Knicks 板


Plan for success After solid draft, now's the time to fix Knick mess By FRANK ISOLA DAILY NEWS SPORTS WRITER If it makes Scott Layden feel any better, the Knicks president should know that some of the same folks calling for his firing during Thursday's NBA Draft were a lso chanting for him to select St. John's guard Marcus Hatten in the second roun d. In just a few New York minutes Layden regained a small measure of credibility wh ile some fans lost a little. Layden and the Knicks emerged from the draft as early winners. The selection of power forward Mike Sweetney from Georgetown was a safe pick while getting Polish 7-footer Maciej Lampe, a projected lottery pick, in the second round could be a steal. "No matter what moves you make you always need a little luck," Don Chaney said. "And we sure could use some. Last year we didn't have any." The Knicks thought they had struck it rich after the 2002 draft by acquiring Ant onio McDyess in a trade and picking Yugoslavian point guard Milos Vujanic in the second round. Neither played last season and with McDyess still recovering from a knee injury and Vujanic under contract in Italy there is a strong chance that neither player will make an appearance this year. Layden has been around long enough to realize that Thursday's success at the NBA Draft was minor, perhaps even fleeting. And that the real season for Layden beg ins this week with the start of free agency and the summer trading frenzy. "We have to improve this team," Layden said. "And we will improve this team." A year ago Layden also predicted an active summer for his club and yet the only significant acquisition other than McDyess was free agent center Michael Doleac, who averaged 13.9 minutes and 4.4 points. Those familiar with Layden's thinking say his plan is to make the Knicks bigger and quicker, which sounds an awful lot like last year's master plan. That plan, according to sources, includes trading Latrell Sprewell, whom Layden is trying t o package for a big man. Charlie Ward, Lee Nailon and Lavor Postell could have t heir contracts terminated. Kurt Thomas, Othella Harrington, Travis Knight and Frank Williams are also trade candidates. "The Knicks have the same problem that they always have," says one Eastern Confe rence GM. "No one wants their players at the money they are making." SETTLE SPREWELL'S FUTURE Sprewell will spend another summer at home in Milwaukee tooling around on his in famous boat. He's told friends that he thinks he'll be with the Knicks for at le ast another season because his contract (two seasons at $26 million) is difficul t to trade. Sprewell has lost most of his supporters in the organization and is clearly on t he endangered list. But he is also the team's best all-around player, which is w hy Layden is reluctant to simply give him away. The smart move would be to keep Sprewell around until his contract expires. But if the Knicks are intent on trading him Layden will turn to two teams that could afford Sprewell - Dallas and Portland - and attempt to add a center. The Blazers' Dale Davis has been on the Knicks radar for three years as has the Mavs' Shawn Bradley. A Bradley and Nick Van Exel deal for Sprewell would address several needs. FIND A POINT GUARD When Layden was running the Utah Jazz, the team's point guard situation was a de light. It's why Layden's appreciation for John Stockton's brilliance grows each day. With the Knicks, Layden finds himself in the same predicament as he has been for the previous four years; wanting an All-Star caliber point guard but not having enough assets to obtain one. The Clippers' Andre Miller is the player Layden covets most but Miller is an unr estricted free agent, meaning his team can match any offer. Denver and Utah are both expected to make a run at Miller and can present him with an offer that wou ld blow away the Knicks' proposal. Gary Payton is a free agent the Knicks could attempt to pry away from Milwaukee in a sign-and-trade but if Payton isn't re-signed by the Bucks he could land wit h either the Lakers or Pacers. One plausible scenario is Speedy Claxton, who gave Jason Kidd fits in the last t wo games of the NBA Finals. Claxton, a free agent, has said he'd love to return home to New York. A better choice is the Mavs' Van Exel, who proved in the playoffs that he is a b ig game player. Layden currently has three point guards under contract - Ward, Williams and Howa rd Eisley. Ward is still the best of an average lot but his contract includes a $2 million buyout that the Knicks can exercise starting July 1. Layden should focus on extracting Eisley's contract from the payroll and moving Williams, who is still years away and won't have a future in New York if Vujanic joins the Knicks next season. GIVE SWEETNEY AND LAMPE A CHANCE It's time for the Knicks to start developing young talent and stop giving outrag eous contracts for washed-up veterans. If Sweetney was good enough to draft with the ninth overall pick then he should be good enough to crack the rotation. Las t year's No. 9 pick was Amare Stoudemire, who became the Rookie of the Year. Lampe lasted until the second round because of his contractual obligations to Re al Madrid. Both the Knicks and Lampe's representatives believe his $2 million bu yout clause is negotiable and that Lampe will be on the roster next season. The two best things about Lampe are that he is 7-feet tall and 18 years old, alt hough he is not as NBA-ready as Sweetney, who stands 6-8 if he wears three pairs of socks. To create minutes for Sweetney, the Knicks should trade Harrington, p erhaps in a package with Sprewell, and Clarence Weatherspoon. SPEND WISELY The Knicks are over the salary cap but can use a $4.5 million exception to sign a free agent. However, some of that money may be used to settle Lampe's contract dispute. The exception will not allow the Knicks to make a serious run at Elton Brand, La mar Odom, Micheal Olowokandi or Payton. However, Layden likes P.J. Brown, who wo uld be a solid addition. But Brown will have other offers, perhaps from the Lake rs and Spurs. "They need to start making two-for-one or three-for-one trades to get rid of som e of the dead weight on their roster," says one Western Conference GM. "The Knic ks have to figure out if they can get equal value for Sprewell and whether Willi ams is going to be any good. I don't envy them because it's not going to be easy to get better." Originally published on June 29, 2003 --

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