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这篇文章也是我近期看到, 而且在细细揣摩的, 同时我也觉得也许有版友也想看看这位Solomid的jungle大师是如何提升自己的水平, 因此我也在这里分享这篇文章以及我的理解给各位版友(许多较无关的部分我就跳过了). ps. 希望没有OP, 如有错误之处请不吝指正 --- 原文网址: --- 给想end的玩家: Summary/TLDR version: To get ahead and learn more in this game, play support when needed and give every advantage you can to your team in hopes they can use that to carry against superior players and increase their chances of winning. From my experience, solo queue only teaches you how to play solid/competently in the basic parts of the game, not truly teaching understanding. You can learn far more from a few games in competitive tournaments/leagues than hundreds of solo queue games as it teaches you what is truly important: Winning. 当需要的时候, 扮演support并且给予队友支援使你的队友能以此对抗比他们强的敌人, 并以此来增进对游戏的理解而进步. 而根据TheOddOne(以下简称作者)的经验, solo q 只能让你对游戏的基本部分有紮实/称 职的理解, 但是并没办法帮助你解读游戏. 而在一个竞争水平的锦标赛中, 你可以远远学到更多更重要的事情: "如何获得胜利" 比上百场的solo q 还多. So hope you enjoyed my first blog post if you bothered to read all of it, any comments/criticisms are appreciated(even in regards to syntax/grammar etc) but I hope you get something out of this history lesson. Be sure to look out for my Trundle guide which will be posted in the following couple days on and hope you can improve your game. (一些近似请多多指教的话) 几天後作者会在 放上 Trundle guide. ps. 已经出了: 希望你们能够更强. TheOddOne --- 详细内文: Since this is my first post here, I thought I’d mention how I got to this point and give advice on how to get here or understand the game better. Oh and I only noticed how long this post was after I previewed it, so I guess rather than post it in a couple parts, I’ll just post it all at once so you can read it while eating or something. 这段是作者的自介, 以及介绍这篇文章的目的: 建议如何让各位玩家达到他目前的境界, 以及能够更好的解读游戏 Going back to the relevant parts, I started playing DOTA (defense of the ancients ,the map Guinsoo helped make popular which LoL is mostly based upon) casually for hundreds of games on Warcraft 3. While this play(solo queue) allows you to become competent, it won’t teach you how to understand the game or play at a high level unless you play people who already know more than you. That basically was the situation with me, I accepted to play with this user I knew from who already was in the competitive scene playing CAL-I (some invite league) with his team. 作者过去已经有玩过Dota的经验. Solo queue这种游戏方式会让你变成一名称职的玩家, 但是这种方式并不会教你关於理解高阶的游戏, 理解高阶的技巧, 除非你和更进阶的玩家一起玩. 而这正是作者过去的状况: 作者愿意和来自 的玩家一起玩, 而他们都是已经是具有竞争力的水平. When we did TDA (a slight step up from solo q dota) games, I started trying to do roles that weren’t being done (aka amassing a kill score) such as warding/supporting. Within a few games, I learned far more from doing this job in a few games than I did playing hundreds of public casual games. While it’s obvious now, warding/supporting gives you and your teammates advantages that can easily overcome ‘superior’ play as it’s rewards were immense in terms of stopping ganks and the like. 当他们进行TDA的游戏时, 作者开始扮演一些队伍没人做的角色, 例如插眼和辅助. 在扮演这类角色时, 作者累积的经验远远超过过去自己打的上百场public games. 插眼和辅助给予队伍的优势可以让队友克服在游戏技巧上的差距, 尤其是在阻止队友被 gank之类的. 