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无聊不专业帮翻 有错请指正~~ ※ 引述《Dolacone (拉普拉斯之魔)》之铭言: : 官方论坛翻到的一个不错的观念文 : 虽然是英文的,不过我还是推荐新人阅读一下 : ==== : Welcome to League of Legends! : As a new player, you should know that LoL is a fast-paced game : with a steep learning curve. : However, once you get up the initial learning hill, : it's exceptionally rewarding. : Herein are some of the most helpful things I can tell you. : 各位怒伯(NOOB)们,欢迎来到LOL的世界~~ 下面的重点可以帮助你更快进入游戏状况 : : Pointer 1. How to win. : 重点一:怎麽赢? : I'll start off by debunking one of the biggest myths about this game. : You don't win by killing opponents. : 这不是RPG,就算你炸死对手全家也不会赢 : Seriously. : : You win when destroy turrets, at least one inhibitor, and the enemy nexus. : Killing champions is a helpful endeavor along the way, as it gives you : a clear path to the enemy structures, as well as gold and experience to stay : ahead with gear. 获胜的方式是这样:推塔→至少打爆一座inhibitor→打爆对家主堡(nexus) 杀人的目的只是让你推塔更顺利、多赚点经验、有钱买装 : : Too many players (both old and new) get so fixated on kill/death ratios (KDR) : that they miss the point of the game. I've seen games end so lopsided in : kills for one team that it was ludicrous, and still they lost. : If you don't push the enemy structures at appropriate times, you will lose. : 不管是怒伯或老鸟,很多人都只看帐面上的K/D/A数字,忘了这游戏的目的是推塔 所以有时候发生杀敌数多的一方最终反而落败的惨剧 结论是:如果你没有把握机会推塔,你就输了 Sivir:老娘随时都能推塔!(设计对白) : : Pointer 2. How to lose. : 重点二:为什麽输? : There are many ways to achieve this dubious goal. I'll list a few: : : 1.) Dying a lot : 2.) Getting spread out mid- and late-game : 3.) Failing to push at appropriate times : 4.) Failing to defend structures properly : 5.) Having teammates that do any of these things excessively : 6.) Having leavers/afkers : 有很多原因会造成这个结果,以下列出几点: 1.死太多次 2.游戏中後段等级被拉开差距 3.没有在适当的时机推塔 4.没有顾好家门 5.队友做了上面这些事 6.队友是中离狗/AFKer/内奸 : Now, this list is incomplete. : Some of these are obviously beyond your control. : You want to avoid doing them as much as you can, but guess what? : YOU'RE PROBABLY GOING TO LOSE A LOT OF GAMES. Don't let it get you down. : When it happens, dust yourself off and play another, : or come back later when your nerves are calmed down. : 当然这些并不是全部 而绝大部分原因都是归咎在驾驶员的控制问题 当你越在意要避开这些因素,有可能反而会造成全队输的关键。 当以上状况发生时,就别太自责了 B回家冷静一下再出来会更好 : The matchmaking system in this game is pretty effective at making sure you : keep facing tougher and tougher opponents as you improve, : whatever its faults may be. : 我们的配对系统运作得很理想(译注:都你在讲) 不过有时候也会凸鎚啦(译注:就承认是经常凸鎚吧) : Don't let this get you down. : Just expect it, and know that the same is true of your opponents. : You've got to scrape and claw for a lot of your games, : and when you do so successfully, it's one of the best feelings in gaming. : 别因为配对系统一时失常造成你十连败而感到自责(译注:大部分都是不爽,非自责) 往好的方面想,十连败之後再来个十连胜会让你爽一整天,不是很棒吗(啾咪~) : : Pointer 3. Practice Makes Perfect. : 重点三:没事多练习,多练习没事 : It's tempting to jump straight into the real world right after the tutorial, : but it's actually a good idea to play some practice games against other : players or even against