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原文: Introduction Shen is one of those tanks who can farm in peace but always be there for his team when hes needed (kind of like Singed). Even though Riot nerfed his damage by almost a landslide, his presence on the map will always still be strong. His ultimate will always make any 1v1 into a 1v2 fight in a matter of seconds. He can easily save anyone from a gank, and that is what makes him strong. Shen是其中一个平常可以安心的农,但在队友需要时总是可参战的坦克(就像singed), 虽然riot nerf了他的伤害,但是他在边线的表现还是很好。 而他的ult可以随时让队友在几秒内从1v1变成2v1,他可以很简单的保护队友从gank中 逃生,而这也是他的强项。 Shen runs on Energy, so he can farm a lane without ever having to worry about mana. Shen is also an easy champion to play for most people, because he is a strong split pusher (like singed, nidalee, TF, etc.). He is also very hard to be ganked with the provided summoner spells and abilities (exhaust, ghost, shadowdash, Feint, or even his Ultimate). As long as Stand United is an active ability on Shen, he will always remain strong as a champion. Shen是个能量型英雄,因此他可以不必顾虑魔力问题而安心的在线上农。对於大多数人 来说,他也是个容易上手的英雄,因为他在分开推线的表现非常好(像singed,nid,tf之 流),伴随着召唤者技能跟shadowdash, Feint,甚至是他的ult,他也很难被gank。 只要ult冷却完成,Shen的影响力就不容忽视。 天赋 9/20/1或 1/20/9 (Ghost强化,Exhaust强化) 详细点法请参照原文 Explanation: Standard tanking masteries with one in offensive for Exhaust, Ghost/reduced death timer/extra XP, and the rest in defense. I don't get "Perseverance" (hp/mana regen) not only because Shen doesn't use mana, but also because "In Good Hands" provides 10% reduced death timer which could be HUGE especially end game. And when the time is right, you can use your ultimate right away back into battle a lot sooner. 点出Exhaust强化,Ghost强化/减少死亡时间/经验,其它全点防御天赋。 不点Perseverance是因为Shen不需要魔力,而且In Good Hands的10%死亡时间减免 在後期非常强,可以让你在死亡时更快用ult赶回战场。 Because Shen can benefit off AP and attack speed (AP off all of his abilities, and AS for side lane farming), Ardor is recommended in the defensive tree. All other points in the defensive tree is also self explanatory as a tank role. 因为Shen可以同时因为ap跟攻速受益,因此你也可以把通用天赋跟攻击天赋互换。 符文: 红魔穿*9: 可以让他在早期的Q更有威力,你也可以换成物防让你变得更坦。 黄血量/装甲/能量回复*9: 被动更强/更坦/技能使用上更灵活。 蓝魔防成长/固定能量*9: 通用选择/当对手AP伤害不强时可考虑。 紫血量*1 跑速*2: 增强被动以及让你更好嘲讽到对手。 招换者技能:Exhaust&Ghost Ghost是必要的,当你没有Ghost时你很容易被放风筝。 Exhaust也相当重要,它可以让你在嘲讽对手时更准确,强化後也是相当好的辅助 技能。 CV跟Ingnite是可选择的技能,不过没有Exhaust跟Ghost来的好 不建议使用Flash跟Teleport Flash对於shen来说没有什麽用,当你逃生时有同性质的shadow dash可以用,而且 当你选择Flash,就等於放弃一样长效性技能 而shen有全球流ult,因此不需要Teleport 技能: Passive: Ki Strike Every 8 seconds, Shen's next attack will deal 8% of bonus health point as bonus magic damage (base damage of 10). Each time a champion hits Shen with an attack, Ki Strike activates 2 seconds quicker. 每八秒Shen的下一次攻击会附带8%额外血量的魔法伤害(最少10),每当被英雄攻击 一次,Ki Strike的冷却就减少两秒 Explanation: 15 extra damage at level 1. Solid passive ability. Also lowers its cooldown when you get hit by any source of damage. You can maximize your damage with this passive up before taunting someone and using Vorpal Blade. Also great for side pushing a lane. 1等就有15额外伤害,在嘲讽到对手时确保你的被动冷却完毕以造成最大伤害。 在推边线时也有很好的表现。 