KobeBryant 板


※ [本文转录自 Lakers 看板 #1SdD42WZ ] 作者: zon (Zon) 看板: Lakers 标题: [闲聊] Mamba Mentality (曼巴精神) 读後感 时间: Thu Mar 28 21:49:48 2019 在湖人版看过相当多的好文,但写不出什麽东西… 只以看完Kobe新书(至少中文版刚上市XD)的读书心得与大家分享~ --- The Mamba Mentality by Kobe Bryant 读後心得 https://www.zoncheng.com/2019/03/0360-mamba-mentality-by-kobe-bryant.html (只有两张照片和黄笔重点的网志版~) --- 无疑的,Kobe Bryant是我最喜欢的运动明星,也是我敬仰的半个偶像(因为鹰郡事件)。 在硕士毕业前我最大的希望就是去美国看他的球赛,很高兴的那时的我美梦成真。最近他 的新书中文版出版了,我因为中文版本是精装版,实在太厚重了,因此找了电子书版本来 看,以下是我简单的心得,以及觉得有趣的部份,与大家分享。 The Mamba Mentality (中译:曼巴精神) 我本来以为是Kobe的自传,但看完以後比较像 是一本他给他的球迷的手扎,只是内容聚焦在篮球这档事上。每则文章都不长,都会配上 相对应的图。如果是从他出道就开始关心他的球迷应该会很享受,除了照片都相当的有代 表性之外,他细数了从他出道时到生涯尾端的对手 – 我想书中被个被点名的球员都会非 常的开心,因为几乎都是正面评点…除了某个Kobe Stopper. --- 以下英文摘录自:Bryant(Kobe). 「The Mamba Mentality.」 Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2018-08-25. Apple Books. 中文的部份是我个人感想。 --- Introduction by Phil Jackson Kobe and I first met in 1999 at the Beverly Hills Hilton, on the day I was formally announced as the Lakers’ coach. 禅师与Kobe Bryant的第一次见面竟然是在成为湖人教练之後,这点我满意外的,不知是 否是客套话,因为Kobe应该有与他执教的公牛对位过才是,怎麽会没见过 Kobe admitted he was worried he wasn’t going to score enough points to become “one of the greatest players in the NBA.” This concerned me, because as a coach I didn’t care how many points a player scored—only the final numbers on the scoreboard. 这段话是禅师刚执教湖人时的想法,一方面可以见识到Kobe成为伟大球星的渴望,另一方 面也可以感受到禅师的立场。 The first year, Kobe played alongside Ron Harper in a two-guard system at the top of the floor. They were in charge of “setting the table”—recognizing when the fast break was over, secondary action was limited, and it was time to set up the triangle system. Naturally, there was always a temptation to push the envelope, and sometimes Kobe would go rogue. He’d break from the plan to create an opportunity for himself, and it would jam up our offensive flow. So we had our conversations about not trying to take over a game. We also had our film sessions, centering on what skills made a guard a good playmaker. In retrospect, Kobe was as patient with me as I was with him. We tolerated each other, and the result was that he came to understand how disciplined our team had to become in order to win that coveted championship. 这段话是在说明禅师的三角战术会限制Kobe的得分,不过年轻气盛的Kobe有时候还是会管 不住自己而影响战术的运行及进攻的流动。不过俩人的目标很明确,就是冠军,所以能互 相容忍 (X) 合作 (O) 从Kobe Bryant加入NBA的第二年就一直关注他的相关新闻,禅师的这些描述把我以往的回 忆的捉回来了! --- Process Bath time had a bonus benefit: I’d use the quiet break to catch up on reading, always studying to improve my game. 这段文字与照片是本书中最後我惊吓的一段... 随时都在学习的Kobe Bryant连泡澡 (X) 的时候也不肯放过自己… I wasn’t willing to sacrifice my game, but I also wasn’t willing to sacrifice my family time. So I decided to sacrifice sleep, and that was that. 为什麽Kobe要半夜起床练球,因为他选择在比赛、家庭、睡眠三者之间,选择了後者。 A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE NBA 2K Kobe在书中有些文章的主题都充满双关语…以上两者其实都和他采取的疗法有关。其中A Song of Ice and Fire是Contrast therapy, 而NBA 2K其实是2000他受伤期间采取的电疗 法。 If the tape had bubbles or bumps, Gary would unwrap it and start again. Everything had to be smooth, had to be perfect. Kobe Bryant的治疗室Gary Vitti很会包胶带,而且一代过程中没包好 (有泡泡...) 就会 重包…看来也是每个人都很追求完美… ~_~ We met at UCLA during a day of pickup runs. I was there stretching, getting ready to play, and he walked in. That was my first time—and I think last time —playing with Magic. 