Little-Games 板


6 HOURS AGO It was added in the patch 3 hours ago but not mentioned. [NEW] - Elite monsters now give RP instead of Attribute once you are maxed out on that specific attribute. 这可以更快速增加RP了,毕竟现在大部分玩家的attribute应该都999了 8 HOURS AGO [HOTFIX] - Monsters will no longer attack during Warping. - MP Cost for Magic upgrades were showing the same. - Some enemies projectiles were leaking past the player and not being destroyed during lunge. 10 HOURS AGO v1.01.03: [NEW] - Some basic functions of Kong API added. - Save management. You can now Import (Green Down Arrow) / Export (Red Up Arrow) save files! Exporting can be a bit tricky so please be sure to check it on Discord first! - Added instance counter for debug reasons. - Every new run stats with Warping speed which gives you x3 your Mov.Speed till 25% of Max Dist achieved during current Ascension. - If you choose to RETAIN Level instead of Rebirth you will earn RP based on distance! Works with Idle Mode. 前面可以跑更快了 但是不确定是不是有上限 (之前是 600) (现在上去看是直接用飞的 XDXD) [BALANCES/REWORK] - All Magic Spells had their skill button Tool Tip added and some of them were reworked. - Small buff to Stomp. 不知道增强多少 好久没用了XD - Make it Happen now has diminishing return. - Bash now has -% accuracy while pierce has +% accuracy both scaling equally. - Monsters’ projectile speed doubled so less of them appear on the screen. - Elite Grade was scaling too fast past level 250 so it was tuned down. - Monsters AP increased slightly. - Monsters Evasion and Crit Res Rating increased slightly. 怪物变强了 (但应该没差多少) - 0~100% Crits and Hits range is now 0.333 ~ 3.000. Now, you need x3 their respective resistance in order to get to 100%. Consequently, having 1/3 of the resistance means 0%. (爆击跟命中 看来是被调弱 等等再测试看看) - Stealth skills was replaced by Lunge. 新技能@@? - Slightly reduced Attack scaling. [BUG FIXES] - Make it Happen and Make it Worth Tool Tips fixed. [PERFORMANCE] - Changed how the skills buttons work making them more light weight -- --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
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1F:推 Workforme : 开头飞的 速度max1800 距离为最大推进距离的1/4 07/25 19:21
2F:推 paver : 练到999级走的距离,要飞五分钟才停下来 07/25 19:37
3F:推 acopika : 4-5小时前有略看过内容 看起来还是平衡调整 07/25 19:50
4F:→ acopika : 等有实质内容更新在看看 07/25 19:50
5F:→ paver : 敌人变强不少阿,之前能刷到999级,更新後打到830就 07/25 20:23
6F:→ paver : 挂了 07/25 20:23
7F:推 st8931500 : lunge不错 突进技 伤害看agi 若lunge尾刀杀敌则不计 07/25 23:28
8F:→ st8931500 : 使用次数,即不耗sp 。配合被砍过的iceBeam引怪效率 07/25 23:28
9F:→ st8931500 : 颇佳(icebeam你死的好惨) 但秒不掉时消耗也非常凶 07/25 23:28
10F:推 O10lOl01O : 第一次觉得火球好用 时机点就是快遇到小王 07/26 09:48
11F:→ O10lOl01O : 可是快挂了 快点停下来 但此时小怪在K我 07/26 09:48
12F:→ O10lOl01O : 这时候用火球就可以把K我的小怪打掉 然後不会前进 07/26 09:48
13F:推 gogokidd : 玩到fps只有18 是电脑太烂吗@@ 07/26 14:17
14F:→ Workforme : 有低规格模式 打开试看看 07/26 14:29
15F:推 O10lOl01O : 休息直接冲到10倍了XD 07/26 17:44
16F:→ sam1234580 : BLESS被大砍一刀 平衡归平衡 但是这砍法感觉不舒服 07/26 20:06
17F:→ asdrt : bless也改太弱了吧= = 07/26 21:20
18F:→ asdrt : 数值上限也没提升 砍这个 真神奇... 07/26 21:20
19F:推 smart0eddie : 嘛... 人家是作者 07/27 01:57
20F:推 Makubax : 又要农了XD 07/27 04:18

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