Q: Vorpal Blade Deals 50/90/130/170/210 (+65% of ability power) magic damage to target unit. That unit becomes life tapped for 5 seconds, healing any champions who attack it for 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 (+20% of ability power) health over 3 seconds. Cost 70/ 65 / 60 / 55 / 50 energy Range 475 给予目标50/90/130/170/210 (+0.65)的魔法伤害,目标会被标记5秒, 并在3秒内治疗所有攻击该目标的英雄10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 (+0.2)生命回复 Explanation: A great harrassing ability for Shen. Does OK damage with magic penetration starting at level 2, but also spammable at laning phase (so it does consistent damage). When you're missing some health, be sure to Vorpal Blade a minion and auto attacking it while watching the buff above your HUD HP bar (if you don't want to push too much, keep an eye on the Vorpal Blade buff and only hit the creep again once the buff is about to run out). Also great for last hitting minions. 很棒的骚扰技能,点到2等配合法穿可以造成还不错的伤害,也可以在线上更加侵略 (因为它造成一致的伤害)。当你流失了一点hp,Q一只小兵然後自动攻击它(如果你 不想推线,就在BUFF要消失前打它一下),也是很好的尾兵技能。 Shen enters a defensive stance, shielding the next 50 / 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 (+60% of ability power) damage. Lasts up to 1.5 seconds. Cost 45 energy Range 20 制造出一个2.5秒的盾,吸收50 / 100 / 150 / 200 / 250(+0.6)伤害 Explanation: A strong defensive ability that can be used to negate all types of damage. Is a turret about to shoot you? Just press W. Is Karthus's ultimate about to hit you? Just press W. You can use this ability to bait people into diving you when you're low. Energy runes are great for this ability, especially if you're looking forward into spamming this move which is good at most times. It will negate a lot more damage than you think if you keep using this ability with energy runes in battle. 很强大的防御技能,可以扛下所有类型的伤害,当塔或者死哥ULT瞄准你时使用它 就对了。你也可以使用这个技能在你血量低落时骗那些想dive你的人。 能量符文对这个技能有很大的帮助,特别是在你找机会开战以及团战中,持续使用 它可以替你档掉超乎想像的伤害。 E: Shadow Dash Shen rapidly dashes to a target location, Taunting enemies he collides with for 0.8 / 1.1 / 1.4 / 1.7 / 2 second(s). Restores 50 Energy if you hit a champion. Cost 120 / 115 / 110 / 105 / 100 energy Range 550 朝目标地区冲刺,并对行进途中的敌人们进行嘲讽,持续 0.8/1.1/1.4/1.7/2 秒。 如果击中敌方英雄,恢复 50 点能量。 Explanation: Shen's offensive and defensive ability. Can be used to jump over walls, juke using Fog of War, and to just catch people with sudden surprise. When stacked fully, it can taunt runners for up to 2 seconds! which can be huge when combined with Exhaust. This ability makes Shen very mobile for almost all situations. Try not using this move before a team fight because taunting the enemy is Shen's most threatening move. His presence is huge with this ability up. 攻防一体的技能,可以用来跳过一些墙,会战突破跟抓落单的人。当点满时可以嘲讽 两秒,配合Exhaust会有很好的效果。这个技能让Shen的机动性非常好,试着不要在 会战前使用,因为这个技能是Shen在会战中最具侵略性的技能,当这个技能冷却完毕後 ,他的存在感就很强烈。 R:Stand United Places a shield on both a target allied champion and Shen, absorbing 200/475/750 (+100% of ability power) damage for 7.5 seconds. After channeling for 2.5 seconds, Shen teleports to the target's location. Cost 50 energy Range 25000 施放一个护盾到目标友方英雄身上,吸收 200/475/750 (+1) 的伤害,持续 7.5 秒 。在咏唱2.5 秒後,Shen将被传送至友军目标处。 