作者alljerry04 (Jas)
标题[情报] Windows Live Messenger 9.0 Beta开始邀请用户
时间Wed Nov 21 17:46:29 2007
Windows Live Messenger Nomination Survey
Thanks for your interest in the Windows Live Messenger 9.0 beta program!
Watch your email for updates on the official start of the beta.
You have successfully applied to Windows Live Messenger 9.0 Beta and your
status is Pending.
Hello from the Windows Live Messenger Team!
We've been hard at work building the foundation for Windows Live Messenger
9.0, we'd like to give you a look at what we've built and ask what you think.
We're running a small private beta to get early feedback on the new features
we've built and get wider test coverage of the build.
As a beta tester you'll have access to an early 9.0 build, a private
newsgroup just for Windows Live Messenger beta testers, and the ability to
send bugs directly to the product team. The build you'll be beta testing with
is a very early build, so it may be less stable than beta builds you've tried
in the past. We're telling you this upfront so you know what you're getting
into. If you're not sure about trying a not-quite polished build, maybe this
beta isn't for you. If you're ready to dig in and explore this build with us,
follow the below instructions to nominate yourself.
1. Go to
2. Click "Invitation" in the left nav pane
3. Enter this invitation ID:
4. Click Go
5. Fill out the nomination survey
We'll review all survey responses and accept as many people into the beta as
we can. Look for mail from us soon!
We look forward to hearing from you!
The Windows Live Messenger Team
Kiss me when we meet,Kiss me ____________ . │
Greet me with your lips,and say you missed me.│
But most of all kiss me . │
http://alljerry04.twbbs.org:8000 网志:
※ 发信站: 批踢踢实业坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
1F:推 supermars:9.0 WOW我才刚用8.5 = = 11/21 17:51
※ 编辑: alljerry04 来自: (11/21 18:14)
2F:推 JFCC:稳定性 不能保证 所以不是真有心帮忙测试的 就等等吧 11/21 20:10
3F:推 yesonline:Invitation ID:B0-WBH8-FY44 11/21 21:50
4F:推 csbjoy:谢谢楼上 邀请ID我用了 11/23 02:18
5F:→ csbjoy:刚刚看了一下 这组是公用邀请函 11/23 02:22