作者alljerry04 (Jas)
标题[分享] Welcome to the Windows Live Messenger 9.0 Beta!
时间Wed Nov 28 16:05:23 2007
Thank you for signing up for the Windows Live Messenger 9.0 Beta and taking
the time to provide feedback to our team. Betas are an important part of our
development process, we depend on beta feedback to help us understand how
real users use our software so we can make it even better. We appreciate the
work you do to help us.
Get Started
If you're new to Connect or to beta testing, check out the Getting Started
guide and Beta FAQ.
Next, read the Terms of Use and Release Notes. Downloading Windows Live
Messenger 9.0 Beta indicates that you agree to the Terms of Use.
You're ready to go, click the Download link in the left nav pane to get the
bits and start testing!
Submit Feedback
After you have installed Windows Live Messenger 9.0 Beta, open and use the
application as you normally would. As you run into problems or things that
don't seem to work the way you expect you should submit feedback. Make sure
to check the Release Notes and feedback others have submitted before filing a
new bug.
Check back frequently for news and announcements, surveys, and other updates
during the beta program.
Thank you
Thank you again for taking the time to participate in the Windows Live
Messenger 9.0 Beta. We look forward to hearing your feedback
A B 两台电脑同时开 MSN 9, 然後都用同一帐号登录
A 电脑送信给 C, B 电脑也会跳出对话窗, 然後显示出 A 电脑送给 C
的讯息, 如果 A 电脑把对话窗关掉, B 电脑也会自动把对话窗关闭
完全不知道是干麻用的功能 @@a
另外,个人讯息那边的连结可以直接点击了(和Yahoo! Messenger一样)
Kiss me when we meet,Kiss me ____________ . │
Greet me with your lips,and say you missed me.│
But most of all kiss me . │
http://alljerry04.twbbs.org:8000 网志:
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 编辑: alljerry04 来自: (11/28 16:12)
※ 编辑: alljerry04 来自: (11/28 16:13)
※ 编辑: alljerry04 来自: (11/28 16:17)
※ 编辑: alljerry04 来自: (11/28 16:20)
1F:推 connyli:使用中 :) 11/28 16:41
2F:推 yutaka:不知这个功能干啥用; msn真的病的不轻~ 11/28 16:42
3F:推 showww:呃...有点傻眼的功能 11/28 20:18
4F:推 l1O01l0O01:印象中好像之前有人问过想要类似功能吧 11/28 21:01
5F:→ l1O01l0O01:在公司挂msn 回家後也想开msn 以现在情况 11/28 21:02
6F:→ l1O01l0O01:会把公司msn收到的讯息关掉->不知道有收到讯息 11/28 21:03
7F:→ l1O01l0O01:所以想要可以在多处登入 一个地方收到其他也收到 11/28 21:05
8F:→ l1O01l0O01:9.0这样就可以在多处挂msn 不过怕公用被看到就是了 11/28 21:07
9F:推 gene7299:很合逻辑阿..不然多重登入要怎麽弄? 11/28 21:25
10F:推 eggimage:这些都还小事...cpu资源没事吃一堆那才严重...越改越糟 11/29 07:08
11F:→ yutaka:就是因为以前无法二地同时登入才会有[离线传讯]的功能~~ 11/29 18:38
12F:→ yutaka:现在搞这种新功能出来,相信会造成很多困扰,我真想不出好处 11/29 18:38
13F:→ yutaka:到底在哪里 -.- , msn算是个人用的帐号,怎麽会有这种功能?? 11/29 18:39
14F:推 peggytang:想问一下楼上会有什麽困扰?我办公室+家里都开的话 11/30 05:51
15F:→ peggytang:家里也可以留对话讯息 还蛮想知道有哪种困扰的 11/30 05:52
16F:→ microtech:如果被盗帐号,讯息全部被侧录… >"< 11/30 10:40
17F:推 peggytang:有人从另外一台电脑登入马上就会显示 被侧录什麽 11/30 11:31
18F:→ microtech:为什麽不会…好好想想吧! 这功能有程序上漏洞… 11/30 18:02
19F:推 peggytang:喔 是喔 想不到耶 高手是不是该指教一下? 12/01 05:56
20F:→ peggytang:千万不要只会炮不会指教唷 12/01 05:56
21F:→ microtech:喜欢这功能就用吧…只是提醒而已,不是来炮的… 12/01 08:47
22F:→ microtech:个人有个人的需求,不用这样酸回来… 12/01 08:48
23F:→ microtech:msn会有那麽多中毒的问题就是漏洞太多! 12/01 08:49
24F:→ microtech:这功能若没有一套好的可靠程序,很容易被入侵控制! 12/01 08:50
25F:→ microtech:如果这功能搭配"登入时间记录"会好点… 12/01 08:54
26F:→ microtech:像如果msn不是整天开着,只要对方知道你的上线时段或习惯 12/01 08:54
27F:→ microtech:在你没开msn时,还会出现你说的"登入马上就会显示"吗?? 12/01 08:55
28F:→ microtech:老实说真的有心的话,这功能真的是配套方案要做好! 12/01 08:58
29F:→ microtech:问题是"微软"并不会这麽好心…它有那套软体没有很多漏洞 12/01 08:59
30F:推 raxdata:好像skype... 12/03 16:37