Explanation: And finally, we have another global ultimate. One of the strongest in the game I must also add. When this ability is up, it really creates a stir for the other team as they will think twice before trying to gank one of your teammates (even better if they forget). The recent nerf with this ability makes it significantly weaker so try using this ability sooner than intended. 最後我们有了一个全球流ult,我认为最强的招式中的其中一个。当这个技能冷却完成 ,对手在gank以前就会再三考虑。这个技能nerf後试着更早一点使用。 This is the only reason why Shen is a great split pusher (especially bottom lane because it is further away from Baron). He is always there with his team, just not physically there yet. When a team fight happens, Shen will just stop farming and just ulti to where the battle is. Instant 5v5. The main reason to split push is because it applies pressure to the other team. Should they stop you? If they do, your team could potentially get Baron. If they don't stop you? You get their tower. Its just pressure for their team. 这是Shen擅长於分开推线的其中一个理由(特别是远离巴龙的下路),他总是可以跟 他的队友一起行动,虽然他不一定就在那。当团战开始时,Shen可以停止农而马上用 ult赶到。在5v5对战中,分开推可以给予对手很大压力,如果他们来阻止你,你的队 友就可以马上吃掉巴龙﹔他们不理你,你就推掉他们的塔。 If you're being ganked, you can also use this ability on someone on the map to escape to save yourself. Just run into he nearest bush (especially if the enemy has a disabling ability) and ulti to get away safely. 如果你被gank,你也可以用这个技能逃跑。跑到最近的草丛然後咏唱ult逃离。 You can use keys F2-F5 to ulti a teammate a lot easier when your teammate calls it (very effective against Nocturne's ultimate). 你可以按F2-F5对队友施放ult,这在noc关灯时很有用。 Careful when you use this ability though, especially when in laning phase. If you know using this ability will save a teammate... by all means, use your ultimate. But if you use this ability just to "help out", your lane could be pushed in very hard and worse case scenario, you could lose your tower if no ones covering it. 小心使用这个技能,特别是在撑线期时。如果你使用这技能而无法救到队友,你可能 会因此掉塔。 技能点法: R>Q>E>W Or R>Q>W>E 6等前EQQWQR 起手: 多兰盾(Doran's Shield): 可以应付大多数状况,也给你的被动一些帮助 回血牌+1水(Regrowth Pendant): 普普的选择,除非我想直冲某项装备,否则通常我会选择多蓝盾 鞋+3水(Boots): 我只有solo lane时会这样买,而shen很少solo。 核心装备: Ninja Tabi(忍鞋)或Mercury Thread(水银鞋) 重ad or 重ap/cc 通常会选择水银鞋因为他的cc减免。 但若对手有极为强大的ad而且cc很少时我会选择Ninja Tabi, 因为便宜而且我有点出闪避+跑速 Heart of Gold(龟壳) 龟壳总是很好 Sunfire Cape(火斗) 提供防御、血量跟额外伤害让你更好农以及分开推线 Force of Nature(自然之力) 多数时都非常棒,因为对手很少没有强大的ap英雄。 额外提供的跑速让你更容易嘲讽到的人,hp/5也很棒 其它可选择: Randuin's Omen 晚期很棒 Thornmail 当对手有强大ad英雄时 Aegis of Legion(军团盾) 如果你真的不知道要出什麽: Rylai's Crystal Scepter(冰杖) ap、血量、缓速对Shen来说都很有用 Madred's Blood Razer 很贵,顶多就出个红爪方便农 不建议出Warmog(好战者),同样价钱有更好选择。 General Gameplay Tips Once again, Shen should always be played as a split pusher. If your ultimate is down, don't continue split pushing, go babysit your team. You are the tank, and your team needs you when a fight is about to happen. Shen应该总是分开推线。但如果你的ult还没冷却完成,跟着你的队伍一起行动, 你是坦,而你的队伍在团战发生时需要你 Always have enough energy when engaging into a team fight. If you're low on energy, tell your team to wait before they start anything. You need that taunt ready for anything. You are a support tank, and if your carry is getting hit hard, you need that taunt to peel the enemy off them. Moral: Have enough energy before any team fight, especially if you don't have energy runes. 