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※ 引述《Asti (宝贝我想要你陪我很久)》之铭言: : ※ 引述《tina666 (tina)》之铭言: : : 这不是诈骗信啦.. : : 因为我的帐号已经被锁住了>< : : 但我不懂的是 到底什麽原因要锁我帐号阿 : : 他没有称呼我全名 只有写Dear [email protected], : 只有写^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^这样的话 : 那我会觉得是假的 : 我收到的所有paypal 寄来的信 : 抬头都是我在那边登记的名字 : 比如说 Lin may-ru 或是 Jenny Wang这种 : (看你登记哪一种名字) : 不会只有你的mail address 我本来也以为是假的 但现在我的帐户就是被锁住了 後来写信问paypal 回一大串 看不懂他要我干麻@@ 密码早改过了 秘密问题也改过了.... Dear 我的名字, If you have mailed in an affidavit of Unauthorized Use of Your PayPal Account, please allow up to 10 business days from the submittal of this form for PayPal to conduct a preliminary investigation and contact recipients of any unauthorized transactions. Once received, if the claim is decided in your favor, all Unauthorized PayPal Transactions and PayPal fees on these transactions will be refunded in full. If your claim is over 10 days, and you mailed in your affidavit more than 5 days ago, please contact Customer Service at 1-888-221-1161. If you have not yet filled out an affidavit, be sure you have completed the webform at to receive the form. If you have regained control of your account and wish to have the account access restored, be sure you have completed the following: 1. Changed Your Password and Secret Answers 2. Removed any fraudulently added financial information, addresses, phone numbers, etc If you have completed both of the above, then your account access may be restored once this email is processed. If not, please use the instructions below*. If, after attempting the instructions below, you still do not have access to your account, PayPal may be able to mail you a new password if you contact Customer Service at 1-888-221-1161. If none of the above applies to your issue, please email our customer service department with a description of your issue at: or *We have developed a process by which you can regain access to your PayPal Account by confirming some of the information you gave when registering for your account. Please follow the instructions below, which will guide you through the rest of the process. 1. Visit and click 'Forget your Password?' link (you may have to click a 'Log In' button if our system does not recognize the computer you are using) 2. On the page that appears, enter your email address in the box provided and click 'Submit' button. The email address entered must be an email address you have added to your PayPal Account. 1. An email containing a hypertext link along with additional instructions will be automatically sent to the email address you entered in Step 2, Click the link 2. You will be asked to verify your identity by answering questions based on your account information 3. Click 'Submit' Once you have successfully verified your identity, you can change your password and access your account immediately. We suggest that you also review your Profile information and make any necessary updates. If you cannot verify your identity, click the 'fax information' link on the 'Verify Your Identity' page for further instructions to recover your password. **If you know your password and would like to change your password or your security questions, please follow the instructions below. 1. Click or copy and paste the entire link into the address bar 2. Select either 'Password' or 'Security Question' and click 'Edit 3. Type your current password in the 'Current Password' box, then either type your new password into the 'New Password' and 'Retype Password' boxes, or select your new security questions and enter the answers. Please note, passwords are case sensitive and must be at least 8 characters. Also, make sure that your CAPS LOCK is not on when you set your password 4. Click 'Save' to complete the change * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Some of the most common errors in entering passwords are the result of small differences in the way the password is entered. Examples of common errors are: - The password cannot contain any spaces - The password must be at least eight characters long - The password is case sensitive; make sure any capital letters have been properly included, and be sure the CAPS LOCK key has not been accidentally pressed * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PayPal and its representatives will NEVER ask you to reveal your password. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this policy. If anyone claiming to work for PayPal asks for your password under any circumstances, by email or by phone, please refuse and immediately contact us via webform at Thank you for choosing PayPal! This email is sent to you by the contracting entity to your User Agreement, either PayPal Inc or PayPal (Europe) Limited. PayPal(Europe) Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority in the UK as an electronic money institution. ******************************* Your original request is below: 这是我原本的问题 Form Message customer message: My account is limited ,and you ask me to fax documentation.but I don't understand what documentation should I fax? I'm in Taiwan,all documentation is in Chinese,what should I fax? and do you understand chinese? --
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