KobeBryant 板


1. Phil Jackson 今天接受访问时谈了目前他回到湖人的考量,心境,还有些 Kobe Bryant。 他认为目前这支湖人队阵容上要作调整并非短期内可以做到的事情:Their current roster is not appealing at all. It's obvious they have a roster that's limited because it's capped out. It's going to take a while to clean that up. They had performers that were paid big money that were incapable of performing. "Brian Grant didn't earn his lunch money this year. Vlade didn't earn his lunch money this year. Those really hurt when that happened. They haven't got a lot of wiggle room to get better in a hurry. They underachieved this year. There's no doubt this team was much more talented than their record showed." 对於回到 NBA,他的想法是:I don't have a driving urge to come back to coach. I'm willing, I have the mind-set that I can still do it, but it's not deeply ingrained in me. As I tell my family and my friends, I haven't quite got the vision yet. It hasn't really come in that there's a plan in my head, waking me up at night. (作出决定) It's not something that I have to do tomorrow or next week. I feel real comfortable just taking my time. 至於湖人呢? "I have a family here. I have a relationship with Jeannie. There are a lot of positive things. There's also a big negative about not being here last year and the experience that led to the change with the Lakers. There is also that overall feeling." 谈到 Kobe 时,他说他希望两人能尽快有机会坐下来谈谈,还有。   "I know from firsthand experience what he's capable of. I'd like to see him return to that dominance of that position that he had before." "I think there is nothing but good feelings between Kobe and myself." http://tinyurl.com/cemtr http://tinyurl.com/dasps http://www.dailynews.com/Stories/0,1413,200~28541~2870488,00.html 2. Broderick Turner 在今天的报导中提了些其他地方没出现的东西。他说禅师先前打给 Kobe 说咱们来聊一聊吧,Kobe 说他有个慈善活动要参加。然後禅师说那就晚点吧,Kobe 说他接下来要去欧洲三个星期。结果就是,他们到现在还没碰面。 他打电话去给 Devean George 问他觉得这两个人还能不能再一起共事。令奇哥的回答 是:I think anything is possible. I'm just unsure. I'm sure it would be very awkward for everybody. It would be hard because of all that was said, all that was written about. 报导中间有段爆料的地方,可以去看看。 http://tinyurl.com/a7on8 3. 02-03 球季 Kobe 连续九场 40 分以上比赛的第一场 (2/6) 剪辑: http://rapidshare.de/files/493761/Kobe_Bryant_-_KONY.mp4.html 99-00 季後赛第一轮对国王的上篮 (重温一下季後赛的气氛还有 FRO 吧) http://tinyurl.com/auhvg --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:→ kingkobe:推 05/15
2F:推 kingkobe:推 05/15
3F:推 karl7238:推认真的版大~~~~~~ 05/15
4F:推 taicomjp:kobe好像一直避着根phi见面.. 05/15
5F:推 mikehu:推板大 05/15
6F:推 rex852753:推板大 05/15
7F:推 clark3530:推板大...下面的不要不小心打成推倒喔... 05/15
8F:推 u2gogowin: 推倒版大~~ 05/15
9F:推 JarvisDamon:唯有这里才有KOBE~~~ 05/15
10F:推 japanman:推 05/15
11F:推 tco:嗯,00-01对上国王应该是第二轮喔! 05/15
12F:推 sSephiroth:对国王那球摆明是呛JW 05/15
※ 编辑: aval 来自: (05/16 06:16)
13F:→ gay358358:Y 08/14 15:55

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