Little-Games 板


※ 引述《reesion (阿汤哥)》之铭言: : 游戏本名:Curse Of The Dragon Egg : 游戏译名:诅咒的龙蛋 : 游戏类型:找错比较 : 游戏抓图: :
: 游戏连结: : (官方) : : (非官方) : 以下恕删 玩完之後,我是觉得: 1. 图片很棒!可惜有点小,看得不太清楚。 2. 音乐我个人觉得还好、也还不错,但找到错误的音效很破坏气氛。||| 3. 故事很单纯~ 但图片加分很大 4. 难度不高,有些错误蛮小的,但多注意点配合提示,应该不难破关 5. 点击的判定不大,要点准一点 可能是太闲了,想说来翻译一下 英文和文笔都不太好,还请见谅 Chapter I   There lived a boy named Leon whose village was destroyed by a dragon. While Leon managed to escape, the dragon soon followed, destroying anyplace he would run to. One day, Leon heard rumors about a wise man, an ancient wizard, who might be able to help. Leon finally found the wise man's home hidden within an enchanted forest and was welcome in, his arrival already foreseen. 第一章   这个故事关於一个男孩名为里昂,他的村庄被龙摧毁。每当他决定逃往哪里,龙便尾 随而至,将他避难之处摧毁殆尽。有一天,里昂听说有个智者──一名古老的巫师,或许 能帮上他的忙。经过千辛万苦,里昂终於在美丽的森林中找到智者的家,并且被迎接了进 去。智者早已料到他的到来。 Chapter II   Leon recounted his story, explaining how the dragon pursed him relentlessly. It had been a hundred years since the last dragon, the wise man said, then gave Leon an old map, telling him it is where be will find all the answers. After giving his gratitude, Leon once again set out to find a solution to the dragon's fury, following the map to a kingdom long forgottom. 第二章   里昂陈述了他的经历,诉说龙是如何无情地折磨他。从最後一条龙开始,这情况已经 持续一百年了,智者说。然後他给里昂一份古地图,告诉他,所有答案将会在那里揭晓。 郑重道谢後,里昂立刻继续上路,跟随地图前往被遗忘的王都,寻找龙愤怒的原因。 Chapter III   There, in the ruins, the walls told a story on bow the first king, and his wizards, had stolen a dragon's egg but were only able to put the dragon to sleep for a hundred years. Leon searched and found the egg deep under the palace, but a phantom bloched his way. The phantom revealed that Leon was actually a descendent of that kingdom's king, which was why the newly awakened dragon had targeted him. 第三章   在那里,就在废墟中,壁画讲述着初代国王及巫师的事蹟。他们偷了龙蛋施法,却只 能让这颗蛋的主人沉睡一百年。里昂在宫殿深处找到龙蛋,当他准备离开,一道幻影挡住 他的去路。幻影发现,里昂竟然是那国王的子嗣──这便是为什麽,醒来的龙要不断纠缠 他。 Chapter IV   The only way to stop the dragon was to return the egg, but the phantom was the egg's guardian and would let no one take it. Gathering his courage, Leon grabbed the egg and escaped as the enraged phantom tore the cave apart. As not to endanger any more peoplr, Leon traveled to the edge of the wastelands where dragons were said to have lived. Not long after entering the wasteland be encountered the dragon that had destroyed his village. 第四章   唯一让龙停止的方法,便是把蛋归还回去。但幻影身为龙蛋的警卫,不允许任何人带 走蛋。鼓起勇气,里昂一把抓住龙蛋,而愤怒的幻影开始将洞穴摧毁。在惊险中,他顺利 地逃出来。为了避免危及其他人,里昂决定前往一处已被龙摧毁的荒地。才刚刚进入荒野 ,那条毁灭他村子的龙便现身了。 Chapter V   Leon pushed the egg towards the furious dragon. Luckily, the dragon reallized what Leon did before it attacked. No longer angry and vengeful, it accepted Leon's offering of peace. Giving him one last look, the dragon took off with its egg as Leon waved good-bye. With the egg returned, Leon has redeemed his ancestors and broken the dragon's curse. 第五章   里昂把蛋推到狂怒的龙面前。幸运地,龙注意到里昂的动作,因而打住攻击的动作。 龙不再愤怒且满脑子复仇,反而平静地接受里昂。看了他最後一眼後,龙带着自己的蛋飞 远了,里昂挥着手向龙道别。随着龙蛋归还,里昂补偿了祖先的过错,同时打破龙的诅咒 。 因为字体关系,希望没有看错什麽 XD||| 话说仔细翻译&读完之後,发现这篇的英文都蛮简单的 囧> 只要查清几个字,基本上不难读 也有不少句子能直接读懂~ 其实,我觉得这篇的故事没有很完整 当然不影响游戏性就是了~ 图片还是很精致美丽 就算完全看不懂,应该也完全不影响游玩 (那我翻这篇是??????) 如果有错,欢迎纠正 ^^" -- 奉真实与忠诚之名,我将对你展开报复。 --
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 sywu1991 :有玩有推! 10/09 22:12
2F:推 willkill :推帮翻译 10/09 22:17
3F:推 edar123 :推翻译 10/09 23:56
4F:→ b95bb :仗势欺人天啊 10/10 11:08
5F:推 dnzteeqrq :推帮翻译 10/10 15:43
6F:→ wolffy :谢谢推文 ^^ 10/10 20:51

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