bots first. You're not penalizing your teammates for : your relative inexperience this way, and if you lose it won't be reflected on : your score. : 刚从新手村出来的怒伯们最好是先开practice games,甚至虐待一下电脑AI 这样你的队友受你折磨的程度会比较低,而且就算输了也不会记成绩 : The usefulness of practice games doesn't end at basic proficiency, though. As : you get more experienced these playgrounds might actually be more important. : You can try out new characters, new strategies, arrange grudge matches with : forum trolls - the uses are nearly endless. : 也不是说怒伯转大人之後就不需要practice games了 当你想试玩新英雄、新战术、新打法(Garen:不准再给我穿回魔装!)都用得到 最重要的是:可以屠杀LOL板友 : A caveat: Since practice games exist, if I find you in a match saying : "lol sry first time with (champion)", I will want to hurt you, and so will : everybody else on your team. This is both inconsiderate and stupid. : 最後给你个忠告: 只要练习场存在的一天,如果你哪天打Normal还开全频说: 「科科,我第一次玩这个游戏/角色」 不只你的对手会集火杀你,连你的队友也会想把你大卸八块 : : Pointer 4. Greed. : 重点四:贪吃 : Greed is your enemy. : It's the gremlin on your shoulder that makes you "towerdive, : "trying to get that kill that you almost earned. : Greed wants you to die and to look silly doing it. : But you're smart. You won't let Greed get you down. : You'll resist it, and much like Satan, it will flee from you. : That's all you really need to know about Greed. : 贪吃是肥胖的主因........不对,贪吃是你的敌人 它就像个小恶魔在你的耳朵边说:快冲进塔里杀他,对手只剩一格血,只要打一下就好! 贪吃会让你死得更快,而且死法看起来像个呆子 懂得控制你的欲望,别让贪吃害死你 : A subpoint to Greed is what I call "Killsteal Rage."KSR is an ill-tempered : fellow that appears when a teammate felt they deserved a kill that you : obtained at the last minute, or vice versa. He's a morale killer and a total : downer, like the drunk guy that keeps trying to one-up everybody's stories at : the party. 另一个造成贪吃的来源是:「被抢尾刀的怒火」 「抢尾火」就是本来应该算队友的Kill结果被你抢走,或状况相反 由於「抢尾火」造成的贪心自杀式攻击,会害得整个团队一败涂地 : : I purposefully left you out of the example, because you're not going to do : this to your teammates. You will realize that whoever got the bigger portion : of gold and xp, the kill benefits the team, and you will win as a team. Thus, : you are happy. There are times when it would have been better for your carry : to get the kill, but unless it happens chronically and it's actually : endangering your team's victory chances, don't bother saying anything. Not : worth the fight. KSR indeed. : 这是一个团队游戏,不管是谁抢到杀,同样都会帮助整个团队 一般来说给队上的火力输出捡尾刀赚钱是最理想的 除非发生神牛出坦装还一直抢Twitch/Evelyn尾刀这种纯自爽但害死团队的悲剧 要不然没必要因为尾刀被抢就大动肝火 : : Pointer 5. Roles. : 重点五:选角 : There are certain roles which really need to be filled on any given team. : The roles, in order of relative importance, are: : : 1.) Tank (good initiator, lots of damage mitigation, able to hold focus) : 1.) Disabler (stuns, snares, slows, silences, knockups, repositioning skills; : the more the merrier) : 3.) Ranged DPS : 3.) Nuker (high burst damage) : 5.) Melee DPS : 6.) Assassin : 7.) Other stuff : 队伍里面有些角色特别重要,以下依重要性排列: 1.坦(开场不容易死、吸收火力、掩护队友) 2.控场(晕、缓、定身、撞飞、沉默等,越多越好) 3.远距攻击 4.瞬间高伤害输出 5.近战 6.偷杀 7.