KpopStarz 2012年上半年被评选为K-POP最佳歌手     采访网址:http://tinyurl.com/9x2jxkj (繁体)http://tinyurl.com/9yvvq2y JYJ, Jaejoong (三张红深V) http://i.imgur.com/J0RlY.jpg
http://i.imgur.com/4ZJdx.jpg 侧脸无敌 >\\\<
PART 1 - REFLECT 2012 最佳歌手 2012 http://youtu.be/wx-i5WIk4aQ
Q:How does it feel to be voted Best Artist for the first   half of 2012 by KpopStarz, US Media? 对於在美国媒体KpopStarz上,被评选为2012上半年的最佳艺人,你有什麽想法? First of all, I would like to say thank you. I had a chance to greet fans through the World Tour last year. Once again, I could feel that there are many fans in many different countries who love us. Through receiving this award, I could feel that love once again. 首先,很想说谢谢你们,去年有机会在世界巡演中问候各国粉丝。 我再次感受到许多来自不同国家的粉丝们爱着我们。 通过这次获奖,我再次感受到那份爱。 Q:What has been your most memorable moment so far in 2012? 到2012年为止,最难忘的时刻是什麽时候? World Tour I mentioned was one of the most memorable moments.  I got a big impression of how much we are loved. In fact, today was one of the most memorable moments because a very precious award was given to me. I hope tomorrow will be another one of those memorable moments as well. 我之前提到的世界巡演是最难忘的时刻之一。 我们得到这麽多爱,给我留下很深的印象。我再次感受到这麽多国家的粉丝们 爱着我们。事实上,今天也是最难忘的时刻之一,因为将这麽珍贵的奖项颁发给我。 我希望明天也是难忘的时刻。 Q:You held a solo meet & greet with fans this year in Taiwan and Turkey.   And this summer, there was the JYJ Fan Exhibition.   How were these experiences for you?   Is there a memorable fan moment that sticks out? 今年你在台湾和土耳其举行了单独粉丝见面会,今年夏天也有JYJ博览会。 这些经历对你来说怎麽样呢?在与粉丝见面时,有印象深刻的时刻吗? I had visited Taiwan a few times before for other   fan meet-and-greets but it was my first time visiting Turkey. I was very surprised by many of the fans there and just how many there were. I don't know how to speak their language but so many of the fans there could speak Korean. I was reminded of the saying-- "there are no boundaries in love." I was really touched by the gifts they prepared for me. As well as Korean songs they completely memorized and sang along to. 在粉丝见面会前,我去过台湾几次,但这是我第一次去土耳其, 我很惊讶在那里有那麽多粉丝。他们的语言我一句也不会讲,然而很多粉丝 会讲韩语。我感受到一句俗语:"爱没有界限。"他们为JYJ准备的礼物让我很感动, 而且他们完全记住韩语歌词,一直跟着唱,让我很感动。 PART 2 - JYJ http://youtu.be/w8eE2XBERRU
Q:When was the last time all 3 JYJ members were together? What did you do? JYJ 3个成员上次在一起是什麽时候?你做了什麽? There hasn't been enough time to hangout together these days. Junsu was having a world tour, I was filming a drama and a movie at the same time. Although there has not been an opportunity to meet personally, we met together for a shooting game commercial recently. 好久没有在一起了。俊秀在进行世界巡演。那时候,我在同时拍摄电视剧和电影。 虽然没有机会亲自见面,但我们最近拍一个游戏广告时一起见了面。 We also went to the US for 2 weeks for work and vacation. It was really enjoyable. I don't think there's any special activity we do. When we meet usually, there are things we need to do. It is really fun because the conversations we have are not normal. Our members are so funny. 2 weeks is not enough for us to hangout together since there are many stories to share with each other. We are so happy we get along. I have big expectations for tomorrow because we will meet again for another commercial. 我们还去了美国2周,工作和度假。真的很快乐,我们也没有什麽特别的活动。 我们见面时,会有需要做的事情。真的很高兴,因为我们之间的谈话很不一般, 我们成员也很有趣。2周的时间对我们来说很微不足道, 我们很长时间没有好好地聊,彼此之间有很多故事要分享。 我们三人在一起很幸福。而且我很期待明天,因为要拍摄广告,大家又会聚在一起。 Q:How much do Junsu and Yoochun mean to you? 俊秀和有天对你来说意味着什麽?   Junsu? He is the most handsome man in the world. 俊秀?他是这个世界上最帅气的美男子。 That was a joke. 这是个笑话。 Will he feel bad if I say it was a joke? 