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非常简略的翻译 - 5 capture points 五个点让大家抢 - Map is a massive circle 地图是个颇大的圆形 - Center of map has power ups, called Greater Relics (like speed boosts) that are obtained by channeling for a period of time. 地图中央有Greater Relics(提供加速buff),对他引导唱法一段时间可以获得BUFF - 5 further out powers that regen health fast 还有五个可以让回血变快的东西 - Can't move/attack while capturing a node, more teammates that help the faster it captures 开旗的时候不能移动攻击,越多队友抢越快 - Each player starts at lvl 3 开场3等 - Each players starts with 1375g 开场都有1375元 - You level up MUCH quicker as well as get money faster 升等的速度增加许多,跳钱的速度也会变快 - No jungle (but there are bushes) 没有将狗 (但是有草堆) - Magic/Armor resistances changed slightly in this mode 魔抗和护甲在这个模式中会有些改变 - Some items (examples are Banshee's and Madreds) are disabled in this mode all-together 有些东西不能买 (Banshee , Madreds之类的) - There are new items as well, "One of the new weapons is called Ionic Spark. It adds health and attack speed, as well as a proc that does a chain lightning attack to a few nearby enemies" 会有些新的装备,有个新武器叫做"Ionic Spark"会增加血量和攻速,攻击的时候还会对 周围的敌人有...闪电链? (这边我不确定) - Capturing points takes health away from the enemy nexus, until you win 占领据点可以让对方的nexus扣血,直到获胜 - Games last around 20 minutes on average, compared to the 40 or so now 游戏大概时间会在20分钟左右,相较目前40分钟一场会快速许多 (这边有点不确定) - Summoner spells Teleport and Fortify are unavailable in Dominion 传送和无敌塔也禁用 - Instead you get Promote (Upgrade minion) and Garrison (buff/nerf team/e tower, choose 1 respectively) 相反的你有Promote (升级小兵)和 Garrison (增强我方的塔或是削弱对方的塔,两者择一) - "Quests" pop up during the match, complete them to do bonus damage to enemy nexus 游戏进行中会有"任务"跳出来,完成任务可以对敌方的nexus造成额外伤害。 - Personal scores emphasized over team scores, as well as there's a new scoreboard 会有新的记分板,个人成绩会比团队成绩更被强调(不确定) - No ranked Dominion play 这模式没有RANK - Enemy capture points shoot at you like towers unless you're capturing them 对方占领的点会向塔一样射得你满脸,直到你去占领他 - It takes about 4-10 seconds to capture a point (depending on how many allies help) 占一个点会花4-10秒 (看有多少队友帮忙) - "Renown system" that rewards players for helping the team rather than stacking kills "名声系统"会奖励那些愿意去帮助团队获胜的人,而不是满脑子想抢杀人数的玩家 - The Nexus begins with 500 health Nexus有500血量 - Capturing points also enables minions to spawn to help capture points at other locations 占领的点也会升小兵来帮助其他的据点 - No wards in Dominion 不能买眼 - New Ping system and new Announcer 新的Ping 系统还有旁白配音 更多资讯请看 (
