Jeans 板


※ [本文转录自 hipsters_zoo 看板] 作者: swama07 (校长啦) 看板: hipsters_zoo 标题: Denim Design Lab. & Denim Design Lab LE. 时间: Tue Apr 24 16:49:24 2007 这本Denim Design Lab Book真的很不简单, 副标题为DESIGN.DETAIL.CREATE! 你可以在里面看到很不一样牛仔裤介绍, 从历史介绍到发展背景,从牛仔裤细节到比较, 超级实用的工具书^^内容非常精采! 绝对是喜爱牛仔裤的超级玩家不能错过的超级好书! 来自DDL的朋友BRIAN替我们重新介绍了一下几个细节, 上图为其出版的书Denim Design Lab., 商品细节尺寸为9" X 5",定价为美金50元! 官方介绍: Each DDL? Kit includes a full color hardbound copy of the book Denim Design Lab?, which is also being sold separately. The DDL? Book has been written and designed as a beautiful art type coffee table book. The unique layout, product and historical photography makes the DDL? book an eye-catching conversation piece. The thorough historical account of both denim jeans and denim fabric, in addition to the review of the denim fabric and denim jean manufacturing process and the comprehensive glossary of denim related terms, provide a great educational foundation for those interested in the history of denim. The detailed "how to" section provides a roadmap to unleash your creativity, helping you add from subtle to extreme details to your denim to ensure you are truly wearing a one of a kind work of art. 哪里可以买呢?>>HERE<< 书本细节: Hardcover: 144 pages Publisher: Denim Design Lab LLC (November 20, 2005) ISBN-10: 0977301206 ISBN-13: 978-0977301201 Product Dimensions: 9.2 x 5.2 x 0.8 inches Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds 而下图开始则是他们新出品的Denim Design Lab LE., 这本新书是他们的新LE版本!内容介绍了包括: Evisu, Diesel, Levi's, Lee以及Cone Denim等相关精采的品牌! 新书的尺寸为9" X 12",限量5000本,定价100美金, 每本的封面都是采用单宁布料去设计,封面的字样是刺绣而成! 连分隔绳都改用布边来代替!非常有特色的单品! 书本细节>>HERE<<: Hardcover: 174 pages Publisher: Denim Design Lab LLC; 1st edition (January 15, 2007) Language: English ISBN-10: 0977301214 ISBN-13: 978-0977301218 官方介绍: The limited edition “Denim Design Lab LE” expands upon the current edition of the Denim Design Lab book in size, content and one of a kind presentation. The Denim Design Lab LE? book has been designed as a beautiful 9” x 12” coffee table book. The unique layout, product and historical photography makes the DDL LE? book an eyecatching conversation piece. The thorough historical account of both denim jeans and denim fabric, in addition to the review of the denim fabric and denim jean manufacturing process and the comprehensive glossary of denim related terms, will provide a great educational foundation for those interested in the history of denim. The detailed “how to” section provides a road map to unleash the users inner designer, helping them add from subtle to extreme details to their denim to ensure they are truly wearing a one of a kind work of art. Each hand numbered, hard bound copy of the book is covered in ultra-premium organic selvage denim from Cone Denim's White Oak Collection and hand finished by the denim artists at APS Laundry and Finishing in Los Angeles,CA. No two copies in this limited run of 5,000 books will look the same. Additional one of a kind design details include a selvage denim book marker and custom embroidered title on the front of each book. The larger format Denim Design Lab LE? book includes significantly expanded photographic content from Levi's, Lee and Cone Denim, as well as new sections covering denim trail blazers such as Evisu and Diesel. The Denim Design Lab LE? book has been designed for the most discerning denim collectors, aficionados and fanatics. From its content to its packaging, this book is destined to not only become a hard to find collectable, but a piece of denim history in the making. The Denim Design Lab LE? book is targeted for release in early January of 2007. 官方网站: -- O'logy designed by 奥乐奇股份有限公司 O'logy Fashion Life 网路分享平台 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
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※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
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1F:推 bigbrain:这真是太酷了!! 04/24 20:36
2F:推 dadabo:有人要合购这本书吗 04/25 00:21
3F:→ dadabo:我只买得起USD 50那本 orz 04/25 00:22
4F:推 Zrst:想买+1 但是我没在AMAZON买过书 有人要开团吗 04/25 00:29
5F:推 enyce:里面那件吊带裤很酷!!! 04/25 00:38
6F:→ chchch:我想看中译本~ :d 04/25 02:06

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