作者qeelyne (若琳)
标题[徵人] 外商菸草公司Wanted Legal Director
时间Thu Apr 24 17:08:18 2008
JT International
1. The incumbent is responsible for the interpretation and application of the strategic
direction of the Legal function within the Taiwan market.
The incumbent reports to the V.P. General Counsel, Asia-Pacific and maintains a strong business partnership with the GM of Taiwan and the Taiwan management team.
2. Report to regional head (HK)
9:00 AM ~~6:00PM 周六周日休假
【薪资范围】 年薪可达3.5M (12 months)
【公司福利】 优於劳基法
1. Member of recognized bar; Appropriate university degree or equivalent
2. 5-7 years of commercial law experience, preferrably with in-house counsel experience and in FMCG industry
3. Good understanding and application of commercial law theory and practice
4. Proven interpersonal and general communication skills
5. Extensive knowledge of local labour practices and legal requirements; Full mobility.
6. Fluent in English and Mandarin (including Chinese drafting skill).
7. PC literate.
【联络人/连络方式】 Lynn若琳 (
[email protected]) 8780 6822
Lynn Wang 王若琳
新加坡商立可人事顾问公司 台湾分公司 www.recruitexpress.com.tw
台北市 松仁路 97 号 群益金融大楼 11 楼
Tel : 02 8780 6822
[email protected]
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
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