Kings 板


Domantas Sabonis Wins NBA Rebounding Title Sabonis为本季联盟篮板王 Domantas Sabonis has had a terrific campaign. He has established himself as the leader of the young and upcoming Sacramento Kings and has solidified himself as a true All-Star in this league. Sabonis and De’Aaron Fox have developed terrific chemistry together forming one of the deadliest duos in the NBA. The son of NBA Hall of Famer, Arvydas Sabonis, is once again adding to his NBA resume as they prepare for the defending champions in the first round of the postseason. (随意重点翻一下) 小沙本季表现不俗,和Fox是联盟最杀的双人组之一。 在例行赛结束之後,小沙获得篮板王这个殊荣,接着将要前往季後赛面对卫冕军勇士。 Domantas Sabonis Finishes Regular Season As League Leader In Total Rebounds Per Game Domantas Sabonis’ Year Sabonis ended up leading the league in double-doubles this year. An impressive feat considering the NBA currently features the likes of elite big men such as Nikola Jokic, Joel Embiid, and Karl-Anthony Towns. However, Sabonis is now adding NBA rebounding champion to his resume after this season. The three-time All-Star led the league in total rebounds at 12.3 per game. Coming in a close second was Nikola Jokic at 11.8 total rebounds per game. 小沙本季以平均12.3个篮板拿下篮板王,篮板总数也是第一(按:973个) 双十次数也是联盟第一(按:65次) Sabonis’ rebounding ability has benefited the Kings greatly and it also helps that he can stretch the floor with his shooting. This season, he averaged 7.3 assists and 19.1 points per game to go along with a field goal percentage of 61.5 percent. Not to mention, the former Indiana Pacer also stroked it from beyond the arc at a rate of 37.3 percent. Domantas Sabonis may not be considered in the same tier as Joel Embiid or Nikola Jokic right now, but after this year, it may be time to have a conversation. 小沙本季成绩:平均19.1分、12.3篮板、7.3助攻、命中率61.5%、三分球37.3%, Sabonis And The Kings’ Success This Year Sacramento’s new-found success is directly correlated to the All-Star level of production from Domantas Sabonis. While many scoffed at the trade that landed him with the Sacramento Kings last season, hindsight now says that the Kings won the trade. De’Aaron Fox and the Sacramento supporting cast deserve a lot of credit for this turnaround, but most of the credit still goes to the big man. 国王本季的成功和小沙有绝对的关系,虽然一开始交易小沙过来很多人不看好, 但马後炮来说国王的交易非常成功。 Fox和球队其他人员值得很多掌声,但本季国王战绩有所起色多半还是要归功於小沙。 The two-man game of Sabonis and Fox has given opposing defenses fits all year long. The two All-Stars are bound to make an All-NBA Team. Plus, they will be extremely vital in their first round matchup with the defending champion, Golden State Warriors. With the Warriors’ weakness in the paint, Domantas Sabonis and his rebounding ability will be the x-factor for the Sacramento Kings. Fox和小沙是第一轮面对卫冕军勇士最不可少的两人,而面对勇士相对薄弱的禁区, 小沙和他的篮板能力将会是国王队能否赢球的X因子。 个人意见 恭喜小沙拿下本季篮板王! 期待他第一轮对上勇士的发挥 --

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1F:→ GodEyes: 小沙不算什麽X因子,他就是国王的地板 04/12 22:39
2F:→ GodEyes: 真要说,我个人是期待黑棒跟米秋跳出来当奇兵,希望米秋 04/12 22:39
3F:→ GodEyes: 在季後赛锁住咖哩,黑棒就是希望例行赛当小鸡就算了,季 04/12 22:39
4F:→ GodEyes: 後赛就好,变回北卡飞鹰爆打老东家一顿吧 04/12 22:39
5F:推 lowl99: 勇士还要担心K汤,K汤烫起来国王完全守不住,MB应该知道外 04/12 23:33
6F:→ lowl99: 围三分防守就很重要 04/12 23:33
7F:→ GodEyes: kt 没什麽好担心的,例行赛随便一个小咖就可以跳出来射歪 04/13 00:10
8F:→ GodEyes: 我们了,换成kt来又怎样 04/13 00:10
9F:→ MosesMoody: 小沙爱吸篮板 04/13 00:33
10F:推 MosesMoody: 咦 刚没推到 04/13 00:35
11F:推 pennykidd: 双方阵容正好是互相对上 嘴绿会跟小鸡互守 围巾对上K 04/13 01:19
12F:→ pennykidd: E 替补端米丘和Monk 对上普尔和GP2 04/13 01:19
13F:→ pennykidd: 勇士锋线是苦命家和DDV 国王是老赖和KE 04/13 01:21
14F:→ pennykidd: 单论前九人的对战 的确勇士有经验 国王有拼劲 04/13 01:23
15F:→ pennykidd: 但考量围巾和GP2才刚回归比赛没多久 战局拖愈长对国王 04/13 01:28
16F:→ pennykidd: 愈有利 国王只要前两场有拿下一场稳住阵脚 就有拼搏的 04/13 01:28
17F:→ pennykidd: 本钱 理智上觉得勇士六场会过关 但情感上觉得抢七国王 04/13 01:28
18F:→ pennykidd: 过关会赢得尊重 04/13 01:28
19F:→ Dunamis: 我觉得鲁尼才是勇士打我王的关键人物耶 04/13 10:07
20F:推 awcoke: 我也觉得鲁尼搅和,国王没人能挡得住 04/13 11:35
21F:推 xyz30317: 我个人是觉得 围巾的状态才是关键 04/13 13:51
22F:推 xyz30317: 围巾本季对上国王攻守都很好 04/13 13:54
23F:→ GodEyes: 是说被看衰这麽多天了,国王怎麽还没有人出来表示一下意 04/13 15:36
24F:→ GodEyes: 见 04/13 15:36
25F:推 aredifficult: 不被看好最爽了 没压力 赢了很爽输了无感 04/13 15:44
26F:→ aredifficult: 今年有季後赛已经很开心了 (超好满足 04/13 15:44
27F:推 justid113: 同楼上,不看好没差,代表国王输了符合预期,赢勇士就 04/13 15:55
28F:→ justid113: 可以打脸很多人了赞 04/13 15:55
29F:推 ChiuMichael: 鲁尼和围巾都该担心 但我想到就腿软的还是K汤...... 04/13 16:12
30F:→ ChiuMichael: 以往对到国王就是当儿子在打(除了本季前半段比较雷) 04/13 16:13

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