作者ericyu (Eric)
标题Re: [问题] 请问一个段落开头的问题
时间Tue Sep 19 22:02:44 2006
1F:推 ericyu: www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=secindent 09/18 18:37
2F:推 CriLit:/indenet,/hspace*{xxmm} 09/19 10:40
3F:推 civiltensai:谢楼上 我使用/hspace*{4mm}很合 09/19 13:27
4F:→ jlovet:其实我看到的英文书.第一段都没有缩... 09/19 16:22
用 \hspace*{4mm} 可能若遇到调整字体大小会有大小不一的问题?
每次遇到开头段落都用 \indent 可能也是有点麻烦,
还是直接用 FAQ 所提及的 \usepackage{indentfirst} 比较快 XD
以下这段文字... 我忘记出自哪里了. 可能是 The LaTeX Companion.
重点在第二段. 然而我手上没有 TeXbook, 所以没办法看 Knuth 是怎麽说的.
不过看来他的意思是, 有些语言排版是要所有段落缩排,
但是有的语言 (如英文?) 则是首段不缩排. 有错请指正 :P
In The TeXbook [82, pp.72--74], the concept of extra white space
after punctuation characters is discussed. Good typesetting
practice mandates that intersentence spaces behave a little
differently than interword spaces with respect to shrinkage and
expansion (during justification). However, this practice is no
considered helpful in all cases, so for a number of languages
(Breton, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Estonian, Finnish, Frech,
German, Norwegian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Ukrainian)
this feature is switched off by calling the command \frenchspacing.
Another layout concept that is built into most LaTeX classes is
the suppression of the paragraph indentation for the first
paragraph that follows a section heading. Again, for some
languages this behavior is wrong; the support for French,
Serbo-Croatian, and Spanish changes it to have all paragraphs
indented. In fact, you can request behavior for any document by
loading the package indentfirst.
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5F:推 umin:感谢您 我刚好遇到需要将段落开头 用你所说的 09/28 17:38
6F:→ umin:\usepackage{indentfirst} 现在获得解决啦 ~ 09/28 17:39