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Reflection The summoners stared at her uneasily. After all, few potential champions have ever broken into one of the inner sanctums of the Institute of War, startled powerful summoners, and plainly demanded to be allowed into the League of Legends. 召唤师们用不安的眼神瞪着她。 毕竟,没几个英雄能闯进战争学院的内部殿堂、 叫出强力的召唤师,并直接了当的要求进入英雄联盟。 Fortunately, Vayne's reputation had preceded her, so there was no need for violence. The room in which she sat now was sparse – nothing more than a fireplace with a few chairs. Vayne reflexively adjusted the crossbow on her arm. 值得庆幸的是,Vayne的名声早已传遍各地,所以并没有发生甚麽粗鲁的行为。 她现在正在一间几乎甚麽都没有的房间里 ─ 只有一座壁炉和几张椅子。 Vayne 本能的调整了下她臂上的十字弓。 “When do we begin?” she asked. "甚麽时候开始呢?" 她问道。 The summoner who seemed to be in charge of this process turned away from the fire. He was a gracefully aging man, approaching middle-age, with a quiet authority borne of true power. 看似领头的召唤师缓缓得从火炉前转身过来。 他是一位优雅的中年男子,而他 安静的威压感来自於自身的力量。 “In moments. First, I want to ask you how you managed to get past our defenses to gain access to the deeper chambers of the Institute.” "等会。 首先,我想先问你是用甚麽方式通过我们的防御并进入到内部殿堂的?" “The same way I know that you are Senior Summoner Ezekiel Montrose and that the woman with you is Summoner Lessa Carin. The same way I know that you take rose-hip tea every day, the route you walk to your home, and that you sleep on a very uncomfortable bed. I am the Night Hunter. Now get on with it. I have already submitted to your authority.” "就跟我知道你是资深召唤者 Ezekiel Montrose 而那女人是召唤者 Lessa Carin 同样的方式。 就跟我知道你每天都会喝玫瑰花茶,走哪条路回家,并睡在一张 非常不舒服的床上同样的方式。 我是个猎人。 所以可以开始了吗? 我已经向你 的权威低头了。" After a moment of stunned silence, Senior Summoner Montrose finally spoke. 在一阵震惊的沉默後,资深召唤师Montrose终於开了口 “Since you are not one for pleasantries...” "既然你不是喜欢寒暄的那一类..." In an instant, it was as if the world had exploded. Then, as quickly as it came apart, it was back together again. However, it was many years ago, when Vayne was just a girl. She was back in the cupboard again. 瞬间,就好像世界突然爆炸了,但又瞬间复原。 只是这次,回到了很多年以前, 当Vayne还是个小女孩的时噢。 她又回到了橱柜里头。 “Come out, little girl. Come out, or I will do to mummy what I have already done to daddy.” The crone suspended her mother above the floor of the moonlit kitchen, the poor woman's limbs painfully and helplessly outstretched. "噢,出来啊,小女孩。 出来,不然我就对妈咪做出刚对爸爸做的事喔~" 微暗的月光下,老妇人将她妈妈无助的身躯固定在厨房的地板上。 这可怜的女人四肢被痛苦的拉扯着。 Blood slowly dripped from her, dribbling from a hundred impossibly small cuts.The young Shauna Vayne was too terrified to move. There she was, trapped, frozen, and forced to watch through a crack in the cupboard door as the twisted witch brutally tortured the woman she loved more than any other. 血液从母亲身上的一百个裂缝缓缓流出。 年轻的Shauna Vayne完全被恐惧定住了, 毫无移动之力。 这就是当时的她,只能从橱柜的细缝中往外看,看这疯狂的女巫 是如何残忍的凌虐她最爱的人,她的母亲。 “I'll give you one last chance to come out, lassie.” To punctuate, the crone made some mystical gesture that caused her mother to cry out in agony. "我给你最後一次机会出来,小可爱。" 为了证明,女巫做出了一些怪异的手势, 让Vayne的母亲因痛苦而惨叫。 Even if she'd wanted to, Shauna couldn't even cry out. The vise-like grip of fear prevented that. The crone cackled, the horrible sound echoing off the walls. “You are an awful child, girl, to make your mummy die this way.” 就算她想,Shauna也无法出声。 恐惧已经钳住了她。 女巫开始狂笑,可怕的声音 回荡在房子里。 "你真是个坏女孩,让你妈妈这样死去。" With each more horrifying shriek of pain and suffering that issued from her mother, something warm and bright in Vayne died. However, in its grave were planted the first seeds of a searing, merciless, and never-ending hatred... 每当她妈妈发出一声痛苦的惨叫,Vayne心中的一点温暖就死去。 但是在它的坟墓里, 埋下了日後无情、猛烈、且毫无止尽的仇恨。 Disorientation, a blur of reality, and she was back in the Institute of War. Senior Summoner Montrose did his best to keep his composure, while all the color had drained from Summoner Carin's face. He broke the silence first. 