Kings 板


Kings Notes: Ailing Jackson unable to run With his abdominal strain, he can only jump and shoot. Bobby Jackson 目前可以跳和投篮,但跑步的时候仍会不舒适。 而最近这一波四天内三场客场(包括今天)比赛,Adelman 会小心控制 Webber 的上场时间。 8416424p-9345799c.html By Martin McNeal -- Bee Staff Writer Published 2:15 a.m. PST Friday, March 5, 2004 PHILADELPHIA - Kings guard Bobby Jackson still is troubled by the abdominal strain that has him on the injured list. Jackson worked on his shooting before Thursday night's game against the Philadelphia 76ers, but still is unable to freely move without feeling soreness. "I was going to try to do some running (today)," Jackson said, "but it doesn't feel right yet. I can jump and shoot, but that's about it right now." Both Jackson and Kings coach Rick Adelman said the reigning Sixth Man of the Year will take things cautiously before making a serious attempt at a return to action. "He's just shooting," the coach said of Jackson, who aggravated his injury Feb. 19 at Minnesota and played the next night in Chicago before leaving the contest. He was placed on the injured list the next day. "That's all I've seen him do is shoot," Adelman said. "I think he's got to have a lot more activity before he's even close to coming back." Webber closely monitored - Adelman said he'll attempt to be judicious in his use of power forward Chris Webber during this stretch of three games in four days that began in Philadelphia. The Kings will play Saturday afternoon in Miami and Sunday in Orlando. "I think he came through (Tuesday night) pretty good," Adelman said of Webber, who played for the first time this season that night against the L.A. Clippers. "Obviously, he's going to have some discomfort, but I don't think I'll play him as much during this stretch of three games in four nights as I did the other night. We'll watch how he does in the next few games so he doesn't take a step backward." Webber said one of the by-products of his long rehabilitation period was the strengthening of his ankles. "My ankles feel really strong," he said Tuesday night. "The fortunate thing about my knee injury was that it was on the same leg as the ankle that had given me problems. And the drills we did for my knee are the same you do to strengthen your ankles." Webber's left ankle has been troublesome since Feb. 2002 when he severely sprained it against Utah in the first game after the All-Star break. Et cetera - The Kings won their eighth road game in nine tries and improved their league-best mark overall to 45-15. Sacramento is 18-10 away from home. --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
◆ From:
1F:→ nauto:其实也可以让songaila上来拼抢一下下 推 03/06
2F:→ nauto:有助於维持大个子的体力和手感 推 03/06
3F:→ lineway:看的我心里毛毛的...... 推 03/06
4F:→ lineway:Webber你就多休息...让Songaila打吧 推 03/06

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