我觉得这里可能又是客套话…Kobe和魔术强森怎麽可能只有对战过一次... Outside of that, Byron schooled me on time management—how to make the most of each and every day. 在湖板被嘲讽是颗西瓜的Byron Scott教导了Kobe时间管理…这…我还满好奇他的时间管 理学的… Now, I coach my daughter's team, and we run the triangle offence. Recently, I called Phil and filled him in on what I was teaching the girls. He was surprised by how much I learned from him. More than that, he was surprised how much detail I had retained and was now passing down. Kobe执教了女儿的球队,采用的也是三角战术…记得三角战术好像很难的…这样会不会太 狠了... I ALWAYS SAID LUKE WALTON WAS DESTINED TO BE A COACH. Again, 基本上Kobe提到了他球员时期所有执教的教练…然後不知道还能当多久教练的 Luke Walton... Kobe对他也是满满的爱。 When they do that, it creates dead zones, areas on the floor where they can’ t see certain things. I learned where those zones were, and I took advantage of them. I would get away with holds, travels, and all sorts of minor violations simply because I took the time to understand the officials’ limitations. 为了胜利,Kobe觉得了解裁判也是非常重要的,所以他读了裁判手则,…了解怎麽样才能 …在场上更有优势… I TOOK THE DESIGN OF MY NIKES VERY SERIOUSLY. 我其实还满想听听他对他Adidas签名鞋的看法,因为我只有他Adidas的球鞋…很可惜,这 样可能政治不太正确... Sometimes, even when I had headphones on, there wasn’t any music playing. It was a feint to keep people away, and to get in my zone. 有时候Kobe戴着耳机,但其实听的不是音乐... 这是另一段很让我讶异的部份... --- Craft Soon after he joined the Lakers, Metta World Peace came to the gym one day and found me working out. He was surprised to see me there. I said to him, “ How do you think we get these championships?” Metta responded by talking about how much talent we had on the roster. I cut him off, and told him, “ Metta, winning rings isn’t easy. If you think because you’re here, because we have Pau and Lamar, that this is already a done deal? You and I are going to have problems.” 我很喜欢慈世平,所以特别记下了这段。 WHEN FUNDAMENTALS ARE NO LONGER FUNDAMENTAL Kobe在书中提及的湖人球员其实次数不多,其中和他同队时期最短又有专文的是Caron Butler... 可见得Kobe很喜欢他的态度… Metta’s goal was to guard someone and take them completely out of the game. He wanted to fluster and intimidate them. He and I would have a good time with that. We would talk before games about who we were going to shut down and punk that night. We’d be like, “You take him the first five possessions, I’ll take the next five, and then we’ll trap him and beat him down.” 这段也提及了Kobe和慈世平轮流扮坏人 (O) 的想法,我觉得很有趣~ Pau Gasol was like a brother to me. Over the course of my career, I suited up with dozens upon dozens of players. Among all of them, it’s safe to say that Pau was my favorite teammate ever. 真爱,不愧是加嫂… --- 书中後半段都是Kobe与各大球星过招时,Kobe的战术与应对方式,我觉得也满有趣的,就 留个有兴趣的朋友们自己找书来看啦~ -- 一个人的地球之旅 http://www.zoncheng.com/ 美术馆微旅行 https://www.facebook.com/travelmuseum --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自:
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Lakers/M.1553780994.A.823.html

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
※ 转录者: zon (, 03/28/2019 21:50:14
1F:推 koalas617: 推 03/29 07:57
2F:推 OHYOUGOD: push!!! 03/29 11:44
3F:推 lakb24: 老大 03/30 22:48
4F:推 EricHsu19: 推QQ 09/23 00:20
5F:推 mai11iw3250: 推分享 11/20 14:25
6F:推 pugbana: 老大 04/09 17:13
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24F:推 pugbana: 24 05/01 13:07

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