作者theboy (Ganbatene)
标题Le Papillon - Le Pourquoi
时间Sun Jul 25 10:00:00 2004
http://studftp.stut.edu.tw/~49023023/01.Le Papillon.mp3
我觉得很好听耶 ^^ 请用FlashGet下载
这算是到连吧 XD 希望原波别生气
来源: 无名小站 - FreeMusic板 - uniquejoy提供
"War is waged by nations, but it is human beings that pay the price.
About those of us that survived,
we are left with the memory of shame and misery, and blood shadows.
In these dark times, the only thing we have left to hold onto is love,
the one true gift from the Gods.
And it is true love that we hope and pray,that God will send us peace."
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
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