Knicks 板


消息来源: 我们的新队长---小马 在10/8的分组练习中休息了一天 因为老威教练不希望他的明星球员太累 带过96年梦幻队的老威教练表示 小马暑假过的很累 老威不希望小马受伤所以今天让小马有一点特权 ----------座在场边看其他球员打球啦^^ 最後是小马队长的誓言: 小马想替纽约打球,身为队长的他要带领队友赢得胜利 也许小马在纽约会更偶像化.......成为孩子们的偶像 这代表小马在纽约有着更大的代表性 "I want to be the person that sets the tone,'' Marbury said. "I think being captain here is better because I've always wanted to play for New York, and for me to be the captain of the team that I always wanted to play for and the team that I grew up idolizing, it's a bigger significance.'' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Knicks Don't Want Their Star to Burn Out By HOWARD BECK Published: October 9, 2004 HARLESTON, S.C., Oct. 8 - Stephon Marbury took a seat Friday, not because of any particular bump or bruise, but in deference to a summer spent barnstorming on behalf of his country. While the Knicks held a one-hour scrimmage at the College of Charleston, Marbury sat courtside, watched Jamal Crawford zip nifty passes on the fast break and barked encouragement to his teammates. The only thing he did not do was play, a decision made by Coach Lenny Wilkens, who wants to be careful not to burn out his star point guard and recent Olympian. Before taking home the bronze medal, the United States team bounced from training camp in Jacksonville, Fla., to exhibition games in Germany, Serbia and Montenegro, Turkey and finally to the Summer Games in Greece. By the time the Olympics concluded, Marbury and his teammates had been running full speed for nearly five weeks - time usually spent recovering from one N.B.A. season and preparing for the next. So Wilkens, a former Olympian, will give Marbury an occasional day off until the season opener on Nov. 3. "I want to keep him sharp, but also I know that he's had a rough summer, a long summer,'' Wilkens said. "I just would err on the safe side, so that we're ready for the season.'' Marbury participated in halfcourt drills earlier in practice before resting the final hour. He assured reporters that he was healthy and was having no trouble with the ankles that bothered him last spring. Earlier in the week, Wilkens named Marbury a co-captain, along with the longtime captain, Allan Houston. "I want to be the person that sets the tone,'' Marbury said. "I think being captain here is better because I've always wanted to play for New York, and for me to be the captain of the team that I always wanted to play for and the team that I grew up idolizing, it's a bigger significance.'' REBOUNDS(其他球队消息) ALLAN HOUSTON remains coy about his schedule for resuming basketball activities, but he insists that when the time comes, he will put all health concerns to rest. "It's getting better, you'll see,'' said Houston, who is rehabilitating his troublesome knees. ... ISIAH THOMAS has said that the Knicks no longer need Houston to be their leading scorer every game. Houston said he is still capable of scoring 50 points in a game, as he did two seasons ago against the Lakers. "If I didn't see myself that way, I wouldn't be working as hard as I am right now,'' he said. ... For the first time this week, LENNY WILKENS opened Friday's scrimmage to reporters, and it was immediately apparent why the Knicks are so enthused about Trevor Ariza, a rookie swingman. Ariza, a second-round draft pick from U.C.L.A., was deft around the basket and showed a veteran's feel for the game. "I love him,'' Wilkens said. "I've liked him all summer. I think he's going to contribute mightily to us.'' ... The Knicks waived forward BRENT WRIGHT, allowing him to take an offer to play in Europe. The Knicks are carrying 18 players for now. -- 因为喜欢尼克 所以改型叫NYK 罗^^ 被叫去当拍照的MODEL 真爽^^ --

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