Lakers 板


The three-time defending NBA champion Los Angeles Lakers won a most difficult game without coach Phil Jackson. 三连霸的湖人队在没有总教练Phil Jackson在场督军的情况下赢得了最困难的一仗. Considering what he's been through recently, maybe it's good Jackson stayed home to avoid further stress, although it couldn't have been easy watching the Lakers' 99-95 victory over the San Antonio Spurs on television Sunday. 想到最近Jackson所受到的病痛, 可能他待在家以避免更多的紧张会是比较好的选择, 虽然在家透过电视看到湖人以99-95拿下胜利可能也不是太轻松的事情. "Let's say if he survived this, he's OK,'' said assistant Jim Cleamons, who filled in for Jackson. Jackson missed the game after undergoing an angioplasty Saturday to unblock an artery leading to his heart. "如果要说他能不能过得了这关的话, 他是OK的," 这场代替Jackson领军的助理教练 Jim Cleamons说. Jackson因为在礼拜六进行疏通通往他心脏的动脉的血管修复术而 错过了这场比赛. The Lakers won by scoring the game's final six points on two free throws by Shaquille O'Neal and four by Kobe Bryant to even the Western Conference semifinals 2-2. 湖人因为得到了球赛最後6分h才得以2-2追平了西区半准决赛, 其中O'Neal在罚球线上 贡献2分, Bryant也贡献了4分. Game 5 will be played Tuesday night in San Antonio and Game 6 Thursday night at Staples Center. 第五场比赛将在美国时间周二晚间於San Antnio举行, 第六场比赛则是周四晚间再回到 Staples Center. "That's the heart of a champion,'' Bryant said. "We don't budge, we know that. You knock us down, we get back up. We find a way to win.'' "这就是冠军的心脏," Bryant说. "我们不可以退让, 这是我们都知道的. 你把我们打倒, 我们又会站起来. 我们找到了拿下胜利的方法" As far as playing without Jackson was concerned, Bryant said: "We just look at it as another obstacle. We thrive in these types of situations.'' 对於Jackson不在场边这件事, Bryant说: " 我们只把它看成是另一种阻碍, 我们可以在 这样的困境中取得成功." Bryant led the Lakers with 35 points, shooting 10-of-24 from the floor and 14-for-17 from the foul line. He also had a key steal, picking off an inbound pass by Tony Parker with 14.2 seconds left and the Lakers leading 98-95. Bryant得到了领先全队的35分, 其中他的投篮命中率是投24中10, 罚球则是17投14中. 他也抄下了关键的一球, 就是那个Parker在时间剩下14.2秒时的从界外发进场内的球, 当时湖人以98-95领先. "I just wanted to get in the passing lane,'' Bryant said. "I saw the ball in my path and just went for it.'' "我只是想要截断传球的路线," Bryant说. "我只是看到球在我的行进路线上, 然後就 上去想办法把球抄下来" O'Neal had 29 points, 17 rebounds, five assists and four blocked shots. He made 17 of 23 free throws. O'Neal得到29分17篮板5助攻以及4火锅. 他也投进了23次罚球机会里的17球. "I thought he did an incredible job at the foul line,'' said San Antonio's Tim Duncan, who did pretty well himself, making 16 of 20 free throws. "我觉得他在罚球线上投得很棒," 今晚罚得也很棒的Duncan说, 他今晚在罚球上是20中16. Duncan shot 10-for-17 from the field in scoring 36 points. He also had nine rebounds and five assists. Duncan以17投10中的成绩拿下36分. 他并抓下9篮板递出5次助攻. Jackson, whose teams have won a record 25 straight playoff series and nine championships, missed the first postseason game of his 13-year career as an NBA head coach. He had experienced tightness and pain in his chest for about a week. Jackson was released from the hospital about 2 1/2 hours before Sunday's game. 今天错过他执教13年来第一场季後赛的Jackson, 他的球队已经赢了创纪录的季後赛25个 系列战连胜, 并且拿下九个冠军. 他已经感到胸口紧缩并且疼痛近一周了. Jackson在周 日比赛两个半小时前出院. Cleamons said he spoke with Jackson before the game, at halftime and afterward. Cleamons说他在比赛前, 中场休息以及比赛结束後都有跟Jackson通话. "From the sound of his voice, he sounded strong, like he was OK,'' Cleamons said. "I'm hopeful he'll travel with us to San Antonio tomorrow and be on the bench Tuesday night.'' "从他的声音听来, 他还满强壮的, 听起来像是他还OK," Cleamons说. "我希望他明天 可以跟我们一起飞往San Antonio并且出现在周二比赛的板凳上." That decision will be made Monday. 周一将会做出决定. "I put it in perspective. Before the game, I asked myself, 'Would I come to work if I went through what Phil went through?''' Lakers guard Brian Shaw said. "He called us at halftime and told us what adjustments to make. We followed his lead. He was calm, and we stayed calm.'' "我有另一种看法. 在赛前, 我问我自己'如果我受到了像Phil的病痛, 我还会来上班吗?'" 