作者camby909 (spree)
标题[闲聊] 选秀日,尼克暑期作业开启
时间Fri Jun 24 07:56:58 2022
尼克拥有 #11,会自用?交易?
另外选秀开始前,有消息指出Mitchell Robinson预计跟尼克续约,如成真将是千禧年後
NYK trades 11th pick to OKC
OKC trades 3 firsts (23 DEN, DET, WASH) to NYK
NYK then trades 23 DEN, 4 seconds to CHA for 13th pick
NYK then trade 13th pick & Kemba Walker to DET for MKE's 25 first
NYK trades 11, Kemba, 4 2nds & gets 3 future 1sts
Trevor Keels
HT/WT 6' 4", 221 lbs
2022: Rd 2, Pk 42 (NY)
尼克签测落选新秀试合约给Jean Mintero。
--尼克预计将在自由市场开市後,开出一张四年100M的合约给Jalen Brunson。
Brunson现在的经纪人是Leon Rose的儿子。
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc), 来自: (台湾)
※ 文章网址: https://webptt.com/cn.aspx?n=bbs/Knicks/M.1656028620.A.4E5.html
1F:推 ck921121: 希望留Mitch,现代篮球需要的五号中锋06/24 08:02
2F:推 heyjude1118: 选得分手为主,B. Mathurin难,AJ Griffin或有机会06/24 08:02
3F:→ heyjude1118: 我对Mitch想法比较不一样,如果得分手选不到,觉得06/24 08:04
4F:→ heyjude1118: Mitch先签然後换些东西,选秀选Mark Williams取代06/24 08:05
※ 编辑: camby909 ( 台湾), 06/24/2022 08:49:36
5F:推 wayin: 来了06/24 09:02
※ 编辑: camby909 ( 台湾), 06/24/2022 09:12:51
6F:推 ck921121: 交易掉了?06/24 09:12
7F:→ camby909: 对,交易了,上面有更新06/24 09:13
8F:推 wayin: booo~~可少 哈06/24 09:13
9F:推 cty: 交易掉选秀权了 我觉得蛮合理啦 队上年轻人够多了06/24 09:13
10F:推 ck921121: 所以今年应该是不玩的意思,想要的选不到就先pass06/24 09:15
11F:推 atear: 後面没人可选,交易也好06/24 09:18
12F:推 heyjude1118: 居然选潜力股Ousmane Dieng。他在法国U16打控卫,後06/24 09:24
13F:→ heyjude1118: 来身高还在长,现在6'10。优点:运球投篮动作非常流06/24 09:25
14F:推 BSH99: 换到啥啊06/24 09:25
15F:→ heyjude1118: 畅,传球也好。缺点:爆发力一般,还年轻没肉。06/24 09:26
16F:推 cty: Source confirms NYK is acquiring Jalen Duren from Charlot06/24 09:26
※ 编辑: camby909 ( 台湾), 06/24/2022 09:27:04
17F:→ heyjude1118: 天花板高,但要养2-3年,我尼有耐心吗 06/24 09:27
18F:推 BSH99: Sources: Hornets traded Jalen Duren to the Knicks. 06/24 09:29
19F:推 wayin: 来了吧 06/24 09:29
20F:→ camby909: 走路人拿去交易了06/24 09:30
21F:→ BSH99: Knicks are trading Kemba Walker to Detroit, sources tel06/24 09:30
22F:→ BSH99: l @TheAthletic @Stadium.06/24 09:30
23F:推 ck921121: 选这个不留MR?不懂 MR即战力,又要慢慢来了吗? 06/24 09:30
24F:推 cty: Knicks are trading Kemba Walker to Detroit06/24 09:30
25F:→ BSH99: 走路人走了 06/24 09:30
26F:→ cty: Mitch有被交易吗?
