Kings 板


※ 引述《st70267 (在远方的你)》之铭言: : 来源:国王官网 : : October 7, 2005 - Day Four 2005年10月7日训练营起稼後第四天 : By day four of camp you can definitely see a bit of weariness starting to set : in. Most if not all of the guys are icing down after practice, and less of : the guys stay to shoot around, preferring to rest their bodies. 看了训练营的第四天,你可以很明显地看出球员已经开始觉得疲倦。如果不是如此, 不会所有的球员在练习之後都需要冰敷(icing down?),而且仅有少数一些人能持续在场上 进行投篮练习,其他人则宁愿在场边休息也不愿再多动一会。 : One person who did stay long after practice ended was point guard Jason Hart, : working with assistant coaches T.R. Dunn and Pete Carril on coming off picks : to shoot his jumper. One thing that was evident is how well Hart can shoot : the ball from midrange. 控卫J.Hart是一个在常规练习结束後仍选择留在场上进行长时间自主练习的一个人, 他和助理教练T.R. Dunn及P.Carril一起练习以加强跳投命中率,显而易见的,Hart的确 有能力投中距离。 : Not known as a scorer, Hart may surprise teams that leave him open this : upcoming year and provide the Kings will another threat off the bench. Hart过去并不是以射手着名,不过他可能会使今年放任他投球的球队吓一大跳,成为 国王队的另一个板凳暴徒。 : The player that probably really can’t wait for the regular season to begin : is Kevin Martin. 另外一个可能迫不及待要开始在正规球季中大显身手的球员是二年级生K.Martin。 : K-Mart is still officially a rookie until opening night, meaning he still is : in charge of getting the veterans whatever they want before and after : practice. Brad Miller had to remind him of this fact after the first few days : when there weren’t any Jamba Juices waiting for the vets when they finished : working out. Martin在开幕战当晚以前基本上仍是一个菜鸟,意指他在练习前後都必须负责满足老 将们的需求,而不管他们的要求是什麽。当训练营开始的这几天,老将们发现结束练习後 没有综合果汁(Jamba Juices?)可喝时,B.Miller觉得他必须提醒Martin这个事实(编按: 原来学长学弟制也根深蒂固第存在於NBA阿? XD)。 : And because he’s the rookie with the most seniority, Kevin has to play den : mother to all the other youngsters, making sure that they do everything that : is needed (aka, getting everything the veterans want). 而且因为他是这群菜鸟里面最老资格的一位,Martin还必须扮演其他几位更菜的 新人的保母的脚色,确认他们以後只要有人有需要,就能去做任何的事情(换句话说,跟 他一样有办法满足老将们的各种需求)。 -- 以下恕删 一样 有误译处请指正 <(_ _)> --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:推 jwill:好凶的学长啊!!!MILLER......好老鸟 10/09 23:52
2F:→ jwill:满足老将的各项需求......XP 10/09 23:53
3F:推 chriswebber:楼上是球衣版友 感谢这位版友的翻译() 10/10 02:14
4F:推 jwill:我是球衣版友~~~但我早就是国王队的人了.....XP 10/10 18:29
5F:→ ilovefuck: 成大狗博士之木犬屠城记 11/02 10:59
6F:→ ilovefuck: ◢█◣ ◢█◣ 11/02 10:59
7F:→ ilovefuck: ◢◤ ▌ ◥ꈠ 11/02 10:59
8F:→ ilovefuck: ◢ ◥◣ 11/02 10:59
9F:→ ilovefuck: ◢◤ ◥◣ 11/02 10:59
10F:→ ilovefuck: ╲ ╱ █ 11/02 10:59
11F:→ ilovefuck: = ▼ = █ 11/02 10:59
12F:→ ilovefuck: ╭────────╮ ◥◣ 皿 ◢◤ 11/02 10:59
13F:→ ilovefuck: │来人啊!!!!快把 │ ◢ ◢◥█◤ ╱◥█ 11/02 10:59
14F:→ ilovefuck: │狗博士拖进城里 │ ◢███ ╱ █● 11/02 10:59
15F:→ ilovefuck: ╰╭───────╯ ◢〒█〒█ ◥╱ ◢◤ 11/02 10:59
16F:→ ilovefuck: ●/ ●● ███ ◥ █◣╱ 11/02 10:59
17F:→ ilovefuck: /■ ◥ ︵ ██成大狗博士█ 11/02 10:59
18F:→ ilovefuck: || ◤◤ ◥◥ 11/02 10:59
19F:→ ilovefuck: 成大狗博士之木犬屠城记 11/02 10:59
20F:→ ilovefuck: ◢█◣ ◢█◣ 11/02 10:59
21F:→ ilovefuck: ◢◤ ▌ ◥ꈠ 11/02 10:59
22F:→ ilovefuck: ◢ ◥◣ 11/02 10:59
23F:→ ilovefuck: ◢◤ ◥◣ 11/02 10:59
24F:→ ilovefuck: ╲ ╱ █ 11/02 10:59
25F:→ ilovefuck: = ▼ = █ 11/02 10:59
26F:→ ilovefuck: ╭────────╮ ◥◣ 皿 ◢◤ 11/02 10:59
27F:→ ilovefuck: │来人啊!!!!快把 │ ◢ ◢◥█◤ ╱◥█ 11/02 10:59
28F:→ ilovefuck: │狗博士拖进城里 │ ◢███ ╱ █● 11/02 10:59
29F:→ ilovefuck: ╰╭───────╯ ◢〒█〒█ ◥╱ ◢◤ 11/02 10:59
30F:→ ilovefuck: ●/ ●● ███ ◥ █◣╱ 11/02 10:59
31F:→ ilovefuck: /■ ◥ ︵ ██成大狗博士█ 11/02 10:59
32F:→ ilovefuck: || ◤◤ ◥◥ 11/02 10:59

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