湖人後卫Shaw说. "他在中场打电话给我们并且告诉我们该怎麽调整. 我们跟随他的领导. 他很冷静, 我们也很冷静." Derek Fisher added 17 points for the Lakers. Stephen Jackson had 15 points and a playoff career high 10 rebounds and Parker scored 14 for the Spurs. Fisher也帮湖人的记分板加上17分. S.Jackson则是得到15分并且抓下生涯季後赛新高的 10篮板, Parker也帮马刺拿下了14分. "We had a pretty good shot. It didn't happen,'' Spurs coach Gregg Popovich said. "I'm very pleased with the way we competed. We just have to stay confident and take care of business at home.'' "我们的投篮选择不错. 这在过去是没发生过的, " 马刺总教练Popivich说. "我对我们 能够持续奋战感到高兴, 我们只需要保持信心然後在家里打场好球." Stephen Jackson's 3-pointer with 1:31 remaining capped a 6-0 run and gave the Spurs a 95-93 lead, but the Spurs wouldn't score again. S.Jackson在比赛剩下1:31时投进一个三分帮助马刺拉出一波6-0的进攻, 并取得95-93 的领先, 但马刺至此之後一分未得 O'Neal made two free throws 14 seconds later to tie it, and after the Spurs committed a turnover, Bryant made a free throw with 48 seconds left to put the Lakers ahead for good. O'Neal在14秒後罚进两个罚球追平了比数, 接着在马刺失误之後Bryant又再比赛剩下 48秒时再罚进一球使得湖人取得领先. Stephen Jackson missed a 3-pointer with 24 seconds to go, forcing the Spurs to foul. They got to Bryant with 14.2 seconds left, and he made two more foul shots, making it 98-95. Jackson在比赛剩下24秒时投三分球不中, 迫使马刺必须犯规. 他们在比赛剩下14.2秒 时犯在Bryant身上, 他在罚进两球之後比数成为98-95. Bryant then stole Parker's inbound pass and added another free throw to complete the scoring. 然後Bryant又抄到了Parker发进场内的球并且罚进另一球因而底定了比数. "We let this game get away from us,'' Stephen Jackson said. "This is one we definitely should have had.'' "我们让这场比赛从身边溜走," Stephen Jackson说. "这是我们本来该拿下的比赛." The Spurs led 64-55 when Duncan went to the bench with 2:54 left in the third quarter after picking up his fourth foul on Bryant. 马刺在第三节剩下2:54 Duncan因为犯在Bryant身上的第四次犯规离场时还以64-55领先. Duncan would say afterward he didn't touch Bryant. Duncan在比赛稍後说他当时没碰到Bryant. The Lakers quickly took advantage, outscoring the Spurs 16-3 for a 71-67 lead. Bryant had six points, Fisher four, and Devean George and Shaw made 3-pointers, with Shaw banking his in from about 30 feet as the period ended. 湖人很快的把握这个优势打出一波16-3的攻势取得71-67的领先. 其中Bryant在这波进攻 中得到6分, Fisher4分, George以及Shaw各投进一个三分球, Shaw的三分还是在第三节 结束前在30尺外投进的. That was similar to what happened with Duncan on the bench at the end of the second quarter. 相似的情形也发生在第二节Duncan坐在板凳上时. He picked up his third foul with 3:37 left and the Spurs holding a 43-27 lead -- the largest of the game for either team. The Lakers then outscored the Spurs 12-3 to finish the half, making it 46-39. 他在第二节剩下3:37时犯下他的第三次规, 当时马刺以43-27领先 -- 这是这场比赛两队 最大的比分差. 湖人接着打出一波12-3的比数结束上半场, 使得比数程为46-39. Game notes San Antonio's David Robinson fouled out with 7:13 left with no points and three rebounds. He played only 14 minutes. ... Phil Jackson missed three games because of a kidney stone that was removed on Feb. 24. Before that, he had coached 1,249 regular-season and playoff games without missing any in nearly 13 seasons. ... O'Neal became the seventh-leading scorer in playoff history midway through the third quarter, passing former Houston star Hakeem Olajuwon. O'Neal entered trailing Olajuwon by 14 points and John Havlicek by 35. ... O'Neal has already passed Wilt Chamberlain, Scottie Pippen, Elgin Baylor and Magic Johnson in career points during these playoffs. ... Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez had courtside seats, not far from Jack Nicholson. Robinson在比赛剩下7:13犯满毕业, 他这场比赛只打了14分钟, 没有得分只抓下3篮板. ... Jackson曾因为肾结石错过了三场比赛, 但他已经在2月24日手术移除结石. 在那之 前他13年连续执教1249场球赛. ... O'Neal在第三节中超越前明星中锋Olajuwon成为季 後赛史上得分第七多的球员. 在比赛前O'Neal还落後Olajuwan14分, 落後John Havlicek 35分. ... O'Neal已经超越Wilt Chamberlain, Scottie Pippen, Elgin Baylor 以及 Magic Johnson的生涯季後赛总得分. ... Ben Affleck 以及 Jennifer Lopez也买到了 在场边的球票, 他们坐得离Jack Nicholson并不远. --

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