这件事情现在已经是常识了. Eventually I started joining tryout games for leagues and getting in easily because there were always 8-9 guys in the tryout game playing for personal score and only 1-2 people like me trying to make their team win. Suffice to say, out of the 3-4 that usually passed, the support players were always in that group. It didn’t matter if their team lost or their score was meh, all that mattered was that the recruiter saw that those people understood that doing all in their power to make their team win is a far more valuable skill than going 10-0 against lesser players when the teams were stacked. When you finally understand that amassing kills is only semi important(as being a PART of kills/plays is important), then you can finally move to the next level. Eventually after playing in leagues/tournies and having teammates stop playing, I moved on to LoL. 作者後来参加选拔赛了, 而这件事情对他并不难, 因为大部分的玩家都在追求个人战绩, 而只有少数(1-2)人会像作者一样当苦工并且让队伍胜利. 而这些苦工也是最被选拔委员 注意的. 选拔委员并不会在意那些在对付较差的对手时拿到的漂亮KDA成绩, 他们在乎的 是这些苦工玩家理解如何真正的让队伍胜利. 当你终於了解到KDA是次要的事情时, 你就可以进入到下一个领域了. 由於某些理由, 作者开始玩LOL. After my initial ‘learning’ phase (shorter than yours likely as this was open beta with less champs/items) of learning all the skills and champions I knew I already had a huge edge on my opponents as I didn’t see them doing any warding or anything to help the team win aside from playing for score/farm. I started mastering a champion which eventually got me to 1800+ in S1 on both of my accounts (this and frumS) which allowed me to help my team at a early stage while taking the important solo lane: Annie. Annie not only can dominate her lane with ease at low levels (unfortunately this doesn’ t happen in high level passive play), it allowed me to support other lanes with ganks constantly, something that dota players did often with their solo mid. 在最初适应游戏的阶段, 作者已经拥有比对手更多的武器: 作者发现大部分的敌人对队伍 的贡献就是: 杀人和农兵. 而插眼或是其他能帮助队伍的事情是很少人做的. 作者专精了一只英雄, 并且在S1来到了1800+ (在TheOddOne和frumS这两个帐号上). 这只 英雄是个能走单人线并且在早期就能帮助队伍: Annie. Annie不只是压线强(可惜这件事情在高端不成立), 而且可以常常的去gank上、下路. 通 常Dota类型游戏的中路角都常常gank上、下路. This allowed me to climb the then ‘invisible’ ELO ladder quickly to face opponents I knew were playing since closed beta and were good/decent because I recognized names from the top 500 players (a ELO list that Riot used to post). However that brings me to another point, I didn’t idolize any of these guys, I only wanted one thing; to beat all of them. While it may sound arrogant, I knew I was on the level where I had to stop idolizing players and become equal/better than them. For some reason some teams we (team solomid) face, still do this despite being in the same tournament and getting far enough to face us. 因此作者迅速的爬到所谓的隐形ELO(这里我不懂, 可能是早期的游戏环境吧)水平, 并且 面对那些elo 前500名的高端玩家. 而这也带领作者到另一个境界: 作者并不仰慕那些明星玩家, 而是想要击败他们. 这并不是自大, 而是作者了解到他已经来到了必须停止仰慕对手, 而且超越他们的水平. 现在有些队伍在面对solomid的时候, 仍然会仰慕solomid, 也因此他们还没到能和solomid竞争的水平. However, solo queue only teaches competence/basics in laning/strategies but doesn’t give you the whole picture so I joined a team that one of my old teammates from DOTA had grouped to make. Once I joined, I realized the huge task at hand as aside from the old clanmate who I played DOTA with, the rest of the team were vastly inferior in skill level (aka we had to pick kass/shaco for this one player or he’d basically feed) but despite my raging, I wanted to see how far we could go in a tournament we had signed up for. 但是solo queue只能累积基本的策略和压线能力, 而无法增静你对全局的理解. 因此, 作者和过去Dota的队友组成了一支队伍. 他马上面临到一个巨大的挑战: 某些队友的操控水平是不够的. 然而作者还是想知道他们能够在一场锦标赛里面走的多远, 所以他们就报名了一场. That tournament happened to be one from and had other then strong teams, AON with obviously Reg and Co, L0cust with his friends (cfangnasty/mrgrimm999/xiaobing/valkrin) and a person who would join Riot shortly later, Phreak and his friends (atlanta/roku/bulgog/megazero). In addition, there were several other teams from closed beta days who easily had more LoL experience than me and in general probably had more skilled individuals than my team. 