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Sona, the Maven of the Strings 索娜,琴弦大师 Sona has no memory of her true parents. As an infant, she was found abandoned on the doorstep of an Ionian adoption house, nestled atop an ancient instrument in an exquisite case of unknown origins. She was an unusually well-behaved child, always quiet and content. Her caretakers were sure she would find a home quickly, but it soon became apparent that what they mistook for uncommon geniality was actually an inability to speak or to produce any sound whatsoever. Sona remained at the adoption house until her teens, watching in hopeless silence as prospective adopters passed her by. During this time, the caretakers sold her unusual instrument to anxious collectors, hoping to build her a trust. For a myriad of bizarre and unexpected reasons, however, it would be returned, or simply appear again outside the house. 索娜没有关於她父母的记忆。当还是婴儿的时候,她被发现遗弃在爱欧尼尔收养之家的 门阶上,安静地躺在一个精美但来源不明的古老乐器的盒子上。她是个表现的异常良好的 小孩,总是安静且容易满足。她的保母曾经认为她会很快找到一个家,但情况很快地显示 他们误解了,她那不寻常的亲切其实是无法说话甚至是发出任何声音。索娜直到十几岁依 然待在收养之家,绝望且无言的看着一个个养父母离她而去。在这段期间,保母们将她那 特殊的乐器卖给了渴望拥有的收藏家们,希望能建立起人们对她的信任。但之後总是因为 许多古怪和意想不到的理由,使得乐器被退还,或是直接再次出现在房子的外面。 When a wealthy Demacian woman named Lestara Buvelle learned of the instrument, she immediately embarked to Ionia. When the caretakers showcased the instrument for her, she rose wordlessly and explored the house, stopping outside Sona's room. Without hesitation, Lestara adopted her and left a generous donation for the instrument. With Lestara's guidance, Sona discovered a deep connection with the instrument which Lestara called an "etwahl." In her hands, it played tones which stilled or quivered the hearts of those around her. Within months, she was headlining with the mysterious etwahl for sold-out audiences. She played as though plucking heartstrings, effortlessly manipulating the emotions of her listeners - all without a single written note. In secret, she discovered a potent and deadly use for her etwahl, using its vibrations to slice objects from a distance. She honed this discipline in private, mastering her gift. When she felt prepared, she went to the only place which could offer her a fitting recital: the League of Legends. 当莱斯塔拉-布维莱,一位帝玛西亚女富豪得知这个乐器的消息时,她立刻出发前往爱欧 尼尔。而在保母们向她展示乐器之後,她不发一语地站起身来,探索着整栋房子,最後停 在索娜的房门外。没有犹疑,莱斯塔拉收养了她,并且付了一笔可观的款项买下乐器。藉 由莱斯塔拉的引导,索娜发现自己和乐器有一种很深沉的连结,这是一种被莱斯塔拉称作 "etwahl"的连结。从她手中的乐器里弹奏出许多撼动周遭人心的乐曲。在几个月内,她以 神秘的etwahl成为在售完听众们口中所谈论的主要人物。她的弹奏就像拨进了人们的心弦 ,毫不费劲地操控着听众们的情感 ─ 而这些完全不需要写下任何字句。