如果我说这是笑话的话,俊秀会感觉不好吗? He is handsome. But you are referring to what he means to me, right? Junsu and Yoochun are almost like family to me. In a way, our relationship is closer than family that we don't even need words to communicate with each one another. I just met Junsu right before at our shop. It wasn't strange to see him again even though I had not seen him in a long time. Since we are like family, It's not necessary to say "how are you?" because we are really close to each other. 他很帅气,但你指的是他对我来说意味着什麽,对吧? 俊秀和有天像我的亲人一样。在某种程度上,我们的关系比家人更亲密, 甚至我们之间不需要语言沟通就明白彼此。 在我们的店前面刚刚见过俊秀,即使很长时间见不到他,再次见到的话, 我也不会很兴奋。由於我们像家人一样,所以没有必要说"你过得好吗? "因为我们之间太亲密了。 Q:In the midst of difficulties in promotion after rcoming out as a new group, what is the strength of JYJ? 当你们出来成为新组合后,遇到宣传的困难时,JYJ的力量是什麽? JYJ's strength? I am the oldest, but I think JYJ is a team that doesn't have the concept of a leader in the group. There are times that Junsu leads the other members. Sometimes Yoochun takes the role as the leader. There are times that I lead. JYJ的力量?我是最年长的,但我认为JYJ是个没有队长概念的组合。 有时俊秀领导其他成员;有时有天担任队长的角色;有时我来带领。 I think the leadership of the groups is distributed very well. Members lead each other with their own strength. They even share their weaknesses as well. I think this membership is the source of strength for JYJ to go firmly. 我认为整个组合的领导力分布很好。成员们用自己的优势带领其他人, 也分享自己的弱势。我想这是JYJ走得坚定的力量源泉。 PART 3 - MUSIC LIFE 音乐生活 http://youtu.be/gfRAWG13xZ0
Q:What was your childhood dream? Did you expect to be a singer and go around the world on tours? 你的童年梦想是什麽?你想过会成为歌手并在全世界巡演吗? I didn't expect. My childhood dream was to become the owner of a supermarket. I also wanted to become a hair designer. But I became a singer and actor. I didn't expect to receive this much love from fans around the world. I am really thankful to have met the JYJ members. I am very happy that we get to create music that we love. 我小时候的梦想是成为超市老板,我也想成为发型设计师, 但现在我成为了歌手和演员,受全世界粉丝们喜爱,我连想都没有想过会这样。 很幸运的是我遇到了现在的成员们,做我们所喜欢的音乐,感到非常幸福。 Q:What is the value of being a singer over any other profession? When do you feel happy about being a singer? 比起其他职业,成为歌手的价值是什麽?什麽时候感觉成为歌手很幸福? There are no words needed. I am happy with everything. I am happy that, as a singer, I can do the music I want to do. I am very happy to perform on stage; sharing moments with members who have the same heart and the same values. 其实没有什麽可说的。现在所有的一切都很幸福。身为歌手去做音乐方面很幸福。 遇到很合得来的成员们,跟成员们一起共享,一起制作音乐, 一起在台上展现精彩舞台,这些都让我很幸福。 Q:Which songs do you listen to the most these days? Who has influenced your music the most? 最近,你都听什麽歌?谁影响你的音乐最多? I listen to piano music a lot. It might not match my image, but I try to listen to calm music rather than loud music since I spend more time at my house by myself these days. I really love Jay Holiday. I try to listen to his music whenever I have time. When I was a rookie, I really loved Boyz II Men and R. Kelly's music. They influenced me musically. I was also influenced by the Japanese group, Gasperats. I really loved Kubota Toshinobu, too. I am not sure if he is still doing music though. 最近听很多钢琴音乐,可能看起来跟我的形象不太符合。 最近呆在家里的时间比较多,所以比起听热闹的歌曲,去听了安静的音乐。 其实不能说是最近,从以前开始一直听了钢琴曲。 我很喜欢J.Holiday,我一有空就去找他的音乐听。 Q:Are there any artists you would like to collaborate with? And why? 有想一起合作的艺人吗?为什麽? I have too many celebrities to choose from to the point that I feel it is too difficult to choose. I think I have mentioned her before...Beyonce, who I really want to meet in person and work together with. No matter what kind of music I bring to her, she could make it into good music. 