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A: ELO is the ranking system used in LoL. The way is works is that when you get matched up against a team, your team will be expected to win or expected to lose, depending on your ELO. A:ELO是LoL所使用的排名系统。它的作用就是在配对时,根据你的ELO预测你会输或 赢。 Ex: Team A - 1250 ELO Ranking Team B - 1350 ELO Ranking In this scenario, Team B is expected to win. If they win, they will gain less ELO because they were the stronger team going in. 在这个情况,B对被预测会获胜。假使他们获胜了,他们会得到较少的ELO,因为他们是这 两队中较强的。 战後: Team A - 1250 -> 1242 Team B - 1350 -> 1358 However, should Team A win, they will gain more points than usual because it was an upset. 然而要是A队获胜,他们会得到较平常多的ELO,因为他们翻盘了! 战後: Team A - 1250 -> 1263 Team B - 1350 -> 1337 Note that this is acting as if the entire team has their own ELO, what actually happens is that a team's ELO is considered depending upon the players inside and other factors. As an example: 要知道,并不是一个队伍会有他们自己的ELO,事实上,一个队伍的ELO取决於队伍的 成员以及其他的因素。例如: A pre-made comes in with these players: 一个AT团包含以下成员 Noob - 1000 N0ob - 1000 Noobie - 1000 Newbie - 1000 Newskis - 1000 Now, this team doesn't have a 1000 point rating when it gets put into the pool. What happens is that they get a slight modification (between 25 and 200 points, I think) because they are a premade, and are expected to be stronger than simple pubs. So, even though all the players are 1000 ranked, the actual team would probably be ranked 1100-1150. 这个队伍不会是ELO 1000。他们会被些微的调整(介於25到200间,我想)因为他们是 AT,所以被预期要比其他Solo的队伍要强一些。所以即使其中所有的成员都是1000的等级 这个团队(的ELO)实际上会是1100-1150 There isn't any way to see your ELO ranking from Normal games. The idea there is that the matchmaking is for fun, and that you shouldn't be worried about losing. When Ranked games come in, those are where the ladders and competitive play will be shown. 游戏中并没有任何的方法可以知道你的ELO。理由是,配对系统只是为了增添游戏的乐 趣,所以你不需要担心会输。当排名赛加入後,天梯和更竞争的比赛就会出现。 转录於 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
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1F:推 SamMa :感谢分享 想了解好久了 04/16 10:46
2F:→ SamMa :请问等12的问题呢? 04/16 10:47
3F:→ SamMa :很明显组队分等1-12,与13+两个族群 04/16 10:48
4F:→ SamMa :不过好像一直没有被实证,很多人也说根本没这回事 04/16 10:48
ELO系统被用在很多地方,职业比赛和各种网路游戏等。不同的游戏可能会有不同的评价 ELO的方式和一些组队上的调整,可以/a errard看matching system。不过这些调整的要 素和方法是Riot自己的商业机密,等级12也许是其中一个有影响配对的因素。 也有可能是LoL newbie land的设计。
5F:推 SamMa :谢谢errard解答,看来还是要等将来Riot释出资讯了 04/16 10:54
6F:推 tommy91124 :感谢分享 04/16 10:58
※ 编辑: errard 来自: (04/16 11:01)
7F:→ evildark :我想补充一个超无用生活小知识 ELO是人名不是缩写.. 04/16 11:40
8F:→ errard :haha 真的,这就是所谓的替代法~ 04/16 11:49
9F:推 Ricky13 :感谢分享 04/16 11:52
10F:推 yellow95 :那我一定是elo太高了才会这样!! 04/16 14:16
11F:嘘 wcsuperior : 09/25 19:07
12F:嘘 wcsuperior : 09/25 19:07
13F:嘘 wcsuperior : 09/25 19:07
14F:嘘 wcsuperior : 09/27 02:45
15F:嘘 wcsuperior : 09/27 02:52
16F:嘘 wcsuperior : 09/27 03:08
17F:嘘 wcsuperior : 09/27 18:23
18F:嘘 wcsuperior : 09/27 18:23
19F:嘘 wcsuperior : 09/27 18:23
20F:嘘 wcsuperior : 09/27 19:21
21F:嘘 wcsuperior : 09/27 19:21
22F:嘘 wcsuperior : 09/27 19:21
23F:嘘 WC79 : 11/11 18:32
24F:嘘 WC79 : 11/11 18:32
25F:嘘 WC79 : 11/11 18:32
26F:嘘 WC79 : 11/12 00:13
27F:嘘 WC79 : 11/12 00:13
28F:嘘 WC79 : 11/12 00:13
29F:推 HOWARD711513:马上解决我的疑惑 我竟然没爬到这篇 06/20 12:46
30F:推 longlyeagle : + 02/03 18:01
※samhou6 於 10/22/2022 08:24:42 将推荐值归零

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