商业周刊 「如果台湾变中国一部份,很多老外一定离开!」一个老外给台湾政府的中肯建议 撰文者 不要闹工作室 Stopkiddinstudio 老外眼中的台湾大小事 2016-01-07
I wanna get a few things straight, I love Taiwan. 我要先声明!我真的很爱台湾 Absolutely, I first came here in August last year and for the minute I stepped off the plane, I was like “this is an amazing country”. 真的!我去年八月第一次来台,一下飞机我就知道来到一个很棒的国家 The country itself is extremely beautiful, the air is...especially for Asia extremely clean 台湾真的很美,空气在亚洲来讲,真的算乾净 and I mean the National Parks, people, the food. Everything is amazing I do love this country. 国家公园、台湾人和食物真的超级棒!我真的很爱台湾 But, there are few things I don’t understand and the main one is how they market themselves to the world. 但有些事情我真的不懂,比如台湾到底有没有向世界行销自己? I understand there are certain diplomatic restrictions. 我懂台湾会碰到政治因素的限制 I come from a very small island on the edge of Europe. 我来自欧洲边缘一个很小的岛国 Taiwan is a very small island on the edge of Asia. 台湾也是个在亚洲边缘的小岛 How is my country able to generate so many more millions in tourism? 但是为什麽爱尔兰可靠观光赚进大把钞票? The first point that base it on is the great outdoors, Taiwan has that. 爱尔兰有很棒的户外自然美景、台湾也有 The other one they match it on is surfing, Taiwan has that. 爱尔兰是个很棒的冲浪景点、台湾也是 Part of the reason I love Taiwan is that it’s not overly run by Westerners 另一个我喜欢台湾的点是这里还没有「太多」的西方人 and turning it into just another Asian tour destination. 然後把这里变成只是另一个亚洲观光景点 Corporate tax structure in Ireland is only 12%. 爱尔兰的公司税率只有大约12% We are the European hope for most major US companies. 这就是为什麽美国大公司都会来爱尔兰 Google, Apple, eBay, Twitter, Facebook all have their European headquarters in Ireland. 像谷歌、苹果、eBay,推特和脸书等都在爱尔兰设欧洲总部 Our corporate tax structure isn’t the only reason that happens. 爱尔兰公司低税率不是他们来设点的唯一原因 It’s because we have a very well-educated work force with a high level of English. 是因为我们培育很多高技术人才,英语能力也很强 Taiwan has an extremely, highly educated work force with, for the most part a very high level of English. 台湾也有这种好人才,而且大部份的英文能力都很好 and a lot of those companies aren’t even in China, I mean Facebook isn’t in China. 那些大公司都没到中国设厂,比如脸书 So why isn’t Taiwan positioning itself? 那为何台湾不朝这方面思考? Taiwan is China the way Westerners wish it was. 西方人其实希望中国是个大一点的台湾 So you have the culture, the language, the food, 台湾有相似的文化、语言和食物 But at the same time, you’ve the higher level of friendliness a higher level of awareness of the rest of the world. 同时台湾人有着更友善的态度和世界观 And one thing that worries a lot friends of mine was the recent statement by the chairman of KMT, Taiwan was open to reunification with China. 但最近国民党主席的「两岸同属一中」言论让我很多朋友都很担心 That scared the hell out of a lot of Westerners. 这把我们一堆老外都吓屎了! A lot of Westerners, if that happens, will leave Taiwan. 如果统一了,很多老外一定会开始离开台湾 Because for most of us, we’ve done China and then we came to Taiwan. 因为大部份的我们已经去过中国,然後再来台湾 So the idea of just being an extension of China, you know if we wanted that, we’d be in China, we’d be in Shanghai, or Beijing or Guangzhou. But we are not, we are here. 如果台湾变中国的一部份,那我们回上海、北京、广州就好啦!但我们在台湾 I wonder what the thinking is sometimes. 我有时候真不懂政府单位在想什麽 Even when I ask my Taiwanese friends, they are not able to tell me. 我问我的台湾朋友,他们也不懂 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(, 来自:
※ 文章网址: ※ 编辑: Harvard5566 (, 01/08/2016 13:25:15 ※ 编辑: Harvard5566 (, 01/08/2016 13:29:28
1F:→ caseypie: 标题打很多老外,内文是一个老外 01/09 03:04
2F:嘘 moramora: 台湾绝对不是中国一部分!但一堆傻台湾 01/09 20:30
3F:→ moramora: 人认真地在参与中国人(中华民国)的选 01/09 20:30
4F:→ moramora: 举,可悲 01/09 20:30
5F:推 FUNYUN: 心里认同我是台湾人!KMT给台湾带来很好 01/10 03:40
6F:→ FUNYUN: 的政治国际外交的安定感 这是民进洞绝对 01/10 03:40
7F:→ FUNYUN: 办不到的 01/10 03:40
8F:→ FUNYUN: 当年陈水扁卸任民党大败 我绝对不会忘记 01/10 03:41
9F:→ FUNYUN: 民党有多烂 01/10 03:41
10F:→ Harvard5566: 可是KMT要带领台湾人成为中国人耶 01/10 15:59
11F:→ she192224: 柱柱姐说不要勉强投国民党 ! 01/11 02:31
12F:嘘 s855108: 其实你是日本人对吧? 01/11 14:00

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