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因为版上有版友说要看醉汉的新闻 大卫猫刚好找到一篇 欢迎大家来看看吧 消息来源:,0 ,4391072.story?coll=ny-knicks-bigpix <摘要> 醉汉是少数几位能够在球员生涯的前五年 年年进入明星赛的球员 在暑假减肥到245磅并且克除心脏痛这个毛病的醉汉 将会是尼克在中锋这个位置上的最後屏障 (编按:除了东区一名叫作欧肥的中锋以外.............. 全NBA好像还没以人可以守住他喔.......................) Mohammed + Baker的中锋组合会不会是尼克未来的答案?? 醉汉本人是跟新同学小克一样蛮喜欢尼克队给他的感觉 一种"有家的感觉",老汤跟渡蓝总裁都很关心醉汉....... 虽然醉汉上季在尼克最後那17场球只有0.404的命中率,4.1个篮板跟6.6分的得分 但是老威教练对已经克服身体上众多毛病的醉汉相当有信心 希望醉汉会是尼克中锋的新希望^^ Statlines Vin Baker was one of the top power forwards in the NBA in his first five seasons, which included four All-Star appearances. But starting with the 1998-99 lockout season, his production began to ebb as he grappled with an admitted alcohol problem: <醉汉的几个不同时期的生涯成绩> MPG FGPct. RPG PPG 1993-98 37.8 50.3 9.2 18.5----->公鹿时期 1998-02 32.2 45.2 6.5 14.3----->超音速时期 2002-04 21.3 48.0 4.5 7.6----->塞尔提克+尼克时期 Worth taking the risk? Isiah's desperation to turn team around and Baker's desire to turn life around could equal winning tandem BY GREG LOGAN STAFF CORRESPONDENT October 7, 2004 CHARLESTON, S.C. -- The last two NBA teams that gambled on Vin Baker's talent to win out over his personal demons wound up having to cut their losses. One All-Star season in Seattle was followed by three in which he began his downhill slide into alcoholism. Baker got a second and even a third chance in Boston that ended with broken promises to stay sober and a broken contract. But the desperation of Knicks president Isiah Thomas to build a winner and Baker's equally desperate attempt to cling to what remains of his career just might turn into a winning combination. It's a day-to- day proposition, but Baker stayed straight and showed promise in a 17-game trial with the Knicks at the end of last season. So when Thomas failed to land free-agent center Erick Dampier over the summer, he re-signed Baker and moved him from power forward to center to compete with Nazr Mohammed for the starting job. If support is what Baker has been seeking to help him get back on the right track, he found it with the Knicks. Cablevision CEO James Dolan is a recovering alcoholic, and Thomas lost a brother to that addiction. "I feel really fortunate and blessed that I have the opportunity to be here, especially after everything that's gone on the last few years," Baker said yesterday after the morning training-camp workout. "Isiah and Mr. Dolan and coach [Lenny Wilkens] have paid special attention to me. It feels like a family atmosphere. "Also, being close to my family right down the road in [Hartford] Connecticut was huge for me. There were other places to go, but this is where I felt like I wanted to be. They showed so much interest, not only in me as a basketball player, but in everything I was going through." Regrets? Yes, Baker admits his personal problems caused him to waste some of his prime years after four straight All-Star appearances, including three in Milwaukee and his first season in Seattle in 1997-98. "I think God has a plan and a reason," Baker said. "Of course, I would have loved to have stayed an All-Star, but I think I have a great shot here in New York to win. I'm still an optimist that I can contribute to a very good basketball team." In his brief time with the Knicks last season, Baker averaged 6.6 points and 4.1 rebounds but shot only 40.4 percent. But during the offseason, his doctors performed an operation to correct an irregular heartbeat that Baker said had gone undetected for eight or nine years. "My energy level is up, and the recovery time is quicker," Baker said. "Basically, it was a situation where I would be running, and my recovery time would take a long time. As my doctors explained, when I [was] sitting down, my heart would keep pumping as if I still was on the floor." Now, Baker has trimmed down to 245 pounds to regain his quickness, but at 6-11, he should be able to match up well with most Eastern Conference centers not named Shaquille O'Neal. No matter who starts, Baker and Mohammed, who averaged 9.1 points, 7.7 rebounds and shot 56.3 percent in 27 games with the Knicks last season, should form an effective tandem in the middle. If Baker can find a semblance of the ability that made him an All-Star, he and Mohammed might turn out to be far more productive than the underachieving Dampier would have been. Commenting on Baker's adjustment to center, Wilkens said: "I don't know if anyone can be what they used to be, but he came back in great shape. He made a couple moves out there [in Tuesday night's scrimmage] that you say, 'Wow, if he can do this every night, he'd be great.' I think he's going to make a much better contribution to us this year." Notes & quotes: If Allan Houston can't start the season because of his arthritic knees, either veteran Penny Hardaway or newly acquired Jamal Crawford could start at shooting guard. Hardaway was with the first team yesterday, but Wilkens said Crawford also will get a chance with that unit ... Former North Carolina and Notre Dame coach Matt Doherty has been added to the Knicks' staff and likely will do some scouting. Statlines Vin Baker was one of the top power forwards in the NBA in his first five seasons, which included four All-Star appearances. But starting with the 1998-99 lockout season, his production began to ebb as he grappled with an admitted alcohol problem: MPG FGPct. RPG PPG 1993-98 37.8 50.3 9.2 18.5 1998-02 32.2 45.2 6.5 14.3 2002-04 21.3 48.0 4.5 7.6 -- 因为喜欢尼克 所以改型叫NYK 罗^^ 被叫去当拍照的MODEL 真爽^^ --

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1F:推 tinga1216:一堆文章 真是辛苦版主了...感谢~~~^^ 10/09
2F:推 david319:没有呀.....只是想说作一点点事情而已.... 10/09
3F:推 david319:拿着翻译鸡看外电............ 10/10

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