一定要留有足够的能量投入团战。如果你没能量了,请你队友稍等。 你必须随时准备嘲讽,当你的carry被盯上时,你必须嘲讽对手让carry离开。 Final Comments Shen's recent nerf hit him hard. He no longer does as much damage as he used to and his ultimate shields significantly less. Getting more health then usual will cope a little for his damage loss (more damage on Ki Strike). I believe he is still a viable champion in certain compositions, especially split pushing. Shen最近的一次nerf重重打击他,他不再能制造那麽多的伤害以及他ult的盾显着减少。 推叠比以前更多的血量会弥补一些伤害损失。我相信他依然是一个有着明确定位且 很好的英雄,特别是在分开推线上。 -- ___ "There is only one truth, and you will find it‧◆ at the point of my lance." __▁▂》︽<___︹▁__ 》︾<│__ Jarvan IV, The Examplar of DemaciaΞ|| ψzealotjacky LEAGUE of LEGENDS --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 morphyster :shen最近真的太少见了 06/28 16:40
2F:推 ixidor :shen推! 06/28 16:42
3F:→ abccbaandy :shen很帅 06/28 16:43
4F:推 ixidor :话说有人知道技能+Fx怎麽用吗?烦请指点 06/28 16:45
5F:推 dacapo :我猜是 点技能後按FX 06/28 16:49
6F:推 wake01 :或是FX直接指定某队友再R 06/28 16:50
7F:→ wake01 :点左边头像一样效果吧 06/28 16:50
8F:推 ixidor :noc关灯的时候没有头像可以点 XDD 06/28 16:52
9F:推 Leavesb :先按一次技能 游标会变成点选目标的状态 06/28 16:53
10F:→ Leavesb :此时按下 F1 - F5 即可 06/28 16:53
11F:→ ixidor :感谢! 06/28 16:53
12F:→ Leavesb :请先记住比较重要 carry 之类的编号 不然会自表 XD 06/28 16:54
13F:→ ashram :smart cast的也能这样点吗? 06/28 16:54
14F:→ Leavesb :smart case 应该一按下去就施法 没有目标应该会取消 06/28 16:55
15F:→ Leavesb :可以试试看两颗一起按之类的 我没有测试过 06/28 16:55
16F:推 actuame :在等他的第一招BUFF,时间近了~ 06/28 17:00
17F:→ kagato :nerf後伤害真的太惨= = 06/28 17:11
18F:推 chunyulai :shen现在没人玩刚好 伤害只是弱了一点 超爱他的 06/28 17:13
19F:→ chunyulai :农兵仍然十分强大 06/28 17:13
20F:→ chunyulai :不过好战者现在是个很棒的选择 06/28 17:14
21F:→ chunyulai :提供的伤害和血量 shen早期农兵十分轻松 06/28 17:15
22F:→ chunyulai :农出好战者後就可以靠被动开始滚雪球出装 06/28 17:15
23F:→ robo3456 :本周有shen可以玩喔:) 06/28 17:24
24F:推 emiyashiro :心得推 另外请问w的盾是1.5秒吗 感觉好像更久说 06/28 17:44
25F:推 hardyuse :W的盾是2.5秒 1.5秒是旧版本 06/28 17:49
※ 编辑: robo3456 来自: (06/28 17:54)
26F:推 darrenlu :westrice的shen胜率还不到五成,看看现在的shen有多囧 06/28 18:06
27F:→ leepeter121 :1.5 2.5秒 都只是丁一声 完全无用 06/28 18:17
28F:→ amALu :比起来J4的盾是算血量啥都可以档 shen的只能坦塔一下 06/28 18:35
29F:→ amALu :虽然cd长短不同 然後一个要耗魔... 06/28 18:35
30F:→ frankie30432:他的shen胜率低跟NERF过根本没关系 他本来就低了 06/28 18:36
31F:→ tay2510 :...那shen的盾就不是血量吗? 06/28 19:38
32F:推 chunyulai :至少我在1300-1100用shen的胜率是100% :p 06/28 19:49
33F:→ chunyulai :低elo shen的影响力几乎是无限 06/28 19:49
34F:→ chunyulai :以前Shen都没机会出场 现在被nerf过後 至少可以出场 06/28 19:50
35F:→ chunyulai :还满高兴的 06/28 19:51
36F:→ chunyulai :好战者我认为如果你是solotop越早出越强 06/28 19:52
37F:→ chunyulai :现在血量对於Shen太强大了 06/28 19:52
38F:→ chunyulai :Shen又特别好农 06/28 19:52
39F:→ amALu :shen的盾不管数值 只能被塔打一下就会不见 06/28 20:10
40F:→ amALu :J4可被打比较多下 然後又可以缓O_O 06/28 20:10
41F:→ tay2510 :楼上你认知错误...盾太薄加上防不够,才会被打掉 06/28 20:40
42F:→ lin89710 :说的那麽爽 TSM比赛也没出过阿 (  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ 06/28 20:45
43F:→ leepeter121 :盾跟你防御无关阿 06/28 20:46
44F:→ tay2510 :有关,所以盾其实就只是"暂时性的额外血量" 06/28 20:50
45F:推 wake01 :1300以下选的到shen吗? 06/28 20:53
46F:推 sroeud7l :一直都是无脑轻松玩SHEN 改版後 胜率下降许多 06/28 21:53
47F:→ amALu :我认知错误吗...我记得是某次改版改的耶.... 06/28 22:10
48F:→ Blitzcrank :shen的盾改来改去好几次,我已经搞不清楚了 06/28 22:31
49F:→ Blitzcrank :反正他现在鬼隐中 06/28 22:31

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