一阵晕眩後,刹那间,Vayne又回到了战争学院中。 资深召唤者Montrose做最大的努力 来保持他的仪态,但召唤者Carin的脸上已经毫无血色。 Montrose打破了沉静。 “I'm sorry for your loss.” "我为你的失去感到哀悼。" Vayne took several measured steps towards him. Vayne往他的方向跨了几大步, “Stay out of my head, summoner,” "滚出我的脑袋,召唤者。" she said in a surprisingly even tone. 她声音听起来意外的平稳。 “You won't like what you find in the shadows.” "你不会喜欢你在暗影中所发现的东西。" “We must,”replied Summoner Carin, whose tiny frame carried a core of inner strength. “It is the way of the Judgment. How does it feel exposing your mind?” "但这是必要的" 召唤者Carin回答道。 她娇小的身躯内有着不与相衬的力量。 "这就是联盟的判定。 你对暴露自身的想法做何感想?" However, Senior Summoner Montrose raised his hand to stop her. 但在Vayne尚未回答前,资深召唤者Montrose举起了手来阻止召唤者Carin。 “I think the answer to that is obvious, Lessa. Shauna Vayne, let me ask you one simple question. Why do want to fight in the League of Legends.” "我想答案是很明显的,Lessa。 Shauna Vayne,让我问你一个简单的问题。 你是为了甚麽想要加入英雄联盟?" “To know my enemies. Though your magics keep them alive through defeat, I will learn more hunting those champions who are abominations than I would hunting their inferiors in the world.” "为了熟识我的敌人。 虽然你们的魔法让他们可以死後复生,但我可以从狩猎这些 怪物,你们所号称的英雄,身上学到的,远比在这个世界里狩猎弱小的怪物更多。" Senior Summoner Montrose considered her for a moment. “You will be a part of the League of Legends, Night Hunter. However, you must never violate our trust again. Agreed?” 资深召唤者Montrose想了想: "你将会成为英雄联盟的成员之一,猎人。 但你必须从此 不再违反我们之间的信任。 同意吗?" Vayne only nodded in assent. With that, she turned and walked from the room. Summoner Carin, confused for a moment, followed shortly behind her. Vayne微微颌首,并转身走出房间。 召唤者Carin迷糊了一下,但马上追了上去。 A voice spoke from the shadows. “I do not trust her. Her mind is not an open book. She will only show us what she wants us to see.” Emerging, as if one with the darkness around him, stepped Senior Summoner Sander Grieve. The intense-looking man was clad entirely in black, the Noxian cloak-clasp the only clue as to his heritage. 从影子中间突然出现了一个声音。 "我不信任她。 她的内心不是像一本摊开的书。 她只给我们看她想要我们看到的。" 就像是跟四周的黑暗融为一体似的,资深召唤者 Sander Grieve走了出来。 这锐利的男人全身包着黑,只有在披风上的Noxian式扣子 稍微给了关於他背景的一点线索。 “Yes,” replied Montrose. “But I would rather have her here where we can watch her.” "是的" Montrose回答。 "但我宁可把她留在这里,这样我们才能监视她。" Grieve sighed. Grieve 叹了口气。 “This will end badly. Mark my words.” "这不会有好结局的。 记住我的话。" Montrose gave Grieve a piercing stare. Montrose给了Grieve一个锐利的眼神。 “End badly for whom?” "是谁不会有好下场?" ============================================================================== Vayne: 我只是不想继续在十里坡打怪了,不行吗? --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:→ silentcrane :另外为什麽这篇这麽长.......orz 05/11 18:00
2F:推 colmash :!!有翻有推..这联盟感觉真的有问题XD 05/11 18:06
3F:推 gum22356 :联盟有问题+1之後剧情联盟内乱吗? 05/11 18:07
4F:推 kill7474 :vayne真的会用上瘾T^T 05/11 18:08
5F:推 milkteacup :这女人竟然尾行 XDDDD 05/11 18:09
6F:推 howdiee :要开新地图了吗!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 05/11 18:13
7F:推 kafka0 :Noxian钩子??????????????? 05/11 18:13
8F:→ silentcrane :cloak-clasp是把披风围起来之後,扣在一起的玩意 05/11 18:15
9F:→ silentcrane :我不知道中文该翻甚麽...乾脆叫钩子 (爆! 05/11 18:16
10F:推 kafka0 :所以是类似别针之类的东西,上面有Noxian标志? 05/11 18:16
11F:→ silentcrane :k大有这玩意的正统称呼吗? 不知道该如何找起 XDD 05/11 18:16
12F:→ silentcrane :是的~ 啊,那我改别针好了 05/11 18:17
13F:→ silentcrane :虽然用法不太像但是应该比较好理解 05/11 18:17
14F:推 milkteacup :钩扣 05/11 18:18
15F:推 kafka0 :好像就叫做披风扣,图: 05/11 18:18
16F:→ milkteacup :疑 上面打反了 "扣钩" 05/11 18:19
17F:→ kafka0 :钩扣好像又是另一种东西耶XD 05/11 18:20
18F:→ silentcrane :感谢~ 05/11 18:20
※ 编辑: silentcrane 来自: (05/11 18:22)
19F:→ milkteacup :翻译真的很不简单 (远望) 05/11 18:21
20F:推 albertyih :一直觉得这些招换师该自己下来打 05/11 19:21
21F:推 i14d14 :这些召唤师就是我们啊...XD 05/11 19:23
22F:推 tommy421 :楼楼上 XD我们就是招换师啊 我们自己打叫做真人约战 05/11 21:23
23F:推 albertex :那可以自己选技能吗?XD 05/11 23:20
24F:推 hansen5026 : 长毛我爱你 希望你能多播一点 《3 05/19 23:26

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