Lakers 板


应板主之邀再度翻译... ※ 引述《chpan (堆积如山的papers)》之铭言: : : Jack's outburst makes waves at Staples Center : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Associated Press : LOS ANGELES -- Actor Jack Nicholson stepped onto the Staples Center court : and screamed at a referee during Friday night's Western Conference playoff : game between the San Antonio Spurs and Los Angeles Lakers. 演员Jack Nicholson在周五晚间举行的马刺对上湖人的西区季後赛中, 整个人走进了 Staples Center的球场上并且对着其中的一位裁判咆哮. : Jack Nicholson yells at a referee during the second quarter of Saturday's : game. Jack Nicolson在比赛进行到第二节时对着裁判喊叫. : Nicholson reacted shortly after Lakers star Shaquille O'Neal was called for : his third foul in the second quarter, yelling at Mark Wunderlich during a : break in the action. Nicholson在湖人球星Shaquille O'Neal被吹罚他的第三次犯规之後做出了短暂的反应 --在球赛中间的空档对着裁判Mark Wunderlich怒吼 : "I pay a lot of money for this seat,'' Nicholson said at halftime. "This is : the NBA, you can't tell me to sit down.'' "我付了大笔钞票才坐在这个位置的," Nicholson在中场休息时说道. "这可是NBA, 没 有人可以叫我乖乖坐下." : Nicholson said nobody from security spoke with him, and he was back at his : courtside seat as the second half began. Nicholson表示并没有安全人员找他谈话, 他也在下半场开始的时候回到了他场边的座位. : "Give me five, Jack,'' actress Dyan Cannon told Nicholson. "Thank you. He : needed that.'' "Give me five, Jack," 女演员Dyan Cannon告诉Nicholson说. "真谢谢你. 他(指裁判) 需要被人这样骂一下." : Nicholson and Cannon are two of the Lakers' most visible fans. Nicholson以及Cannon是湖人球迷中能见度最高的其中之二(指明星) : Public address announcer Lawrence Tantor said that Ron Garretson, another : official, came to the scorer's table and told the stat crew to get security : ready if anything more happened. 发言人Lawernce Tantorg说, 另一位裁判, Ron Garretson当时走到记录台告诉记录员要 叫安全人员准备好以防止更进一步的事端发生. : Steve Javie, the third official, refused comment shortly before the start of : the second half. 第三位裁判Steve Javie则是拒绝在下半场开打前对这件事做出评论. : There was a brief meeting of NBA security personnel at halftime. Bernard : Tolbert, one of those involved, refused comment. 在中场时, 这些NBA安全人员明显的有开过会议. 但其中一位与会人员Bernard Tolbert 也拒绝评论此事. --

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