那是一场solomid.net的锦标赛, 而且有许多其他更强的队伍: 他们包含了 Reg, Co, L0cust, Phreak... ps. 这段我英文不太ok, 还请更强的版友指正 而且也有许多从beta时期就存在的队伍 -- 他们的经验比作者还丰富, 而且个人技巧也比 作者的队伍更好. This is where the mindset I received from Dota came in, despite facing teams with far better individual players (than the 3 I mentioned on my team), we managed to take 4th. This wasn’t a fluke or because we had a easier route (it was double Elim), it was because our team had a couple people who understood what winning truly took (aka not KSing to make yourself look good) and understood the importance of making sure any inferior play was fixed with the right support. That and the fact the 3 people I mentioned actually listened to reason and the calls me/my friend did was also vital as they could actually learn rather than ignoring orders like a solo q pubstar and screwing the team over. 这验证了作者从Dota时期就拥有的观念: 即使面对个人技巧更好的队伍, 作者的队伍还是拿到了第四名. 这不是侥幸, 而是因为作者的队友们都知道要如何获得胜利, 而且也知道如何支援队友来弥补个人技巧的不足. 那些个人技巧较差的队友们, 能理解游戏, 还能沟通. 他们会确实的执行下达的指令, 而不是像某些solo q的明星一样, 忽视这些指令或是勒索 整个队伍. (我觉得这个勒索的字用的很妙) ps. 後半段我觉得我的理解不是很正确, 还恳请任何高手指正. ps. 不过我认为作者强调的是团队的纪律 For those who think they’re better than their ELO, I highly suggest you find a group (even with bads) to play in a site tourny or the weekly sunday go4lols ( and see where you measure up. As even if you have weaker players, leading them to victory over superior (not to you but to your teammates) ones shows if you really are as good as you think you are. 对於那些自认实力超过Elo的玩家(以下称"你"), 作者建议你应该去找一个队伍(即使队友的水平比较低), 然後找个锦标赛玩. 例如在周日打的go4lols(连结请见原文), 然後看看自己能 不能达到预期的要求. 如果你真的实力这麽好, 你应该可以带领你的队伍赢过更好的队伍(相对於你的队友). Moving on in my solo queue quest, I continued playing the support/carry hybrid role and it easily got me noticed by more established players when they were looking to fix up a roster that could take on the more established teams as I didn’t blend in to the crowd of people spamming to play AD carry which are a dime a dozen. While this story gets far less interesting tourny/league wise as I got to near the top by now, the more interesting thing came out of what I noticed in the days coming up to season 1. 在solo q上, 作者持续的扮演 support/carry的综合角色, 而不是靠着AD carry来累积自 己在公众的名气(这件事情并没有这麽有价值). 因此, 当更有名的玩家想要找固定队友时, 他们开始注意到作者. 故事在season 1 的到来之後变的更有趣. I realized that in most champ selects, there was one thing lacking (not solo lane carries) but junglers. Not many people wanted to man up and do it, so I realized this was a great opportunity to get ahead by playing the role nobody else wanted to so I picked up jungling. Being able to fill the role competently (over say forcing a player into a role they’re weak at) greatly improved the chances of any team I got paired up with in solo queue to win. This basically brought me to where I am now, a mostly jungler/support style player whose job is to make sure my team has all the advantages to win. 作者注意到, 在选角的时候, 往往缺少的是jungler, 而且大部分的玩家不愿意玩jungler. 这是一个好机会. 在solo q中, 因为敌队的jungler往往都是兼差的(因为队伍需要, 才被迫去当jungler). 所以当作者成为一名专职的jungler後, 他的队伍更容易赢. 