在暗地里,她发 现了一种强而有力且致命的方式来运用etwhal。她私下修练着这项惩戒的能力并且驾驭它 。当她觉得她准备好了,她开始动身前往那唯一能够让她尽情演奏的场地:传奇联盟。 "Her melody moves the soul, her silence sunders the body." -Jericho Swain, after attending her concert "她的旋律可以撼动你的灵魂,她的沉默可以撕裂你的身体。" ─ 杰利可-史宛,在参加 她的演奏会後说到。 无口娘, ROIT GJ!!! >///////< 第一次翻译, 希望没有错太多 ._. -- 我是一个小小的牧者 在广阔的天空下 追寻着皎洁月儿的轨迹 牧着, 寻着, 等待着 我的小羊儿, 你的来临 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 biggungod :虽然常常这样,不过这只无口的参战理由实在好牵强Orz 09/17 10:05
2F:推 digicat :无口娘大好啊!!!!! 09/17 10:10
3F:→ williamz :这感觉好像真的是六指琴魔的故事改过去而已..XDDD 09/17 10:13
4F:→ Alleyn :所以这角色没有语音吗XD 09/17 10:22
5F:推 ddt442 :/joke ..... 09/17 10:27
6F:推 hcl012 :难怪之前的影片都没有语音XD 09/17 10:30
7F:→ s24601 :那还是janna有声音的好 09/17 10:35
8F:推 dragoni :/L ㄎㄎㄎ 09/17 10:41
9F:→ truthseer :角色的插图也出来了 >////< 期待另外两种Skin.. 09/17 10:56
10F:推 slam :/J (弹琴) /L (弹琴) /T (弹琴)..... 09/17 10:59
11F:推 digicat :官网那几张图是特地选urgot跟他对上吗? 09/17 11:28
12F:推 ESSaw :电吉他skin希望 09/17 11:40
13F:推 wulouise :etwahl=>wealth _A_ 有曲司有财 09/17 12:51
14F:推 iceiceme :所以选她的时候不会讲话罗Q Q 09/17 12:56
15F:推 wulouise :有乐器声音吧 09/17 13:24
16F:推 LuciferRT :唢呐 GO! 09/17 14:12
17F:推 perker :所以不怕沈默...!!!!!...(大误 09/17 15:00
18F:推 dknymaster :沉默免疫 @@? (误) 09/17 15:07
19F:推 iceiceme :图, 09/17 15:41
20F:推 Jackalxx :图越画越像初音啊XD 09/17 16:28
21F:推 ahmin :服装好像女版的时钟老头@@ 09/17 17:10
22F:推 niya5026 :欧齁给我更多更多的凶器吧!!! 09/17 19:19
23F:→ ENEP :we need more breast in LoL! 09/17 22:19
24F:推 virtualcross:配音会不会是琴弦的声音^^ 09/18 01:01
25F:→ virtualcross:我好期待她喔~~感谢翻译 09/18 01:02
26F:推 ching1210 :希望有miku的skin 09/20 03:01
27F:推 duncan2002 :Swain在说话@@ 10/09 00:10
28F:嘘 wc76 : 01/10 23:19
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51F:嘘 wc76 : 01/10 23:30
52F:嘘 wc76 : 01/10 23:31
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54F:嘘 wc76 : 01/10 23:31
55F:嘘 wc76 : 01/10 23:33
56F:嘘 wc76 : 01/10 23:33
57F:嘘 wc76 : 01/10 23:33
58F:嘘 wc76 : 01/10 23:34
59F:嘘 wc76 : 01/10 23:34
60F:嘘 wc76 : 01/10 23:34
61F:嘘 wc76 : 01/10 23:36
62F:嘘 wc76 : 01/10 23:36
63F:嘘 wc76 : 01/10 23:36
64F:嘘 wc76 : 01/10 23:37
65F:嘘 wc76 : 01/10 23:37
66F:嘘 wc76 : 01/10 23:37
67F:嘘 wc76 : 01/10 23:39
68F:嘘 wc76 : 01/10 23:39
69F:嘘 wc76 : 01/10 23:39
70F:嘘 wc76 : 01/10 23:41
71F:嘘 wc76 : 01/10 23:41
72F:嘘 wc76 : 01/10 23:41
73F:嘘 wc76 : 01/10 23:42
74F:嘘 wc76 : 01/10 23:42
75F:嘘 wc76 : 01/10 23:42
76F:推 chenglons : 乱杀小 02/06 16:22
77F:→ Sona : 楼下500P 10/28 00:14
78F:推 aaa82956816 : 来领p币 楼上请兑现 10/30 22:05
※samhou6 於 10/22/2022 08:26:22 将推荐值归零
79F:推 Siesta7 : 熊哥是对的 05/19 00:13

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