-- 世界は美しくなんかなそしてそれ故に、甚隽瞗C The world is not beautiful; therefore it is.─ --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 Shalone :speed boosts=速度加成 08/05 00:24
2F:→ wzmildf :对耶我看成boots 08/05 00:26
※ 编辑: wzmildf 来自: (08/05 00:27)
3F:推 a2364983 :唔哦 好绅士 不推吗 08/05 00:35
4F:推 thedeathhero:感觉像小游戏模式?... 08/05 00:37
5F:推 gn01172011 :没眼睛很刺激 感觉不错玩 08/05 00:47
6F:推 lfstgenius :阿拉希!! 08/05 00:47
7F:推 Homeparty :全球流应该蛮OP的 08/05 00:58
8F:推 frank123ya :关键是起手等级3 有些脚色的优势会被拉出来 08/05 00:58
9F:推 Nobody001 :快买个TF 08/05 00:58
10F:推 Yanrei :TF跟NOC的大绝大概整个要砍掉重做了吧…… 08/05 01:01
11F:→ Homeparty :还有shen,pathen XDD 除非地图很小不用走太远 08/05 01:02
12F:推 Yanrei :一队同时有NOC、TF、shen、pan,直接整个空投部队… 08/05 01:03
13F:推 CKnightalker:chain是指连锁的效应吧,感觉就像提拉马特XD 08/05 01:03
14F:推 philip1212 :过一阵子会有奥山吗Orz 08/05 01:11
15F:→ philip1212 :疑,本来的模式就是奥山=.= 那会有战歌吗 08/05 01:12
16F:推 abccbaandy :占点时开始冥想的YI:谁都不能打扰我~~~ 08/05 01:14
17F:推 ETOHs :看起来好high 但是届时我得去登入别的东西了 呜呜 08/05 01:15
18F:推 zerosky1943 :楼上是国军online吗XD 08/05 01:19
19F:推 davidfrog807:LOL阿拉希!!!! 08/05 01:26
20F:推 smisfun :预期可见到时候会有一堆TF空降抢旗侠 08/05 01:31
21F:推 donnolove :singed毒开了就开始跑操场了 08/05 01:33
22F:→ imba789 :比起地图流脚色 感觉选脚长的比较有用ex: RAMMUS 08/05 01:39
23F:推 jinkela1 :rammus+1 跑跑不赢 杀杀不掉 但teemo不会更贱吗? 08/05 02:23
24F:→ jinkela1 :在点上堆满可爱香菇 08/05 02:24
25F:推 albertyih :堆起来也不会被顺杀 买orcale拆掉就是 08/05 02:32
26F:推 phoebi :ASHE有可能OP吗? 无限距离断旗XD 08/05 03:05
27F:推 tztbrian :shaco表示:我以後都要出AP装..... 08/05 05:08
28F:推 turtleian :スパァァァァクーーー害我想到盖特 08/05 07:08
29F:推 ef9527 :对名声系统比较有兴趣。 08/05 07:40
30F:推 lightmaple :Shining Spark? 08/05 07:56
31F:推 bluecsky :T毛的蘑菇dot不能叠阿 插一堆也没意义 无法秒杀人 08/05 08:42
32F:→ iceisland : 08/05 08:50
33F:推 Gaujing :lux应该会很强 靠嘴炮捡无数人头 肥起来就当狙击手 08/05 08:58
34F:→ dioxin125 :teemo贱的不是香菇伤害而是香菇视野啊~~~ 08/05 09:06
35F:推 weselyong :chain lightning = 连锁闪电?我记得在WC3是这样 08/05 09:16
36F:推 lachu :建议"直到你去占领他" 改成"除非你正在占领他" 08/05 09:55
37F:→ lachu :比较不会误会XD 08/05 09:56
38F:推 LiouKen :不能用Teleport但是却没禁TF, imba! 08/05 10:24
39F:推 lightmaple :结果圆很大 TF大决只能从一个点飞到一半(误 08/05 10:25
40F:推 bluecsky :其实要看一个人站点要多长时间 还有总玩家人数 08/05 10:25
41F:→ LiouKen :幸好TF大绝被nerf了 08/05 10:26
42F:→ LiouKen :然後隐角应该也会变威,偷後门 08/05 10:26
43F:→ bluecsky :人数太多 TF也偷不了点 人数太少 偷了就有点变成空城 08/05 10:26
44F:→ LiouKen :5v5 08/05 10:27
45F:→ bluecsky :看起来是五点 要赢应该都是要稳拿三 但是看介绍的图 08/05 10:27
46F:→ bluecsky :五个点之间好像都互相有通道可以过去 所以.. 08/05 10:27
47F:→ fearimba :我们终於赢了(咳嗽 08/05 10:45
48F:推 alex800826 :这不是阿拉希盆地吗? 08/05 14:12

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