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田歌爷爷又来了!三味线漂流之旅 Grandpa Tota's Back Again! Drifting Journey of Shamisen 时间 Time/ 2018/05/19(六) 20:00 地点 Venue/ 江山艺改所 (新竹市兴达街1号) Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (No.1, Xingda St., Hsinchu City) 表演者 Performer/ 今井田歌 Tota Imai (JP) / 三味线 Shamisen 入场赞助 Donation For Entry/ 现场 At Door $250 学生 Student $200 儿童 Children $125 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 关於表演 About The Performance/ 今井田歌来自日本, 是位演奏传统弦乐器—三味线,歌唱的吟游诗人。 他在世界各地流浪,在剧场唱歌, 依靠节日在街角生活。 他的歌是诞生自日本土地的蓝调、 即兴出生的诗。 游走舞蹈与戏剧, 广泛参与许多独特乐人的共同演出, 是对人生微妙之处悉数尽知的男人, 并且是音乐亲爱的旅人。 By 舞踏家—藤条虫丸 Budoh Dancer Mushimaru Fujieda Tota Imai comes from Japan, he is a singing and traveling poet, with his Japanese traditional pluck instrument the shamisen. He wanders the world, singing in theatres, and living the festivities around each corner. His music stems from Japanese earthy blues and poetry born from improvisation. Crossing between dance and theatre, engaging in collaboration with many unique musicians. He is a man who understands the subtlety of life and a dear traveller of music. 表演曲目 Program: 古代传统歌曲 Songs from ancient days 瞽女(日本古代女性盲人卖艺者)说唱艺术 Goze-uta story-telling from our Middle Ages 地方民谣与津轻三味线 Local folk songs and Tsugaru-shamisen 今井田歌创作歌曲 Original songs from Tota 童谣 Songs of children 月琴歌曲 Moon-guitar songs ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 关於表演者 About The Performer/ ● 今井田歌 Tota Imai (JP) 我的音乐着根於传统日本古典与民间音乐,然而我时常演奏我自己的音乐。 1948 日本相生市生 1970 移居加拿大 却在那开始三味线音乐兴趣 1972 回日本京都学习三味线 1978 美国加州与华盛顿州的大学巡回演出 1997 发行专辑《绿地》“Green Earth” 2013 澳洲巡回专场 2014 发行专辑《樱花》“Sakura” 2015 芬兰、爱沙尼亚、瑞典巡回演出 My music is based on traditional Japanese music of classical and folk, however I often play my own music as well. 1948 born in Aioi City 1970 emigrated to Canada but began to have an interest about shamisen music there 1972 back in Japan to learn shamisen in Kyoto 1978 concert tours in the States, visiting universities of California and Washington,etc. 1997 CD【Green Earth】 released 2013 concert tours in Australia 2014 CD【Sakura】released 2015 concert tours in Finland, Estonia and Sweden. 活动页面: --

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※ 编辑: OscarJeff (, 05/18/2018 21:25:11 OscarJeff:转录至看板 NHCUE-Talk 05/18 21:25

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