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照惯例很长 - Candidate: Maokai Date: 14 February, 21 CLE Observation A frenzy erupts on the Twisted Treeline. Saplings scurry in every direction, detonating in multicolored explosions of arcane energy. League Champions and summoners alike rush onto the field to contain an uprooted tree that is not only moving, but also attacking everything in sight. The tree is visibly confused over his violent birth into awareness, and he involuntarily conjures an arcane storm of magic. The storm grows as it absorbs energy from the magical and physical attacks being directed at the verdant force, until suddenly the torrent explodes with enough power to kill everyone present. :(咦 TT有会自动打人的树?) A bright orange light falls over the scene as Kayle appears, shielding the group from death. As the dust clears, the tree is contained in an earthen dome by League representatives, and immediately whisked away to the Institute of War for further examination. Reflection The room Maokai found himself in was cavernous, with a reflecting pool stretching across the entire expanse of the floor. A human adorned in flowing purple robes stood in the middle of the room, reflections of light from the pool dancing across her. “An honor to make your acquaintance.” The woman bowed deeply, admiration glowing in her eyes as she beheld the treant. “I shall be administering your judgment for entry into the League.” Maokai exploded into a rage. "Judgment? You humans woke me, and created this abomination of life, and now you stand and judge me?" :老木表示:"你们想怎样就怎样,还管我?" The summoner did not respond. She raised her arms and muttered an incantation under her breath. The floor swam beneath him, and suddenly the room dissolved away. :测验开始 老惯例幻觉 His roots tingled with familiarity as he found himself standing in a large expanse of trees. The forest around him stood tall, with strong trunks and leaves of every color - this was his home as it had existed eons ago. He ached for what was long passed. Suddenly, the surrounding terrain exploded. The ground surrounding Maokai sunk and bubbled in grotesque ways. Vegetation as far as the eye could see began to melt with a sickening hissing sound. Humans were running panicked through the forest under a rain of bullets and chemicals. A boy fell to the ground, struck by a stray bullet. The summoner and Maokai were invisible to the chaos erupting around them, but somehow the boy looked straight at them, the life in his bright eyes quickly fading. :战争开始有个小男孩出场,才刚出场掰了,顺便跟老木对望 The ground below Maokai changed again, accelerating until it became a blur. Maokai stood, trembling, as the scenery assaulted all his newfound senses. The acrid odor of trees melting in a pool of acid. A beautiful island the color of the sky splitting asunder into three. A beautiful, ancient city of white quartz twisting into itself in impossible ways, defying the laws of time and space. :幻觉中老木用新的感官去体验受摧残的佛魔杀小岛 Maokai closed his eyes, weary. The League must have assumed they were showing him something new, but it was nothing he hadn’t already known. He had stood for centuries, absorbing the pain and sorrow from the abuses wrought upon the land and the life in its soil. :老木表示:不用看报纸我也早就知道 The summoner spoke quietly, holding the scene that flashed before them in reverence. “We do not ask for any of this, yet it is brought upon us by those who would do evil. By joining the League, you can help us prevent these things from happening.” :有人说:"现在加入就能阻止惨剧发生" Maokai’s disgust had not subsided. “You humans are the ones who are causing this. You ask me to feel for you when all I see is the hatred you bring onto yourselves. When you see your children being overrun with weapons, I see the fallen trees carved into your instruments of destruction. I see the land which has existed before you and which will continue to exist after you suffer for your petty