其他 : Now this list is anything but definitive, but notice the high relative : importance of tanks and disablers. This part of the list I won't budge on; : since I know man's natural inclination is to go with damage over tanking and : disabling, I will emphasize these two essential roles till the day I go to : the grave. : 这份排列是不变的真理 毕竟大家都想玩DPS、人人都想当Carry 反而突显出坦和控场的重要性 : You may win without the higher roles being filled, but if so, it's either : because you are way above average, or more likely, the other team is awful. : 也许你会说我没坦没控场照样能赢 如果是这样,也许你们队伍组成是趋向平均值 或者更有可能是你的对家太「厉害」了 : : Pointer 6. Giving Up. : 重点六:投降输一半 : This is sort of a tricky subject. A lot of us are tryhards at heart, and it's : absolutely the most fulfilling thing in the world to come back from having : all three inhibitors destroyed multiple times and no nexus towers left to win : a game. I have done this a couple times, and it was great. : 玩这游戏最爽的莫过於家里被杀个精光只剩一个主堡露在外面,还能反推来个逆转胜 我也试过好几次,爽死了~ : But at the same time, sometimes you've got to balance the tryhard with the : realist. A lot of times it would be in the interest of your fun-o-meter to go : ahead and surrender, and get into a fresh game. Don't be ashamed. When you're : down and there's no get-up-and-go left, it's a totally legitimate response, : and anybody that tells you otherwise is a clown. : : Sit back down, Shaco, it's a figure of speech. : 但是醒醒吧阿宅,没有人在天天过年的 该投降的时候就投降吧,下一场会更好,千万别认为投降是丢脸的事 当你们被杀得连话都说不出来、大家开始龟在家里泡温泉的时候,投降是合理的反应 这种状况下还坚持要战的简直就像个小丑.............. Shaco,回去坐好,我不是在说你................ : : Pointer 7. Basic Early-Game Tips. 重点七:基本的开场小提醒 : : 1.) For the better part of the game, you want to stay behind your creep. : Let them soak the damage. : Just try to get the killing blow on each creep, : unless you're getting pushed back under your tower. 尽量躲在小兵後面,让你的小兵吃对方伤害 除非你想让战线往自家塔下推,不然就多练习捡小兵尾刀 : : 2.) Generally speaking, : you want 2 team members in top lane, 1 in mid lane, and 2 in bottom lane. : You can move people around for ganks. : But be aware that you won't be able to farm while you're changing lanes, : and there's always a chance that the attempt will be unfruitful. : At high levels of play, they're all up ons the ganks. : But until we learn the game, : it's best to farm unless a particularly tough foe, : or particularly juicy target presents itself. 一般来说,上路X2、中路X1、下路X2 你也可以四处串门子埋伏捡人头 但要注意的是在你四处串门子的同时你也失去了农兵赚钱的机会 而且每次的埋伏偷杀也不保证一定成功 越高等级的玩家,对这类的埋伏会越小心 除非对面压到你赚不了钱,或是当你发现对家有怒伯 不然还是乖乖农兵推线比较安全 : : 3.) Harrassment is the practice of taking pot shots at your opponent : as they try to farm. This is a good tool to use. : If you don't kill them but they bluepill back to heal, : you've won free farming until they get back. : If they stick around and get killed, : you've got kill gold as well as free farming : until they respawn and get back. : Either way, you win. And you're a winner. : 不断骚扰对手偷打一下跳探戈是阻止对面农兵赚钱的好技巧 就算不杀对方,只要让他回家补血,你就能赚比他多 如果对方死都不回家补血,然後真的被你打死了,你不但赚钱还能继续农兵 无论如何,你都有赚 : 4.) Prioritizing your first skill point and purchase are tricky. : Usually you'll want to get something that will help you stay in : lane during early game, and possibly attempt a first blood. : Doran's items are great first purchases, : and don't forget about potions, either. : Just don't be a dope about these. : Put some thought into them,and you'll be alright. : 起手招式和你买的第一个道具 通常会考量能在线上待越久,以及拿到FB的可能性越高,来做选择 都兰(Doran's)系列是起手装备的好选择,剩下的钱别忘了买水 别学Dr.Mundo买全身回魔装 买之前多想三秒钟,你的选择会更好 : : Pointer 8. Carries. 