06/24 09:30
27F:→ BSH99: 没看到 06/24 09:31
28F:推 heyjude1118: 刚选的Ousmane Dieng好像交易到雷霆换签 06/24 09:33
29F:推 ck921121: MR还在,把换来的C再换走06/24 09:34
※ 编辑: camby909 ( 台湾), 06/24/2022 09:34:55
30F:推 cty: Noel先想办法清掉才是..06/24 09:36
※ 编辑: camby909 ( 台湾), 06/24/2022 09:43:00
31F:推 BSH99: Kemba Walker and the Pistons are expected to discuss a 06/24 09:48
32F:→ BSH99: contract buyout that will allow him to become a free ag 06/24 09:48
33F:→ BSH99: ent, sources tell ESPN. Walker landed with Detroit as p 06/24 09:48
34F:→ BSH99: art of three-way trade with Charlotte and New York. 06/24 09:48
35F:推 BSH99: 目前颇猛 拿了未来选秀签,也清掉走路人 06/24 10:09
36F:推 BSH99: Knicks are not getting No. 30 pick from OKC tonight. Th 06/24 10:12
37F:→ BSH99: ey presumably will receive future picks from Thunder. 06/24 10:12
38F:→ BSH99: 有一说法是走路人有搭一个首轮签 还不确定 06/24 10:12
39F:→ BSH99: Kemba Walker will be sent to Pistons by NYK in deal tha06/24 10:13
40F:→ BSH99: t landed Jalen Duren in Detroit, sources confirm. If de06/24 10:13
41F:→ BSH99: al is complete, NYK sheds Walker’s 2022-23 salary but06/24 10:13
42F:→ BSH99: needs to essentially attach a first round pick to do it06/24 10:13
43F:→ BSH99: .06/24 10:13
44F:推 iZinger: 我觉得是贴二轮,搭首轮只清掉一个Kemba 也太逊 06/24 10:15
45F:→ camby909: 有一说是这样交易一定要首轮,也不确认真假 06/24 10:17
46F:推 BSH99: Sources: The draft picks that New York acquired from OK06/24 11:03
47F:→ BSH99: C in the No. 11 Ousmane Dieng trade:06/24 11:03
48F:→ BSH99: - 2023 protected 1st rounder via Detroit06/24 11:03
49F:→ BSH99: - 2023 protected 1st rounder via Washington06/24 11:03
50F:→ BSH99: - 2023 protected 1st rounder via Denver 06/24 11:03
51F:→ BSH99: 明年三个保护首轮签06/24 11:03
52F:→ BSH99: Pistons: top 14 protected through 2025. Unprotected in06/24 11:04
53F:→ BSH99: 2026 06/24 11:04
54F:→ BSH99: Denver: top 14 protected through 2024. turns into 2025, 06/24 11:04
55F:→ BSH99: 2026 2nds 06/24 11:04
56F:→ BSH99: Wizards: top 14 protected in 2023, top 12 in 24, top 10 06/24 11:04
57F:→ BSH99: in 25, top 8 in 26. 2nd round in 27 if not conveyed 06/24 11:04
※ 编辑: camby909 ( 台湾), 06/24/2022 11:32:03
※ 编辑: camby909 ( 台湾), 06/24/2022 12:04:11
58F:推 heyjude1118: 丢四个2轮也太多 06/24 13:52
59F:推 iZinger: 还好啦,今年有空间能帮接合约的球队很少 06/24 13:54
60F:推 heyjude1118: kemba是到期约,看自由市场有没有收获,不然.. 06/24 13:54
61F:→ iZinger: 尼克本来光明年就有四次轮了,这样用也还好 06/24 13:56
62F:→ iZinger: 而且一定还会有後续动作,不然现在变成我们明年有四首轮 06/24 13:56
63F:→ heyjude1118: 另外是雷霆是有多喜欢Ousmane Dieng,直接1换3 06/24 13:57
64F:→ iZinger: 未来七年和雷霆的首轮数量差距好像缩小到只剩两张 06/24 13:58
65F:推 heyjude1118: 明年控卫大物Scoot Henderson,但要前二顺位颇难 06/24 13:59
66F:→ jd21: 这三个签 搞不好都是20以後,还搞不好会变成2轮签 06/24 14:31
67F:→ iZinger: 公鹿签基本是一定会兑现,比较危险的是巫师那张,活塞签 06/24 14:38
68F:→ iZinger: 如果沦落到27还无法兑现只代表他们管理层烂到无可救药 06/24 14:38
69F:→ tomlo: 活塞那张最慢後年应该就能兑现了啦 06/24 21:53
70F:→ tomlo: 顶多在坦一年 06/24 21:53
※ 编辑: camby909 ( 台湾), 06/25/2022 13:44:37