squabbles.” :老木表示:自作虐还拉其他老木下水,反正不管你们怎麽搞,这世界都还是存在 “Knowing all this, would you still choose to go back?" She asked. The treant hesitated, surprising himself. :没想到老木被问到要不要回去当老木还是犹豫了一下 “Or will you continue to stand, impassively, believing that you can affect none of this?” :反正是老生常谈 Her accusatory tone snapped him from his momentary hesitation. "Your wars are no concern of mine. You deign to awaken me to the pain you humans suffer, but before you gave me this curse I already knew your pain and suffering. When the earth absorbs the blood of your children, it cries. I have withstood this longer than you can even imagine. We of the earth do not feel, and thus I am not of the conviction to change how you humans live or die." :老木:"老话一句,自业自得,俺吸收矿物质比你吃过的盐" The summoner's eyes darkened. It was not the response the League wanted, but it was the only one they were going to get. “Then what will you do?” :召唤者:"不然你是要怎样" “I will walk this path until you can turn me back, as promised.” He paused, and one could swear that something akin to a smile twisted the tree’s mouth. “Until then, I will punish you magic users with these hands you were kind enough to bestow upon me.” :老木:"在我回去当老木之前,就稍微帮帮你们好了,当作是让我能动的报酬" Composing herself, the summoner expelled the illusion with a sweep of her hands. "Very well. That is your answer." She turned on her heel and walked away without another word. :招唤者听完答案人就闪了 Maokai watched her go, impassively. He noticed the young boy's blood from the illusion lingering in a puddle on the floor, though the body had been whisked away. The treant started to walk past it, but suddenly stopped and turned. With slow, deliberate movements, he yanked off a chunk of his roots and laid them gingerly in the pool of blood. The roots began to absorb the blood, slowly at first, and then desperately, as if the blood could not be held back. The roots jumbled together into a mess of knots, and then a sapling emerged. It looked up at him with innocent eyes. :幻觉产生的男孩已逝,但血迹仍残存不去,老木跨过血迹 :却发现老根对其沈醉不已,一开始文静地啜着後来却狂饮不能自已 :接着又蜷曲回去成个疙瘩,产生的新树苗无邪地望向老木 Another chance at life. Something inside the ancient tree moved, though what it was he had no idea. He knew that someday he would return to stillness, but things would never be the same. :老木的第二春 :前所未有的第二春 :他完全没想到的第二春 :即使也许之後会归於寂静,但是有了第二春就不同了 老木的第二春:完 - Chaotic neutral? 满有趣的两面性 -- 等等,我是不知道你是看了什麽神枪手的故事,可是为什麽要拿我当靶 (′Д‵) 什麽!是黄忠和后羿的故事?他们拿的不是铳,是弓! 长门,你手上拿着苹果跟绳子是作什麽?今天晚餐不是关东煮是烤乳猪吗? 连爸爸都没弄痛过我,可不可以不要绑这麽紧,好歹松一点让我有空间逃吧,古泉。 好,我认了,要射就射吧,可是请听一下在我死前的最後一个愿望。 不 要 拿 霰 弹 来.....噗滋(脑浆声) 摘自「阿虚的最後一餐」 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 colmash :是个DnD的分类法XD 02/15 14:30
2F:→ wulouise :感觉比较像是Chaotic good+evil XD 02/15 14:30
3F:→ colmash :DnD来讲就是..不管善恶只照想作的作..蛮合的XDD 02/15 14:31
4F:→ wulouise :可是他嘴上说不要 但是身体倒是挺诚实的 02/15 14:32
※ 编辑: wulouise 来自: (02/15 14:48)
5F:→ wulouise :随便乱翻 看得懂英文就不要看我翻的 02/15 14:48
※ 编辑: wulouise 来自: (02/15 14:55)
6F:推 colmash :我的老木那有这麽傲娇XD 02/15 14:53
※ 编辑: wulouise 来自: (02/15 14:56)
7F:→ statue :所以这只哪天会上呀? 02/15 15:07
8F:推 bbjerry13 :照以往是今天?? 02/15 15:09
9F:推 gum22356 :应该是明天了,今天看来不会有维修~ 02/15 15:10
10F:→ gum22356 :要有更新,中午就放出影片,下午就看到patch了~ 02/15 15:10
11F:推 colmash :昨天官网有官方人员说24小时内..看来他们变胖了QQ 02/15 15:15
12F:→ colmash :本来想说午休翻完patch note来写程式的说..OYL 02/15 15:15
13F:嘘 opojc2c : 04/08 15:23
14F:嘘 opojc2c : 04/08 15:24
15F:嘘 opojc2c : 04/08 15:26
16F:嘘 opojc2c : 04/08 15:27
17F:嘘 opojc2c : 04/08 15:29
18F:嘘 opojc2c : 04/08 15:30
19F:嘘 opojc2c : 04/08 15:32
20F:嘘 opojc2c : 04/08 15:33
21F:嘘 opojc2c : 04/08 15:35
22F:嘘 opojc2c : 04/08 15:36
23F:嘘 opojc2c : 04/08 15:38
24F:嘘 opojc2c : 04/08 15:39
25F:嘘 opojc2c : 04/08 15:41
26F:嘘 opojc2c : 04/08 15:43
27F:嘘 opojc2c : 04/08 15:44
28F:嘘 opojc2c : 04/08 15:46
29F:嘘 opojc2c : 04/08 15:47
30F:嘘 opojc2c : 04/08 15:49
31F:嘘 opojc2c : 04/08 15:50
32F:推 longlyeagle : + 12/04 01:32
※samhou6 於 10/22/2022 08:29:08 将推荐值归零

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