太多了。因为有很多,所以很难去选择。以前我也提过... 很想跟碧昂斯本人见面,一起合作。很想跟她一起工作,很想! 不管我拿什麽样的音乐去找她,她都会制作出很好的音乐。 Q:Where do you see yourself professionally in the next 15 years? 未来15年,你想在哪方面看见自己很专业? I will be an uncle around that age. I will be trying to enjoy my life as a young person. I will be continuing my career as a singer and an actor since I will be more experienced than I am now. I will be challenging myself in new fields of profession, even at that age, as I meet new people. 那时候我会变成大叔。到那时候,我会努力过像年轻人的生活。 我会继续做音乐和挑战演技,但会比起现在更加地有经验。 甚至在那个年纪,我也会与更多新的人见面,挑战更多的领域。 PART 4 - PERSONAL 私人 http://youtu.be/Apg3Cus-tOY
Q:What do you usually do in your spare time? Do you recommend any good hobbies? 空闲时,你通常喜欢做些什麽?能推荐一些好的兴趣爱好吗? I enjoy hiking these days. I think it's really good. You don't really go hiking by yourself; you go with somebody. If you go with your friends, the friendship will become stronger. 最近,我比较喜欢登山。我觉得这很好。你自己一个人不会去登山的; 但你会和别人一起去。如果你和朋友一起去,会加强你们的友谊。 If you go with the person you love, the relationship will grow closer since you need that pull and push while climbing up mountains. It's good for your health, too. 如果和你爱的人一起去,你们的关系会变得更加亲密。 因为登山时,你们需要互相搀扶。登山也有利於健康,我鼓励你们去登山。 I really encourage you to go hiking. I also go bicycle riding a lot these days. I usually ride by myself. If you just run, you may feel bored. But riding a bicycle is not boring. It helps you exercise, too. 我也经常骑单车。我常常会一个人骑单车。如果只是跑步, 可能会觉得很无聊,但骑单车不会感到无聊,也可以帮助健身。 Q:If you could go back to high school, what do you wish to do the most? 如果可以回到高中,你最想做什麽? I would enjoy normal life with my friends rather than just be focused on following my dream. But I don't think I could, because of the dream and how much it means to me. 我会和朋友们一起过普通生活,而不是只追求梦想。 但我想这不太可能,因为有梦想。 Q:If a genie granted you 3 wishes, what would you wish for? 如果一个精灵给你3次许愿的机会,你希望得到什麽? First of all, I want to wish for creating a direct airline from South Korea to South America. My last trip to South America was too difficult. It would be much more convenient with a direct airline. 首先,我想创建从韩国直达南美的航线。我上次去南美太难了, 如果有直达飞机会方便得多。这样,JYJ就会经常很方便地去南美了。 南美人民来韩国也会更加容易。 Then, JYJ can go to South America more often and more conveniently. People from South America can also come to South Korea more easily. Secondly, I wish to live up to 200 years. Not that I become 200 years old, but 1 year becomes like half of a year. I always thought that the time we live is too short. Time flies so fast but I have so many things I need to do. 第二,我希望能活200年。不是我要活200岁,而是1年的时间相当於半年一样。 我总觉得我们活的时间太短了。时间过得很快,而我又有很多的事情要做。 Thirdly, I wish for the amount of natural disasters to decrease. Typhoons came to South Korea 3 times this month and people suffer from them. I wish that natural disasters would disappear. 第三,我希望自然灾害的数量减少。这个月台风袭击韩国三次,给人们带来不幸。 我希望自然灾害能消失。 PART 5 - OPINIONS ON ISSUES 对於热点的看法 http://youtu.be/EXP6MY2XPSk
