IntlShopping 板


不好意思 你翻得不错 有些地方我的翻法跟你有些不同 参考一下 ※ 引述《wendy1130 (bonjour)》之铭言: : ※ 引述《wendy1130 (bonjour)》之铭言: : 我来翻译吧 : 现在没有事情做 : 可是我中文变烂很多 : 语意不顺或是文法怪怪的请大家原谅我!!!! : : Hello Everyone, : : Many students and faculty have approached me about the quote : : which Alyssa read at this morning’s meeting and asked that : : I send it to them. I am taking a chance that many of you may : : wish to read it yourself. The below quote is from February 4th's : : New York Times. : 这下面的文章是从2/4的纽约时报出来的 : : When I read it, I was struck by the shallowness of this man’s : : remark. Personally, I believe it goes against every message we : : try to convey at this school, and as parents and friends. : 当我读这篇文章的时候,我被这位先生的知识微弱打击到了. 话里的肤浅 这人的话违反了我们想在学校中传达的讯息 : 所以我,身为一个父母和朋友,才会想把这篇文章传达给这个学校的人知道 : : Appearances should not matter – nor should how many friends : : you have or how cool you ‘appear’ to be. From this point on, I : : will not buy anything from any Abercrombie & Fitch (or subsidiaries : : - Hollister and Ruehl) and hope each of us consider whether this e : : litist corporate attitude is one that is worthy of supporting. : 面貌美丑,你有多少朋友,或是你"看起来"有多酷, 外表(包含外貌和衣着) : 这些都对於你的价值没有关系 : 从这点看来, 从现在起 : 我不会再继续买Abercrombie & Fitch的商品 : (或是他的副牌----hollister & Ruehl) : 也希望我们每一个人都可以想想这种精英优越的态度是否值得去支持 : : The below quote is from the New York Times, Feb 4, 2006 -- : 以下是来自纽约时报的文章 : : UPPITY AND PROUD Most of you, take note. Mike Jeffries, the chief : : executive of Abercrombie & Fitch, doesn't want you in his clothing : : stores. : 自大的,骄傲的你们,请记下来 : Mike Jeffries, abercrombie的最高行政长官, : 不想让你在他的店里 : "We want to market to cool, good-looking people," he told : : "We don't market to anyone other than that. Candidly, : : we go after the cool kids. We go after the attractive all-American : : kid with a great attitude and a lot of friends. A lot of people don't : : belong, and they can't belong. Are we exclusionary? Absolutely." In : : a photograph, the 61-year-old Mr. Jeffries is shown sporting dyed-blond : : hair, blue jeans with factory-applied paint splotches and a pair of : : flip-flops. DAN MITCHELL : "我们只想卖给那些cool还有长的好看的人" 他(M. Jeffries)告诉 : "我们不卖给除了那个领域以外的人. 也就是说,我们追随着那些cool的小孩 : 我在跟随在那些吸引人,有良好的态度,还有很多朋友的"美国小孩" : 很多人都不属於这个领域,而且他们永远不能属於 : 我们很排斥吗? 当然. " : 在照片中,六十一岁的Jeffries有着运动风,染成金色的头发 : 蓝色的牛仔裤上还有一些斑点 特意染上的油漆斑点 : 以及一双夹脚拖鞋 Dan Mitchell : : Also, just FYI… : : In November of 2004 -- Abercrombie & Fitch settled the class action : : suit against it for $40 million. As part of the settlement, the company : : agreed to create an office of diversity, and to recruit more black, : : Latino and Asian employees after being sued for racial discrimination. : 还有,只是供你参考 : 2004年十一月------Abercrombie & Fitch因为反对他种族歧视的诉讼 : 赔了美金$40 million : 而且同意再开另外一个"分开来"的公司 成立一个负责建立公司多元化(diversity)文化的办公室 : 特别招募那些黑人拉丁人亚洲人职员 招募更多的黑人 拉丁人 亚洲人 : 呼 : 有些地方翻的不太好>"< : 请大家多多见谅呀~~~ 希望你不介意 有些地方我也找不到更好的翻法 欢迎网友指教 --

※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(
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1F:推 quackegg:Latino 应该是拉丁美洲人.........? 02/09 17:41

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