因此作者也来到现在的水平: 一个专门确保团队优势的高端 jungler/support 玩家. (以下的段落我放在最前面) Summary/TLDR version: To get ahead and learn more in this game, play support when needed and give every advantage you can to your team in hopes they can use that to carry against superior players and increase their chances of winning. From my experience, solo queue only teaches you how to play solid/competently in the basic parts of the game, not truly teaching understanding. You can learn far more from a few games in competitive tournaments/leagues than hundreds of solo queue games as it teaches you what is truly important: Winning. So hope you enjoyed my first blog post if you bothered to read all of it, any comments/criticisms are appreciated(even in regards to syntax/grammar etc) but I hope you get something out of this history lesson. Be sure to look out for my Trundle guide which will be posted in the following couple days on and hope you can improve your game. TheOddOne --- 还没校稿过就先放上来了, 有错请不吝指正. --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From: ※ 编辑: Wush978 来自: (05/22 17:31) ※ 编辑: Wush978 来自: (05/22 17:33) ※ 编辑: Wush978 来自: (05/22 17:34)
1F:推 kusokong :COOOL 05/22 17:34
※ 编辑: Wush978 来自: (05/22 17:36) ※ 编辑: Wush978 来自: (05/22 17:37)
2F:推 Vanbery :推大部份的人都不愿意玩将狗角... 05/22 17:37
3F:推 kafka0 :推推 05/22 17:37
4F:推 a76842388 :将狗角太复杂了 XD 05/22 17:38
5F:推 skyabsence :走将狗不难 难的是怎样将狗帮助队友gank 补位之类的 05/22 17:39
※ 编辑: Wush978 来自: (05/22 17:40)
6F:推 kafka0 :将狗可以是最单纯的单机,也可以是最复杂的操控风向 05/22 17:40
7F:→ yzpdal :你从不玩将狗到玩将狗,会对游戏有更不同的认识 05/22 17:40
8F:推 Mchord :Jungler都变成Happy farmer然後怪队友... 05/22 17:41
※ 编辑: Wush978 来自: (05/22 17:41)
9F:推 centaur911 :被压/被gank然後怪jungler的好像比较多吧 吃力不讨好 05/22 17:42
10F:推 wzmildf :看到勒索队友我马上跳出HSGG这四个字..wwww 05/22 17:43
11F:推 a76842388 :楼上+1 我也想到他XDDDDD 05/22 17:44
12F:推 averruncus :将狗不难,熟路线後就变固定公式,反而GANK才是学问 05/22 17:44
13F:推 lamsa :大推 Wush大大XD 05/22 17:46
14F:推 leecolas :hsgg表示:cho你再不来中路我就要去feed了! 05/22 17:46
15F:推 a76842388 :控制龙区+GANK+插眼+闹对方jungle+保护自己jungle区 05/22 17:47
16F:→ a76842388 :还有补位 超复杂的XD 05/22 17:47
17F:推 zseineo :推,最近10有8场在江狗XD 05/22 17:49
18F:→ zseineo :江狗要学的真的好多 05/22 17:49
19F:推 silentcrane :辛苦翻译推! 之前就看到这篇,但是好长...就懒了 XD 05/22 17:50
20F:推 dragon8844 :HSGG认真打的时候都不太会这样吧???? 05/22 17:50
21F:→ biggungod :HS遇到CLG的欢乐同伴时会展现出完全不同的人格XDD 05/22 17:51
22F:推 eistain :会说固定公式的代表没有打过anti-jungler吧 05/22 18:01
23F:→ eistain :像是利用nunu快速偷吃掉一两只对方的小怪 05/22 18:01
24F:→ eistain :光是偷偷吃掉 有些那种要快速上六的jungler就差很多 05/22 18:01
25F:→ eistain :即使只是一两只 05/22 18:01
26F:推 i14d14 :theoddone说的控制河道、控制将狗都是一门远超过 05/22 18:12
27F:→ i14d14 :gank的学问好咩 05/22 18:12
28F:推 kingroy :要拚上6那几只其实现在都还好,可怕的是那几只两三级 05/22 18:14
29F:→ kingroy :就隐身跑来gank的可怕角色.. 05/22 18:15
30F:推 Dimitre :TheOddOne singed太扯了吧28-2这啥鬼胜率 05/22 18:29
31F:推 KxDashx :这就是赢一个游戏的学问 每款都有不同 05/22 18:31
32F:→ KxDashx :掌握到重点才能赢的轻松 05/22 18:31
33F:推 sillycloud :theoddone真的是个值得推的玩家 05/22 18:38
34F:推 TiauEX :推翻译也推作者︿︿ 05/22 18:50
35F:→ frankie30432:singed 33的数据 05/22 18:54
36F:→ Yadsmood :那是3v3打出来的成绩 有兴趣去查MegaZero的Mundo 05/22 19:08
37F:推 emiyashiro :推荐这篇 05/22 19:21
38F:推 esproject :降狗不难 但是要玩得好很难 05/22 19:23
39F:→ esproject :而且相较於其他三路 降狗是最不能死的一条路 05/22 19:24
40F:→ esproject :降狗一死 代表对面拿下所有buff以及龙区的控制权 05/22 19:24
41F:→ esproject :而且降狗死一次之後等级落差会非常大 05/22 19:25
42F:推 Nikkor :翻译辛苦了 05/22 19:33
43F:推 hardyuse :推翻译 05/22 19:55
44F:推 WEIKUNG :我最近也才开始学江狗 真的要学得很多 还要看全场 05/22 23:03
45F:推 Jackalxx :最近开始玩jungle+1 玩到现在还是不太会anti跟防anti 05/23 00:17
46F:推 amALu :推jungle被开场插红anti真的很不爽= = 05/23 00:21
47F:推 allenshn :JUNGLE比称线有学问很多 有JUNGLE能帮队伍增加很多 05/23 01:19
48F:→ allenshn :优势 不过在一次被ANTI打爆之後就不敢玩了 囧 05/23 01:19
49F:推 a2364983 :隐形elo指隐藏积分吧?系统帮配对手队友时判断程度用~ 05/23 07:17
50F:推 colmash :jungle+support啊...lee sin表示:"!!" 05/23 15:16
51F:推 mode1224 :我的飞踢,无惧飞龙 05/23 15:26
52F:推 ProjectD28 :这篇文章超有价值的 感谢翻译 11/10 11:47

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