Q:Now that it seems Psy has blasted the door open for K-Pop in the US, what are your thoughts on the phenomenon Psy has become? Do you think this will benefit other Hallyu stars? 现在似乎Psy已经为K-Pop在美国打开了大门,你如何看待Psy现象? 你认为这对其他韩流明星有帮助吗? I think Psy is really wonderful. When I see his activity in the US, I really feel that he's so great and inspiring. I say this to myself. He is always honest when he speaks. He's never copied someone else's music. He doesn't believe in making music just for the sake of making music. I think it was music that was created from his own thoughts and style that made an explosion in the US. His popularity is not just limited in the US, but it's all over the world. I think his own style and personality appealed to people around the world. His sincere music really appealed to people. Due to this one artist from Korea, people may have more of an opportunity to listen to other K-Pop music, which can strengthen other junior musicians. I think it will become a good opportunity for many other Korean artists. 我认为Psy哥是真的很棒,他如此优秀。当我看到他在美国的活动时, 我觉得他很了不起。我个人觉得Psy说话很诚实,从不会抄袭别人的音乐。 他不认为做音乐只是为了什麽。他的音乐表达了他自己的想法和风格, 在美国一炮走红。然而,他的人气没有局限在美国,已遍及世界各地。 我认为他个人的风格和个性吸引了世界各地的人们,他用真诚的音乐打动了人心。 Q:How far do you think K-Pop can go? What is the next step K-Pop needs to take in order to continue the sensation or go even further? 你认为K-Pop能走多远? 为了保持这种热潮或更进一步的发展,K-Pop下一步需要做什麽? I think we ourselves will need to work hard. It will require more time. We will need to show our continuous efforts, try different genres. I wish that artists in Korea were not combined into the one genre of K-Pop.I wish for all to continue to challenge themselves with new things and have the will to go worldwide. 我认为我们自己需要努力拚搏,这需要更多的时间。 我们需要不断地努力,尝试不同的风格。我希望韩国的艺人们不要只拘束於 K-Pop风格,希望所有人都继续挑战自己去尝试新鲜事物,有意愿走向全世界。 It requires more time, right? 这需要更多时间,对吧? PART 6 - GREETINGS 问候 http://youtu.be/XqCVtl4nyew
Q:Any updates on movies, dramas, or an album in the near future? 最近在电影、电视剧和专辑方面有什麽进展吗? I am looking for a new drama to appear in. A movie, "Jackal Is Coming," will release in November. We are still working on the ending part of the movie while promotion is going on at the same time. I am also looking for another movie to appear in because I want to. 我正在找下一部电视剧。电影《胡狼来了》将在今年11月份上映。 现在这部电影已接近尾声,宣传活动也在同步进行。 我也在找下一步电影作品,因为我很想参演。 Q:Finally, will you greet all of our KpopStarz readers in the US and worldwide? 最後,请跟所有在美国以及全世界的KpopStarz读者们打一声招呼! Thank you so much for the love that you gave. I have to say this to express my heart of gratitude. I really wish to meet all of you in person under better conditions. 很感谢大家给予这麽多的爱,我要说这些以表达我的感谢之心。 我真的希望在最好的条件下与你们本人见面。 I will work really hard to be a better musician and actor. Please continue to express your love. 我会非常努力,成为一个更好的音乐人和演员。请继续展现你们的爱。 I love you all. Thank you. Oh... I am embarrassed. 我爱你们。 谢谢你们。 哦...我有点不好意思了。 -- 想哭的时候 就尽量哭吧 真的 不需要勉强 等泪水流尽 笑容自会绽放 瞧 这不就笑了吗 ㄟ( ̄▽ ̄ㄟ) --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 chiajou:这是要考验我们的英文能力吗? 果然喜欢上他们 基本的韩文 10/01 23:32
2F:→ chiajou:日文 甚至是英文都要精通! (远望) 10/01 23:32
3F:推 ytteb:英文 我应该可以稍微尽一点力... 10/01 23:39
4F:→ std87177:我先贴上来 等等有空我在翻 10/01 23:42
5F:推 ryujsin:先看帅图在说XDDD 10/01 23:50
6F:推 yougottt:这篇我要配估狗服用XD 在中真的超爱深V的T恤>\\\< 10/02 00:00
7F:推 mistyrecall:大家不用那麽辛苦~其实他网站已经有翻好的中文版本了 10/02 00:06
8F:→ mistyrecall:http://tinyurl.com/9jtg73z 10/02 00:07
9F:推 tamaoi:突然充满想把日韩英都学好的动力XD 10/02 00:14
10F:→ std87177:哈哈 本来要练英文 10/02 00:25
※ 编辑: std87177 来自: (10/02 00:54)
11F:推 mxm:当粉丝真的要各国语言兼具..照片超好看!!期待新戏!!! 10/02 00:26
12F:推 ilia:还是谢谢std大 刚刚让我练了一下英文XDDD 10/02 00:33
13F:推 leerching:有中文版本真好~感谢提供... 10/02 00:38
14F:推 ytteb:学好了各种语言後要翻译也是种学问呀... 10/02 08:19
15F:推 yifang:照片超好看!! 10/02 08:47
16F:推 wel1721:微笑那张瞬间设成桌布~每次看到在中 都很想要念洛神赋~ 10/02 23:57
17F:推 perfumelady:闲云梗吗?XDD 10/03 00:06
18F:推 wel1721:因为真的很美丽啊~ 10/03 20:18

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