Knicks 板


消息来源: <摘要> 小马想再打一次梦幻队 他说的是2008的北京奥运 可能是因为今年没有得到金牌的遗憾吧 小马的想法跟马刺队Tim Duncan不同 小马已经作出了决定,要在2008年的北京夺回那面失去的金牌 套一句漫画的台词 现在的这位尼克当家球星蛮"热血的" 不过球队方面似乎定不太赞成小马的这个决定 首先,现在还没到2008,小马说这些似乎太早了 也忘记了现在是开季的训练营 第二,是历史告诉我们 参加奥运的球员其实蛮容易因次而受伤 Charles Barkley, Tim Duncan,Reggie Miller and Jason Kidd are just a few prominent players who suffered injuries in the months after participating in the World Championships,the Olympic qualifying tournament or the Olympic Games. (哇.....还真不少大牌球星.......) Anyway...... 小马有爱国心还是不错的 Olympic gold still Stephon's Dream BY FRANK ISOLA DAILY NEWS SPORTS WRITER CHARLESTON, S.C. - The bronze medal Stephon Marbury took home from the Athens Olympics clashes with the diamonds and gold that accentuate his wardrobe. For NBA players, bronze is not their idea of bling-bling. But the third-place award is serving a purpose: it is providing motivation for Marbury to want another chance of winning gold. The Knicks' point guard, who six weeks ago sounded as if he'd rather return to the Nets than participate in another Olympics, confirmed that he would be willing to make a commitment to USA Basketball for the 2008 Games in Beijing. "At the time I didn't think I would ever say this," Marbury said, "but I want to play again." Marbury is hoping that USA Basketball and the NBA can reach an agreement regarding a proper training schedule prior to the Olympics. The globalization of the game has improved the competition greatly and many of the top foreign teams like Argentina, Lithuania and Spain have played together for years. The U.S. players felt they were at a disadvantage because they came together as a team on July 26 and three weeks later they were in the Olympics. "You can't tell guys to take their whole summer off but we need more preparation time," Marbury said. "Maybe we should get together for a minicamp at the start of the summer, take some time off and then come back for camp. I think some players will go for it but some guys are not going to give up 40 days of their summer." Marbury is gung-ho about the Olympics in four years but in reality the 2004 Games aren't exactly over quite yet for Marbury and his 11 teammates from Athens. Those players appear to be at a higher risk for injury because, rather than giving their bodies the proper time to recover from a grueling NBA season, they went to the Olympics and then a month later NBA training camps opened. The Olympic curse is not something Carmelo Anthony said under his breath every time Larry Brown passed him. Charles Barkley, Tim Duncan, Reggie Miller and Jason Kidd are just a few prominent players who suffered injuries in the months after participating in the World Championships, the Olympic qualifying tournament or the Olympic Games. "It's in God's hands," Marbury said when reminded of the so-called curse. The Knicks are taking a proactive approach to ensure that their most important player is healthy and fresh for the start of the season. Lenny Wilkens revealed yesterday that he will begin cutting back Marbury's minutes in scrimmages and perhaps even in the eight exhibition games. Wilkens knows as well as anyone the physical demands of going right from the Olympics to training camp. He was an assistant coach with the original Dream Team in 1992 and four years later he coached the team to gold in Atlanta. "I know the toll it can take, I've seen it," Wilkens said. "I don't want him to be mentally fatigued when we start the season because it's more that than anything." AILING ALLAN: Allan Houston, who has been rehabilitating his knees by working out on a local track, may not see much court time in the preseason. "We want him around for the real show," Knicks president Isiah Thomas said. "If he gets hurt I want him to get hurt in a real game." Houston has said there is no guarantee that he will be available for the Nov. 3 season opener. ... Thomas now says that buying out Shandon Anderson's contract "is not an option," which could have been an edict from upper management. Anderson is scheduled to earn $24 million over the next three seasons. -- 因为喜欢尼克 所以改型叫NYK 罗^^ 被叫去当拍照的MODEL 真爽^^ --

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