重点八:火力输出 : : A carry is a character that has the potential to carry your team to victory : late-game. They're usually very item-dependent and put out ridiculous damage : once they're farmed and/or fed. They usually don't have much crowd control, : and they usually need help early game. : 一个称职的carry能在後期的会战轻易摆平对手 他们的特色就是吃装备和肥了以後高伤害 他们没有太多控场技,而且在前期特别需要别人帮忙 : All this being said, this is how you should respond. Don't killsteal them. : Yes, I know what I said about kills helping the team, but they help the team : more if your main carry gets them. So help them get kills. : 别跟他们抢人头 对!我知道你要说什麽! 我知道我说过不论谁捡到尾刀对都团队有帮助 但是他们捡到尾刀对团队的帮助比你捡到尾刀的帮助要大得多 所以,别和carry抢尾刀 : And when you're drinking the post-game champagne, they might not thank you, : but I'm sure they're thinking it. And if they're not, they're idiots and you : shouldn't worry about it. What's important is, you won. : 如果你们赢了,赛後聊天那些carry不见得会感谢你,但我确定他们心里充满感激 如果没有,那也不用担心,因为他们根本就是智障 重要的是,你们赢了 : : Pointer 9. Rage. : 重点九:拎北非常火 : Don't rage at your team. It hurts their feelings, and they're real people. : 别对你的队友发火,他们也是人,他们也会受伤 : Also, don't rage at the other team. They like it too much. : 也别对你的对手发火,他们正在享受这场游戏 : Finally, don't rage at your team to the other team. If you do this, you're an : ass, and nobody on either team will like, respect, or want to date you. And : this is all very sad. 最後,别开全频告诉对手你对你的队友感到非常火 如果你真的这样做,那你简直是个废物 敌我双方也不会因此喜欢、尊敬或和这种废物约战 这只会搞得大家很不开心 : : P.S. This includes post-game. If you have nothing good to say, well... you : know. PS:这包括了赛後讨论。如果你没什麽好建议,嗯...........你懂的。 : : : Pointer 10. The Point. : 重点十:这才是重点 : Have fun. : After all, it's a game. : If you're not doing this, you're the biggest failure of all. : Don't let your kids starve, don't lose your job, : don't get high blood pressure, : and certainly don't neglect your wife over this or any game. : Just have a bit of fun. : 玩得开心 最後,这只是个游戏 如果你以为这就是你的一生,那你的人生根本就是一败涂地 ↓别像这位仁兄玩游戏玩到正妹女友都心碎了↓
也别让张爸出现新台词:「天啊,你敢玩吗?LOL误我儿一生!」 这只是你人生中一小部份的乐趣 放下滑鼠,打开窗户,美好的世界在等着你~~~ --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 heerofang :先推 辛苦了 05/19 22:34
※ 编辑: fr014371 来自: (05/19 23:33)
2F:推 kafka0 :推!翻译得好赞!(神牛要抢尾刀还真不容易啊...) 05/19 23:22
3F:推 Dolacone :推有心 05/19 23:22
4F:推 bobsorcerer :AP牛啊 痛到炸 又杀不死 05/19 23:25
5F:推 taibobo :Shaco,回去坐好,我不是在说你................ 05/20 00:40
6F:推 trfsonic :推!经常在1:30时说自己是newbie XD 05/20 07:13
7F:推 kafka0 :关於投降,有时候一直苦撑真的很累...不过打到後面 05/20 07:37
8F:→ kafka0 :输也累赢也累-0- 05/20 07:37
9F:推 Roger37 :Shaco 坐好 我不是在说你.... 05/20 15:32
10F:→ Shaco :生气... 说好了不提我的 >//////< 揪咪 05/20 16:47
11F:→ psboy :有这女友还玩啥lol? LOL 05/21 16:52

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