Knicks 板


来源:NBA尼克的官方网站 老威教练对新一季的尼克有很高的期许与希望 首先这一季的尼克要学习如何在季後赛中 用正确的态度跟方式赢得胜利 当然这就要加强我们的防守 这也是今年老威教练要强化我们的地方 在球员方面老威认为 加入了J.Crawford可以强化1.2号後场的战力 Penny跟Houston的身体都比去年来的更健康 在前场方面 TT在SF的表现会是我们上上提升的力量 Sweetney在夏季联盟的精采演出 让老威认为"如果新的一季尼克对出现一个东区版的蓝道夫" 他也不会意外 (不过这也要看小甜甜的努力啦....... 老威说他是不会吝惜给小甜甜先发PF这个位置的 ----->今天的新闻听说老汤想交易KT.....XXD 难怪官方网站上的照片变成是小马,队长,跟小甜甜三人的组合照........) 另外醉汉Baker在今年夏天减重了10磅 让教练非常的惊讶也十分的欣慰 总之,老威教练对今年的尼克有着非常高的期许 game after game, get better and better.................. 大卫猫简单的翻译一下 如果有空的版友欢迎看下面的原文^^ 翻译的不好还请大家多多包函 Lenny Likes Look of This Year’s Knicks by Tom Kertes GREENBURGH, NY, Sept 30, 2004 -- Coach Lenny Wilkens professes to be “not big on predictions” but, at the same time, has no doubt about the Knicks making the playoffs this season. “You know how everybody says playoff basketball is different, that playoff basketball is better?” he asks, eyes aglow with the promise of the new season. ꄊ"Well, I say this year our goal should be to play playoff style basketball right off the bat. Then, game after game, get better and better.” According to Wilkens, these once-lofty goals are more than realistic this year because “we’ll be a more talented, deeper, and far more versatile team that’s in superior shape. You should see how cut Tim (Thomas) looks. Vin (Baker) appears to be in real great shape. Penny (Hardaway) looks healthier. Allan (Houston) seems to be healthy -- I’ve seen him moving around and shooting. I’m very encouraged.” Since in the chemical game of basketball good things tend to beget even better things, these developments will allow the Knicks to play Wilkens’ much-preferred open court style. “I don't know if we HAD a style last year,” he says. “This year, with the full training camp together, we’re looking to get more up-tempo. You always design your style for the type of talent at hand -- and, this year, I feel that we have the players. I don’t like to have to grind things out all the time. We must be more versatile in order to be the best we can be. We need to get easier baskets.” “To get things in transition, before the other team can set up their defense, has to be a goal for us,” added Wilkens. “It’s just a more efficient way to score baskets.” At the same time, when in the half court mode, the coach expects the Knicks to be precise. “If you don’t know the plays, you don’t play,” stated a matter-of-fact Wilkens. Many of the good thoughts originate from the off-season addition of the youthfully gifted Jamal Crawford to the Knicks equation. “In Jamal, we got a young player who will just get better and better at both the “one” and the “two” positions,” said Wilkens. “He’s a guy who can flat out score AND make the play for his teammates. And we expect him to be a defensive force as well.” Wilkens is thrilled at the possibility of coaching a team featuring a trio of great guards. “I did in Seattle with Gus Williams, Dennis Johnson, and Fred Brown,” he smiled. “AND in Cleveland with Ron Harper, Mark Price, and Craig Ehlo. I know you can be very successful doing that. And I know how to make that type of system work.” While the back-court-rich Knicks may not be quite as deep up front, “I’m not overly concerned because we improved so much in the other areas,” said Wilkens. “At the same time, you might be surprised: I’ve never seen Nazr (Mohammed) so fit. Like I told you, Vinnie (Baker) looks real good. And Michael Sweetney… let’s just say Michael Sweetney will no longer be a surprise to the rest of the NBA. That kid was VERY impressive in Summer League play. That kid will be a big part of who we will be this season, whether he’s starting or coming off the bench.” “We’ll have to rebound stronger and take care of the ball better this year,” concluded Wilkens. “If we improve in those two areas -- and with a full training camp I’m confident we will -- you will see a much-improved Knicks team out on the floor this season.” -- 因为喜欢尼克 所以改型叫NYK 罗^^ 被叫去当拍照的MODEL 真爽^^ --

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