 生命遗迹以短暂而规律的频率(intervals)出现於特定区域,英雄捡拾时可以回复生命与 法力。双方队伍的英雄只要移动经过(moving over)生命遗迹,就可以得到它。 Greater Relics are a pair of powerful team specific objects that spawn at the center of the map. While the Greater Relics spawn less frequently than Health Relics, they provide powerful offensive bonuses that help assault particularly well-fortified capture points. Acquiring these Greater Relics requires a brief channel time. 伟大遗迹是一对强大的队伍目标,出现於地图中间。伟大遗迹出现的次数较少於生命遗迹 ,伟大遗迹提供了强大的攻击加成,特别是帮助英雄於加强防守的占领点。要得到伟大遗 迹需要短暂的传输时间。 --- New Items & Summoner Spells 新道具与招唤者技能 Many new items have been added to League of Legends: Dominion to complement the new fast-paced gameplay. This includes many new offensive items such as the Ionic Spark -- a powerful attack speed item that unleashes an arc of chain lightning every few attacks. All champions have had their recommended items tailor-made for Dominion, making it easy for players to adapt their builds. 英雄联盟:统治者中,将会加入许多新道具,用以完善这个快速节奏的全新游戏。包含了 许多新的攻击道具,如爱奥尼亚电火球,是一个强大的攻速道具且每隔几次攻击就会释放 一道链锁闪电。所有的英雄都有各自量身打造的推荐道具,使玩家在采用装备时可以轻易 上手。 The suite of Summoner Spells has also been revamped for Dominion and includes two new spells. This includes Summoner Promote, a tactical spell that empowers a minion to help the champion assault their lane. 招唤者技能系列也将会为统治者进行改造(revamped),并加入两个新技能。包含招唤者升 级,是一个战术技能,强化一个小兵(empowers)以帮助英雄攻击其战线。 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:→ a2364983 :阿拉希(end 08/15 17:17
2F:推 enchyi :BUT 有小兵的阿拉希 08/15 17:19
3F:→ fearimba :有一堆BOT在打的阿拉西 08/15 17:19
4F:推 alvisQQ :我觉得比较像暴风 08/15 17:21
5F:→ enchyi :如果有伐木场那推人技就imba了 08/15 17:21
6F:推 playperfloor:怕大家奥山模式打腻了就推出阿拉希模式了XD 08/15 17:23
7F:推 frank123ya :所有的英雄都有各自量身打造的推荐道具 专武要出了 08/15 17:27
8F:推 aa124816 :推荐道具跟专武不一样吧 08/15 17:28
9F:→ oceanforward:应该是推荐原有的吧 = = 只是换成抢点/防守用 08/15 17:29
10F:推 colmash :女妖面纱bye bye了XD 08/15 17:30
11F:推 ghostou :想起ut2k4~~ 08/15 17:33
12F:推 lightmaple :想起战鎚 08/15 17:38
13F:推 Yanrei :泡面头站在基地旁边会回血吗? 08/15 17:40
14F:推 lightmaple :应该不会吧XD 08/15 17:41
15F:推 xptx :如果成功了 以後电竞的主流是打这个模式吧 08/15 17:56
16F:→ Kavis :电竞应该各种图都比几场,比较出选手全方位的能力 08/15 18:42
17F:推 BeanBryant :期待中~~~! 08/15 19:28

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